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Short Sads

Hey everyone!

I reckon we are so good at supporting each other and this section of the forum is an absolute testament to that. A place where a lot of people reach out for help for the very first time ever and it's pretty awesome to see how great you all are at supporting people through that. 


Life isn't just full of big new tough things though. Things don't just get better as soon as we start out on our path to recovery, it's called a path for a reason, there's many steps! And sometimes we can stumble a bit and you know what, that's okay :). 


A couple of weeks ago I made a thread to celebrate our achievements together. And @tsnyder made an awesome one for us to talk about the new things we're exploring in the world too!  


This thread is kind of like the dark side of those threads - but it has a silver lining!


This is a place to let us know about something tough that you're going through and -this is the important bit- for us to support each other through those tough bits, to remember how to turn negatives into positives and to work on finding solutions together.


If you're feeling like you're stumbling a little or like you might fall, i want you to come here to let us know about it and to draw on the AMAZING support you folks give each other.


So post here with the smallest fear or what feels like the greatest failure and we will support you with everything we've got! 


It'll probably look like this: 




Ben-ROPosted 05-02-2016 05:07 PM

Comments (375 pages)

FootyFan26Posted 01-05-2017 10:10 PM
@j95 I do, and I know that it can feel like that but to us you definitely are not a let down... everyone would agree. 🙂
j95Posted 01-05-2017 10:07 PM
I also ruin everything
j95Posted 01-05-2017 10:01 PM
also I'm super good at being a fucking let down that's for sure
FootyFan26Posted 01-05-2017 10:07 PM
You definitely aren't a let down to us @j95. 🙂
j95Posted 01-05-2017 09:49 PM
I'm crying in my bed @Bree-RO what if I things never get better
j95Posted 01-05-2017 08:57 PM
No I didn't, it was supposed to be funny or something, and a couple of people laughed, I just ignored not. So stupid people still say those things, even worse when they do it around people they know it will offend.
Yeah we did @Bree-RO
j95Posted 01-05-2017 08:49 PM
It was a good, talked to some new people, was good to feel comfortable around people of my own culture after I heard someone make a really mean and untrue comment today at work about aboriginals.
Just been feeling crap all day though, mentally and pysically @Bree-RO
j95Posted 30-04-2017 10:05 PM
It's already bad enough that the visits have to be supervised I'm not a criminal but it's even more annoying they are getting cancelled, gets me down
Bree-ROPosted 30-04-2017 10:27 PM

@FootyFan26 loneliness can be really painful huh.. Is it helping being on the forums at all? You're such a great person, I really want to remind you you're incredibly valued and though you feel lonely you're not alone - feel free to start a thread on RO if it helps at all, sometimes things get lost in short sads you may get some more peer support 🙂


@j95 yeah that sounds super frustrating.. Especially as it is totally out of your control, you're such a good big bro. As they get older do you get easier access to them? 

I am logging off now guys, will chat to you on the forums tomorrow night after the day crew, remember your supports if you need them. Heart

FootyFan26Posted 01-05-2017 08:33 PM
I guess I kinda feel heard on the forums @Bree-RO. I don't really wanna make a thread because I feel like this a lot so i feel like I just have to get over it.
j95Posted 30-04-2017 10:35 PM

yeah @Bree-RO bit more flexible when they are older like my brother he is in resi and we can see each other pretty much whenever

Ben-ROPosted 01-05-2017 08:40 AM

Soooo i made a giant post about my thoughts about Short Sads, really keen to hear your thoughts over here

j95Posted 01-05-2017 10:00 AM
I'm just a fat of useless shit that is why I'm so crao at everything
Bree-ROPosted 01-05-2017 08:45 PM

Hey @FootyFan26 I hear you on the thread front that's okay.. How are you feeling now?


@j95 how was yoga? what's going on for you?

Bree-ROPosted 01-05-2017 08:55 PM

Hmm @FootyFan26 well we are all here for a yarn if you do want to chat about what's been going on for you lately. Thinking of you tonight.


@j95 oh that's pretty uncool, I hope you are okay - did you confront the person?  Did your yoga crew do the little meditation at the end?

j95Posted 30-04-2017 09:52 PM
Sometimes like on the day they'll be like sorry we can't have a visit today for reasons behind their control or something or they'll tell me a few days beforehand it's so annoying I hardly get to see them @Bree-RO it's not fair
Why can't I live in a normal family
j95Posted 30-04-2017 09:48 PM
Friday I think @Bree-RO but they've cancelled our visits heaps lately . I want to them see them whenever I want like other families, I wish I could share my birthday with them, it makes me so sad. They probably don't even think about me.
Bree-ROPosted 30-04-2017 09:49 PM

Oh that's frustrating! How much notice do they give you before cancellations? @j95

j95Posted 30-04-2017 09:08 PM
Yeah same @FootyFan26 I want to have my sibs here
Bree-ROPosted 30-04-2017 09:42 PM

Hey @FootyFan26 sorry to hear you're feeling down, anything you wanted to talk about?


@j95 when are you next seeing the kids? Must be a bummer missing them huh.. I bet they miss you right back.

FootyFan26Posted 30-04-2017 09:56 PM
It's just lonely @Bree-RO, not having anyone with me for support.
j95Posted 30-04-2017 08:45 PM
That was a joke, I will be 22
j95Posted 30-04-2017 07:45 PM
Don't feel things don't feel things don't feel things
j95Posted 30-04-2017 08:03 PM

@letitgo@Bree-RO i just facetimed my girlfriend who is in canada right now and i dont know if we'll be together after she gets back but its ok i will deal with it if and when the time comes its ok im not going to let it occupy my brain space too much because nothing has even happened yet so

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