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Self harm - coping strategies and alternatives

A thread to share tips and strategies to help manage self harm.

Tiny_leafPosted 16-04-2019 03:52 PM


Tiny_leafPosted 09-05-2019 09:45 PM

Does anyone know of coping strategies for seeing something triggering?

Every now and again I'll accidentally come across things in the shops or pictures online of what I used to SH with. It makes me want to do it again every time..

(I'm completely safe, just want to see if anyone has ways of coping with the feeling)

WheresMySquishyPosted 09-05-2019 11:15 PM

@Tiny_leaf  I think grounding exercises and mindfulness might help, as well as reminding yourself that you're safe. If you learn how to do exercises to slow down your breathing, it could prevent you from panicking or hyperventilating. I also found it useful to tell someone I was being triggered so that they could support me.

Tiny_leafPosted 09-05-2019 11:32 PM

@WheresMySquishy thanks. Smiley Happy

Those are really helpful for flashbacks.


I didn't explain myself well though, I meant seeing something that triggered urges to self harm because I'd used similar objects before.. 

Tiny_leafPosted 19-08-2019 04:49 PM

Just adding one extra idea that I recently came across.


Pressing your finger nails into the peel of a frozen orange.

Apparently this also releases the orange's scent which can also double as a grounding technique.

letitgoPosted 29-08-2019 06:29 AM

Thank you for this list @Tiny_leaf! I intend to try out some of those games when I get a chance! 🙂


It might be weird, but I find that cleaning/tidying can often be an effective strategy for me 🙂 

Tiny_leafPosted 31-08-2019 06:14 PM

@letitgo oh, I've heard of that being helpful for some people!

I think part of the idea is to help you feel more in control of what's going on around you (?)

letitgoPosted 01-09-2019 04:07 PM

Yeah, that's exactly what it is for me @Tiny_leaf ðŸ™‚

Tiny_leafPosted 08-05-2019 04:15 PM

@xXLexi_Lou122Xx It's so much fun but so infuriating at the same time.. I'll beat it one day..! Smiley Very Happy

linkinpark13Posted 18-04-2019 09:38 AM

I looove making those little origami puffy stars @Tiny_leaf ! I have jars filled with them in my room, a great distraction and cute reminder of your resilience and strength 🙂

McroPosted 18-04-2019 03:03 PM
This is such a beautiful idea!! Go you!
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 18-04-2019 04:31 PM
I found another one:
Watching comedy!
Particularly the 'Prank Call Meme' in Gacha Life. It's SOOOOOOOOOO HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 18-04-2019 04:29 PM
That sounds good @blobby!
I agree @Mcro.
blobbyPosted 18-04-2019 11:59 AM

I love your ideas @Tiny_leaf @linkinpark13 !

I have a few more:

It's not much fun, but maths works for me (as much as I don't like maths :/) I do questions on simplifying surds and quadratic equations, but whatever works for you is fine!

Invest some money in a heavy duty bag, fill it with clothes, and punch it! It's also a great way to get some exercise. 

Don't know if it is any help to any one, but these work for me!

Have a good day everybody!

love and hugs, 

blobby 🙂

gina-ROPosted 16-04-2019 04:29 PM

Fantastic thread @Tiny_leaf  - your ideas are great, and will likely help a lot of people who struggle with self-harm. 


A few other ideas I have: 

Holding an ice cube 

Screaming into a pillow 

Going for a quick run / sprint to get out energy 

Having a cold shower 


xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 16-04-2019 05:05 PM
Great Ideas for strategies @gina-RO, @Tiny_leaf!

Mine include:
Playing video games
Listening to particular types of music, matched for my mood...
Playing a musical instrument.
Drawing, or doing art in general, this is my favourite one.

I'm trying the butterfly one. I think it's a really good Idea!

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