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I spend my Sundays unwinding and spending hours reading books. Share your favourite books here!


The last book I read: 12 Years A Slave- Solomon Northup

  • Page turner! Very graphic, couldn't bring myself to watch the movie :3


The book I am currently reading: Love Without Limits- Nick Vujicic 

  • Very inspirational!


Books I want to read next: The Alchemist-Paulo Coelho 

  • Apparently a good read, can't wait to start it


What are your favourite books? Share your recomendations here 



jvknPosted 01-02-2015 05:05 PM

Comments (24 pages)

BirdeyePosted 17-09-2016 01:06 PM
@N1ghtW1ng I think I'd mostly be worried that I was either going to miss my stop or that I wouldn't be at the end of a chapter when I have to get off.
lokifishPosted 18-09-2016 10:01 AM

@Birdeye I hate having to stop reading in the middle of a chapter! I'll often read before bed and I'll be falling asleep but will force my eyes to stay open until the chapter finishes 😛

safari93Posted 11-09-2016 08:49 PM

I decided on a whim to finally read all of the books I own and haven't read (slowly), and I've started reading Love's Executioner by Irving Yalom. I can't remember who it was on this thread who also recommended it, but it's so good already! It gives a really honest insight into being a counsellor and coping with your own insecurities

AschePosted 26-08-2016 12:18 AM

Nocturnes Volume 2 by John Connolly.


Stumbled across some of Connolly's work a few years ago and been in love with his books ever since. The settings of his stories definitely aren't for everyone, but I'd definitely recommend giving them a look, if you're not put off by blood, horror, and the general sordid nature of crime fiction. The great thing is that even when things are at their absolute worst, there's still an undercurrent of twisted humour that you can't help but smile at. The writing flows right off the page and into your imagination, and I've lost hours trying to put down his books and failing with every passing chapter. Well worth the shot, if you have the time. I'd probably start out with something like The Book of Lost Things or the Samuel Johnson trilogy if you're squeamish though, since his Charlie Parker series are most definitely not for the faint-hearted.

lokifishPosted 09-09-2016 01:19 PM

At the moment I'm about halfway through The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom. Quite an intense read at times but I'm enjoying it.


What's everyone else reading at the moment? This thread needs some love! 🙂

N1ghtW1ngPosted 09-09-2016 02:48 PM
I've had the first Harry Potter book in German sitting on my bedside table for ages now, but I would have to get out of bed again after reading for a bit for reasons which has kind of put me off night-time reading. I should start reading on the train again! 🙂 If I can fit the book into my bag 😛
BirdeyePosted 16-09-2016 08:44 PM
@N1ghtW1ng it's so cool that you're able to read a proper book in another language. And I always have a bit of envy for people who read on public transport - I'm not sure that I could. Another language + public is a whole other level of life goals

I feel like it's been ages since I've read anything that wasn't for uni. I'm trying to get back into it slowly with short stories, so for the next little bit I am to be reading The Elephant Vanishes before bed.
RevzZPosted 09-09-2016 09:58 PM

Despite having read so many books already, there's something about the books we read as children that makes them so special for some reason haha. My favourite book was (and quite possibly still is) the Very Hungry Caterpillar. What about everyone else? Lemme know Smiley Happy

ryvb3Posted 11-09-2016 02:26 PM

@RevzZ I liked reading the Enid Blyton's books when I was a kid. Especially the books about the Faraway Tree and this Wishing Chair. It was magical and I liked the characters that resided in the tree.


@lokifish That book you are reading is something I would like to read, so I added that book to my reading wishlist. Hopefully, I can get that from my library. Smiley Happy


I just finished reading The Next Together by Lauren James. I enjoyed reading it because I haven't read something that involved romance and time travel before.




lokifishPosted 15-09-2016 11:25 AM

@ryvb3 hopefully you can! I finished it the other day and loved it! 🙂

N1ghtW1ngPosted 01-08-2016 10:29 PM
@Craycray17 probably not, but I'm already onto season 2 of Justice League. I love it so much 😛
Chessca_HPosted 21-08-2016 07:53 PM

So I recently got a Kindle for my birthday and it made me wonder, where do the good people of RO stand on the physical books vs. Ebooks debate?


Also, anyone got any recommendations for books I should download? 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 22-08-2016 10:21 AM
All of them @Chessca_H! 😄 Personally, I absolutely love Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels. And Rick Riordan's mythology books (Percy Jackson, HOO, Kane Chronciles and so on).

I stand on both. I love books, but I love the convience of an ebook and anyone who hates on it has clearly never tried travelling with lots and lots of heavy books when one small kindle is perfect for the job. 😛
Chessca_HPosted 25-08-2016 05:13 PM

@N1ghtW1ng I'll have to check some of those out! Agreed on the travelling with books front, I love physical books but they're not the most convenient 😕

Craycray17Posted 01-08-2016 10:18 PM
@N1ghtW1ng hell yes league is on the list. Unlimited sounds cool actually!! Have you read the graphic novels?
Craycray17Posted 29-07-2016 05:13 PM
Hmmm, ooh I've been reading the suicide squad graphic novels which are great!
N1ghtW1ngPosted 30-07-2016 03:47 PM
@Craycray17 did I hear Suicide Squad? 😛 You should really watch Justice League and Justice League Unlimited, they're apart of the same universe but in Unlimited it expands to all the characters.
Craycray17Posted 29-07-2016 11:57 AM
@Chessca_H bummer I hate underwhelming endings.

@j95 I picked up a book about a year ago that I could not follow for the life of me, that's annoying but Tim Winton is a complex writer so makes sense! Even if you concentrate with every sentence to understand it, it kind of takes away the enjoyment of reading! Fair enough, give it another go after some different ones!
j95Posted 29-07-2016 12:00 PM
Do you have any suggestions for other books @Craycray17
ShadowPosted 29-07-2016 03:58 PM

I've just finished reading Breathing Underwater by Sophie Hardcastle  

Craycray17Posted 25-07-2016 04:30 PM
Yeah I can't wait to start it, @j95. You reading anything good stm?
Oooh I have it sitting on my shelf, @Chessca_H, is it good? It's also a movie isn't it?
j95Posted 29-07-2016 11:52 AM
@Craycray17 yeah Cloudstreet by Tim Winton but I think it's too hard for me. I'm not really that good at reading. I need to start with more basic novels so migbt leave Cloudstreet on the shelf and work my reading skills up then give it another go.
Chessca_HPosted 28-07-2016 01:23 PM

@Craycray17 I think the movie is meant to be coming out at some point this year? The book is really good, the ending is pretty bleak though 😛

j95Posted 21-07-2016 08:16 PM
That sounds awesome! @Craycray17

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