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All about Pets!

Hey there ReachOut Community! 


I have noticed a lot of members talking about pets across a few different threads! You may have seen a few pet threads such as our Pets Weekly Wellbeing Activity, Cats, cats cats, Doggo appreciation and Birds chats- This space is to bring them all together into one Mega Pet Chat!

This is a space to:

  • Share stories of your pets
  • Post updates on your daily pet adventures or activities
  • Post photos (make sure they are anonymous!)

Can Your Cat Inherit You House by On Tap Credit Union - Arvada Chamber of  Commerce

Jess1-ROPosted 27-08-2020 12:21 PM


Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 28-06-2021 07:33 PM

Ahhh so cute @Philippa-RO! Also lovely to 'meet' you! 🙂

featuringmePosted 07-09-2020 02:03 PM

Everyone's pets are so cute! >.< 

Here's Zoe, adopted from the RSPCA nearly four years ago. She's outside in my backyard right now, soon she will (hopefully) be sleeping on my bed!


Jess1-ROPosted 07-09-2020 04:15 PM

Ahhhh Zoe is gorgeous @featuringme! Such a pretty colouring Cat Happy

featuringmePosted 08-09-2020 10:33 AM

Thanks @Jess1-RO , I'll pass on the compliment to Zoe Smiley Wink And Oscar is so cute, he looks like the loveliest boi hehe

wanderingwaspPosted 05-09-2020 12:53 PM

omg best thread idea ooooh


so ive got 3 furry babies. the youngest is my cat, which i adopted from the back of my old workplace she was initially blind (but it was only cat flu) but she is still deaf but this actually works in her favour cos she's not scared of my two big boi dogs!! they play like crazy together love it


the second one is my dog, pepper, she's fragile but feisty haha. i have a german shepherd but unfortunately my phone got stolen so i lost all my pics of him :(((


the last one is a cat i found in my neighbourhood she is well loved by her owner and always comes to say hi on my walks!!!! best life


Jess1-ROPosted 07-09-2020 09:33 AM
Loving your pet introductions @wanderingwasp, @ameliaj and @sunnygirl606!

I feel like pets are really thriving this year with so much more time at home. My dog, Oscar has definitely become accustomed to having people around all the time! I'll have to find a photo to upload 🙂
Jess1-ROPosted 07-09-2020 09:41 AM

This is my dog Oscar, he is a Kelpie and he his favourite game is playing with squeaky toys. He is a bit to old to chase his toys now, he will be 14 years old next month, but he gives it a good try! 






Oscars latest adventure has been playing with my partners little boy. He’s so gentle with kids! I was very proud of him for giving his all chasing his ball when my partners son wanted to play. For a senior doggo he is very determined! 

Masquerade_HSPosted 25-04-2022 06:22 PM

Hey @Jess1-RO,


Oscar is such a beautiful boy!! And he has the sweetest eyes! So cute. Is Oscar much of a swimmer? 


I have such a soft spot for older dogs, like you said they're just so gentle and melt your heart. 


This is our gorgeous boy Jake. He's 8 years old and Oscar just reminded me of him so much personality wise. He loves his squeaky toys too! 






sunnygirl606Posted 02-09-2020 08:12 PM

C9703EE1-B08E-4E4D-B9B9-A3445C510110.jpeg I love seeing all the pets! This one is my little baby girl, Mia. She loves cuddles, playing and sleeping on my desk whilst i'm catching up on uni. 

ameliajPosted 02-09-2020 06:00 PM

This is Mila! I named her after Mila Kunis because she's my favourite actress Smiley LOL we either go for walks around the gardens near my house or go to the dog park everyday, you can tell how much she enjoys it from the photo hahaha



Sophia-ROPosted 27-08-2020 12:37 PM

Awesome thread! I’m going to quickly jump right in and start this off with a photo of my pupper posing in the sun !image.jpg


Bre-ROPosted 27-08-2020 01:15 PM

This is my pride and joy - Papaya. We have recently moved in with another Whippet, her name is Maya and he is now way more interested in her than me Smiley Sad But, I love him to bits and when he wants me to tuck him into bed or kisses me when I get home, all my worries from the day just melt away Heart 




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