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Kmart love

It has come to my attention that Kmart is taking over my life, as well the RO forums. So it's best we stop hijacking threads with our love for the store. Got anything to post about Kmart? Just post it here.

I just got an awesome new doona cover from there and I'm about to fall into absolute sleeping bliss.
j95Posted 25-08-2015 08:56 PM

Comments (11 pages)

j95Posted 17-02-2017 10:12 PM
Thank god for Kmart's storage/stationary - I'm using it for every single aspect of this new business and the paperwork for it
j95Posted 03-01-2017 08:44 PM



"We've got heaps of fun things to play on, but unfortunately your mum and dads trolley isn't one of them"



Hahaha I love Kmart, everytime I hear the first line I'm like no not this again haha


May_Posted 05-01-2017 12:56 PM
I've always wondered where the "heaps of fun things to play on" are?! I wanna play on them
lokifishPosted 05-01-2017 06:31 PM

Maybe they should take a leaf out of Bunning's book and have a playground in the store? I used to love playing on the playground there as a kid while dad went shopping 😛

May_Posted 05-01-2017 12:55 PM
omg classic @j95
j95Posted 28-12-2016 03:12 PM
omg last night I bought $60 worth of storage for my room from Kmart, my trolley overflowing because the containers were so big, I was walking across the pedestrian crossing and BAm! Everything that was balancing on top of the trolley falls out and is scattered across the crossing while cars bank up waiting for me to pick it up and go, some lovely people came to my aid but it was so embarrassing because I knew as soon as I let go of the trolley it would of rolled away but all my stuff was on the ground, in the rain!!
lokifishPosted 28-12-2016 07:06 PM

Hahaha oh that must've been awkward @j95! Thank goodness for the nice people left in the world


I really want to buy a little beach tent thing so I don't get burnt when I go to the beach (pale as a ghost over here :P). Wonder if Kmart have any... Hmmm *goes to website* 😛

PeanutJelly148Posted 19-12-2016 09:09 PM
Went to Kmart again, and i found these cocktail mixers things, was about to get them but then i realised im chrissy shopping for everyone but me..I'm not allowed to buy myself stuff.. haha
May_Posted 20-12-2016 11:05 AM
@PeanutJelly148 haha that always happens to me!
lokifishPosted 20-12-2016 11:26 AM

@stonepixie Glitter is love, glitter is life 😛 (I'm STILL finding it on all my stuff like a month after the workshop... I've come to accept that I'll never get rid of it all haha)


@PeanutJelly148 @May_ I do the same thing too! I find a present for someone and end up buying two of it because I totally also want one 😄

May_Posted 30-11-2016 08:13 PM
Kmart's sleepwear is really impressive....
j95Posted 13-11-2016 06:34 PM
I've been there pretty late sometimes, it's just fun @letitgo
j95Posted 13-11-2016 11:48 AM
@Nessa17 did you work at a 24 hour one? I'm always interested to know how busy it gets at 3am
letitgoPosted 13-11-2016 06:33 PM

@j95 I have a friend who works at a 24 hour one and often works night shift. She says it's usually pretty quiet at those times, depending on what part of the year they're in. e.g. as expected, 3am is quite busy around Christmas. Personally, I've never been to KMart that late, but I think I'd like to, at least once...

Nessa17Posted 16-11-2016 07:00 PM

@j95 No I didn't work for a 24 hour one, my store closed at 10pm at the latest. But during my years those evening/night shifts were my most frequent times I'd work, and the store normally started to quieten down around 9pm. But a few times every week we would always get that one person rushing into the store like 10 minutes before closing time haha


Like @letitgo's friend said though, the store gets super busy at Christmas! The store I worked at extends hours until midnight during Christmas and it's surprisingly still really busy even after 11 during that season, especially the weekend before!!

stonepixiePosted 20-11-2016 10:52 PM
My partner and I were in Kmart late one night, @j95. We went through the checkouts around 2am. It was just us, 3 staff members and security.
redheadPosted 10-11-2016 10:25 PM
Resurrecting this thread coz Kmart is awesome.
I bought all this awesome stuff to go with my new bed and so glad I didn't spend a fortune
j95Posted 10-11-2016 10:28 PM
I haven't been to Kmart much lately it's sort of boring because I have everything haha
stonepixiePosted 11-11-2016 02:57 PM
You might be interested in looking at their stocking stuffers range at the moment, @j95 it has all these weird and wonderful things. But other than that, I haven't really noticed anything new.
j95Posted 12-11-2016 09:19 PM
haha yeah they have cheap versions of the Tamogotchis @stonepixie ahhh they're only $5!!
Nessa17Posted 13-11-2016 11:38 AM
As someone who used to work in Kmart for over four years, this thread really brings me back hahaha. I had to quit this year because of full time study, but customers would ALWAYS come up to me and rave about the prices of the products XD I wasn't on registers, I was one of the floor staff and I worked in pretty much every section during my time there, so I got to know all the products very well haha
letitgoPosted 12-11-2016 07:46 PM

@j95 this is such a great thread!! I was at Kmart the other day and I found a book I've been lookong for priced at only $9!!! 

stonepixiePosted 13-12-2016 02:39 PM

@letitgo wrote:

I was at Kmart the other day and I found a book I've been looking for priced at only $9!!! 

I found a colouring book that was on my to-buy list for only $9. Needless to say, I didn't leave it on the shelf. Still haven't touched it, though.


Pretty sure that was the same morning I went in and the cleaner was there. I was talking to my friend how dangerous the piles of rubbish were, but before I could finish that thought, I blurted out "Ooh! Glitter!" Hahaha. 


I'm blaming @Ben-RO for my fascination with glitter. 😛

Craycray17Posted 25-07-2016 04:29 PM
Hmm thought replied, @j95. Wifi in that little servo sucked.

That table is really nice!!!!!! Very stylish, how does it look in the back yard? Sometimes Kmart hit gold.

Aw my friend's dog sleeps on their outdoor table too, I reckon it's something about being high up haha

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