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Kmart love

It has come to my attention that Kmart is taking over my life, as well the RO forums. So it's best we stop hijacking threads with our love for the store. Got anything to post about Kmart? Just post it here.

I just got an awesome new doona cover from there and I'm about to fall into absolute sleeping bliss.
j95Posted 25-08-2015 08:56 PM

Comments (11 pages)

Bay52VUPosted 25-08-2015 10:16 PM

I keep wanting Target to be good, but it never has the right stuff, or I can't find things. 

Sophie-ROPosted 26-08-2015 01:15 PM
When I moved into my own flat after being in share houses for many years I got this "home starter" box that had like everything you need for a kitchen...

you can also get really amazing cheap appliances but the problem is that i always get the guilts that all this cheap stuff is made in terrible conditions overseas.... eeek! plus they break after 6 months
j95Posted 26-08-2015 08:46 PM
Sophie that is so true!! I bought a cheap $9 kettle and you know what... It lasted about a week, two tops.
And that's true about the stuff being so cheap because it's made in terrible conditions, oops.
stonepixiePosted 26-08-2015 11:33 PM
My teacher is always on about child labour, it is bad, but it makes the whole class want to go to kmart.
j95Posted 25-08-2015 10:01 PM
Hmm rivals @ElleBelle... actually, I do like Target but Kmart is cheaper. Yeah it's ok.
j95Posted 25-08-2015 10:02 PM
just hasn't got the same feel about it
redheadPosted 25-08-2015 09:05 PM
I went to Kmart today and for once didn't find something I was looking for. I wanted long sleeve tops but they already has all the summer stuff clothes out. I don't get it. it's still freezing in Tassie.
j95Posted 25-08-2015 08:58 PM
I use it to de-stress and as weird as it sounds, really helps me through a hard time.
stonepixiePosted 25-08-2015 09:05 PM
Hahahah. Oh J! I was going to start a thread for Kmart. Now they really need to pay RO for all the free advertising! 😛

I go in there to waste time. The last things I purchased from it was birthday presents!

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