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Chit Chat

Sometimes I just feel like talking to somebody, just having a chat about stuff, not even bad stuff, just things. Thats why I'm making this thread because that is sort of what I'm feeling tonight. We can talk about heaps of good things on here, try to keep it positive. 

 Man Very HappyCat HappyHeartCat Tongue


j95Posted 06-04-2017 08:48 PM

Comments (143 pages)

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 28-03-2020 08:35 AM
Hi @Symphony7
Welcome to the ReachOut forums!

Unfortunately, we can’t break our anonymity on this forum, so making a chat on Social Media is pretty much out of the question. But we can still chat here, even if it is anonymous!
Andrea-ROPosted 28-03-2020 03:47 PM

Hey @Symphony7 !


Welcome to the forums! @xXLexi_Lou122Xx is totally right about our rules around anonymity, but we'd love to get to know you here on the forums 🙂 you can also take a look at our rules and guidelines here

Bananatime04Posted 02-04-2020 09:09 PM
Hey @Taylor-RO!
How are you tonight? 🙂
Taylor-ROPosted 02-04-2020 09:33 PM
Hello @Bananatime04, I am pretty good tonight. How about you? What have you been up to tonight? Smiley Happy
Bananatime04Posted 02-04-2020 09:36 PM
@Taylor-RO that’s good 🙂 I’m fine. I had my meds for the first time in a.. while. Only my sleeping ones though, hopefully they don’t increase my appetite.
Today I started my essay! It’s an analytical essay for English and I’m really surprised by how much I got done.. 1300 and something words! I spent most of my day doing it though 🙂 also have eddies eyes a trim because he was struggling to see and the dog groomers aren’t open.
What have you been up to today?
Taylor-ROPosted 02-04-2020 10:07 PM

I hope your sleeping medication helps @Bananatime04, I read your other post about the difficulties you have been having Heart It is really good that you started your essay.. 1300 words is a lot to get done in one day, good job! Does Eddie mind when you trim his eyes? My family dog has the same problem - he has such long face hair Smiley Happy I have been meaning to show you this photo of him, I hope you find it as funny as I do! I promise he isn't sad, he is just very gentle and polite! He lets us wash him without making a fuss. 




I had a few meetings today.. and I did a workout inside. Nothing too exciting! Thank you for asking Smiley Happy

paolalopez118Posted 20-02-2020 03:39 AM

Hi, I'm new to the forum, regards

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 20-02-2020 07:52 AM
Hey @paolalopez118, welcome to the forums!

How are you? And Hi @Bananatime04!
Bananatime04Posted 20-02-2020 08:20 AM
Just gonna delete my last post..
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 20-02-2020 06:59 PM
But yours was first?

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel like your post was pointless...

@blobby that's pretty good, and I saw your post, I just felt that you have enough support with all the different users there already. But I'm here if you need, just tag me on your thread!

That's really cool that you're doing the same musical, with the same role! 🙂

I'm also glad that you found your place, and made some new friends. I personally have also found my place, but school work is getting harder and harder...

I recently started hanging out with one of my crushes, and he might like me back! And it's funny, I got shipped by another person with him.

I do still like another guy too... But I have more feelings for the kid I'm hanging out with though.
blobbyPosted 20-02-2020 10:21 PM

@xXLexi_Lou122Xx i am so glad that you've found your place as well! it feels so much better being with people who support you!

i am 100% certain that you will be able to get through all this school work, it does appear to be a little tough at times, but i promise you will get through it! i believe in you!

in terms of the crushes, it's so cool that he might like you back. it's never happened for me hehe

hope you enjoy the rest of your night! 

blobby xx


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xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 23-02-2020 08:51 PM
Hey @scared01!

I’m not bad, just exhausted and trying to mop the floors at 7:50 pm. My parents don’t normally make me mop the floors at night, but I guess its because my sister made carrot fritters, and that involves oil. So yay, I get to mop the floors now! 😒

@Bananatime04 oof! I hate cutting chicken... I’d much prefer dicing shallots or something! 🙂
scared01Posted 23-02-2020 09:26 PM
urgh @xXLexi_Lou122Xx i hate mopping but im getting a steam cleaner one soon so it wont take as long. we only have a smallish kitchen and dining room combined thankfully.
Bananatime04Posted 23-02-2020 09:09 PM
Hey @xXLexi_Lou122Xx
At least it’s not 9pm where you are! It’s so dark here 😞
Have you finished moping the floors? I had to mop the whole restaurant before I left..

Like you guys don’t understand how much chicken there was.. and it had to be diced so tiny it took me over an hour to do and I’m not allowed to use the really sharp knives in the kitchen so each cut was so much effort

Oh well it’s done now. But gotta do it all again next weekend and the weekend after and the weekend after and so on. Lol..
Bananatime04Posted 23-02-2020 08:32 PM
I’m exhausted! I had a whole day of work today and literally got a huge blister on my finger from cutting so much chicken Smiley Tongue (I hate my job)

How are you going @scared01?
scared01Posted 23-02-2020 08:38 PM
oh dear what a way to get a blister lol @Bananatime04 sounds like an early night might be on the cards if your exhausted!

im alright, have just been busy and studying again but im abit bored of it now. procrastinating the dishes, shower more like it though lol.
Bananatime04Posted 23-02-2020 08:43 PM
Haha no unfortunately! I’m currently walking home so it won’t be for another 30 minutes that I get home and then have a shower, have tea, do homework, feed Eddie then I can go to bed.

Sounds fun Smiley Tongue just kidding.. got any plans for tomorrow @scared01?

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