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Kmart love

It has come to my attention that Kmart is taking over my life, as well the RO forums. So it's best we stop hijacking threads with our love for the store. Got anything to post about Kmart? Just post it here.

I just got an awesome new doona cover from there and I'm about to fall into absolute sleeping bliss.
j95Posted 25-08-2015 08:56 PM

Comments (11 pages)

N1ghtW1ngPosted 27-09-2015 04:56 AM
@stonepixie do they have lemon sherbets? Because they seemed to have vanished last year when I went looking in Woolies, Coles, Kmart(of course) and almost everywhere I could but I couldn't see them anywhere! (And was devastated :()
stonepixiePosted 27-09-2015 11:34 AM
Not that I saw, but it is back on the shelves at Coles.
N1ghtW1ngPosted 27-09-2015 05:55 PM
That's good at least, that they're somewhere.
Craycray17Posted 26-09-2015 08:04 PM
Happens every. Time. @stonepixie!
stonepixiePosted 26-09-2015 08:39 PM
@Craycray17 I don't think there will ever be a day where I walk out with only what I went in for. If it does ever happen, I'll be letting you guys know for sure! hahaha
Craycray17Posted 23-09-2015 12:33 PM
I have one of these at home! Curly fries, anyone?
j95Posted 23-09-2015 11:33 AM
Trying that out on Friday night homemade pizza night this week @Ben-RO
Ben-ROPosted 23-09-2015 11:43 AM

Hahahaha awesome. 

I want to see a picture of the Salami noodle pizza @j95

j95Posted 23-09-2015 11:19 AM
Ok ok ok what??? @Ben-RO I knew you could do that with apples cause it was the cool thing in primary school but vegetables? What about pizza? That's it I'm going to Kmart asap
N1ghtW1ngPosted 24-09-2015 02:51 AM
@j95 oh yes! I remember those! I would feel so cool, because my apple would look whole (minus the core :P) and then BAM! It's actually a spring!
stonepixiePosted 26-09-2015 06:29 PM
Went to kmart for some jelly beans. They recently had restocked the lolly section. Needless to say, I walk out with more than jelly beans. Opps.
j95Posted 25-09-2015 06:49 PM
@N1ghtW1ng our school got them donated to us cause we didnt have any cool stuff cause we were a poor school haha so i always volunteered for "spiral apple duty" it was so fun
Ben-ROPosted 23-09-2015 11:25 AM

Hahaha I know right @j95!? I reckon you could make spiralised salami and then have salami noodles on your pizza. It does leave this random core in the middle that doesn't get turned into spirals. But I'd just eat that as well 😛 

Ben-ROPosted 23-09-2015 11:16 AM

Yesterday i discovered that Kmart sells this thing called a vegetable spiraliser. 


Basically all of my veggies will now be in noodle form. 



benjamin_Posted 27-09-2015 06:30 PM

@Ben-RO that vegetable spiral thing is epic. Spiral all the things!

stonepixiePosted 27-09-2015 06:44 PM

All the things!


I fixed your post up @benjamin_!

stonepixiePosted 03-10-2015 09:08 PM
Sorry, kmart but I cheated on you with Big W.
j95Posted 03-10-2015 09:16 PM
@stonepixie you didn't.... I can't believe it. Have long have you been seeing them? Do you love them? I can't believe you would give up on Kmart for another shop, behind their back 😮
stonepixiePosted 03-10-2015 09:20 PM
At least I am honest! *looks around the room* They had this really cool book that I've been wanting for ages! How am I supposed to say no to that?
j95Posted 03-10-2015 09:22 PM
I suppose it's ok... just don't make it a regular thing alright?
j95Posted 03-10-2015 09:22 PM
I'm just kidding, do whatever you want.
I've been shopping at IKEA lots I love it
stonepixiePosted 03-10-2015 09:49 PM

But for real, this book is amazing! Love it!

benjamin_Posted 27-09-2015 06:30 PM

@Ben-RO that vegetable spiral thing is epic. Spiral all the things!

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