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Drugs and alcohol and unable to stop

im feeling like im stuck in a groundhogs week. Monday to Thursday im feeling low and coming down then Friday to Sunday im on a high where I dont care about anyone or anything not even my own health. Its been like this since about 2015.

Im not really sure how to express what im thinking or feeling. I've tried talk to professionals about it but I end up convincing them and myself im fine and ending back up in the same spot. How do I remove myself from this. My social life practically revolves around "the session". Im at a point now where I can either make serious changes now or continue to let this addiction take complete control of me. How have people overcome this before. What small changes can I make to now that can turn out big results .

JimhPosted 21-09-2020 12:40 PM


WheresMySquishyPosted 05-10-2020 08:53 PM

Hi @Jimh! It's been a while.
How are you doing now? Has anything changed?

recharging_introvertPosted 22-09-2020 04:58 PM

Hi @Jimh, I'm going to second what the others have already said here - you've already taken such an amazing, brave step by being honest, not only with us, but with yourself about your drug and alcohol use. It sounds like you've been struggling with this for a really long time, which I am truly sorry about, so it might be a good idea to reach out to an alcohol and other drugs (AOD) specific service, if you feel comfortable? They might be better equipped to help you and might take you more seriously than the previous professionals you have dealt with? Having issues with drugs and alcohol is very common and absolutely nothing to be ashamed about, but you deserve to get help working through these issues. 

We are all here for you to support you in any way we can Heart

Tay100Posted 22-09-2020 01:54 PM

Hi @Jimh
Please know you aren't alone in this, and that small changes can make a big difference as you say. I second everything @WheresMySquishy  and @Bre-RO  have said so far. A small change would be seeing someone professional, as has already been mentioned- even if telehealth seems like a better fit for you if you feel you struggle to stick to going to therapy sessions. Another smaller change, a more internal one, would be to write down how you are feeling you when you want to 'get on the sess', and why. You could then discuss it with a professional or trusted adult. This small change will give you a lot of insight to work with and help you figure out how to turn things around, as you say you want too. It may also help work out the cycle you have created for yourself and how to break it.


Tay100Posted 07-10-2020 01:25 PM

@Jimh hi there, thought I'd swing by and see how things were for you since you last posted- feel free to update us or share where you are at, if you like. We are here to listen!


JimhPosted 07-10-2020 06:59 PM
Thanks alot for all the feedback its nice to talk about this anomalously.
Im a month sober from hard drugs.
Have had the occasional beer or two on weekends but am feeling quite
confident that I can over come this
TOM-ROPosted 07-10-2020 08:26 PM

@Jimh Thanks for checking in with us and that's amazing!! I hope you can take some time to feel proud of yourself for what you've achieved and how far you've come, considering all the changes and effort you've had to put into where you are now. 


I'm so glad to hear you're feeling confident about being able to keep moving forward with all of this as well Smiley Happy

WheresMySquishyPosted 21-09-2020 07:06 PM

Hi @Jimh! Welcome to the forums!
I think it's really brave of you to share your story with us. 🙂 I agree with @Bre-RO that you have already taken the first step, which is reaching out to others about what you're going through and recognising that you want to make a change in your life. You've been going through this for a long time, so I'm not surprised it's taken a toll on your health. If you have a look around the forums, a lot of other members have also struggled with drug and alcohol use.
Have you considered contacting professionals that specifically deal with alcohol and drug use? Counselling Online offers a service like this. 
I've also found this Beyond Blue resource helpful.

Bre-ROPosted 21-09-2020 01:15 PM

Hey @Jimh I just wanted to let you know that you have already made the first "small change" that can lead to big results, which is asking for help and being honest with yourself about your drug and alcohol use. It might sound cliche but it's 100% fact - by owning it and asking for tips on how to manage it you are actually making a big step forward. You have a lot of self-awareness and that will be really helpful in getting those big results you mentioned. 


Smart Recovery is a good organisation that run meetings for people who are trying to cut down their use of drugs and alcohol - gives you a chance to hear from others, learn ways of coping and know that you are not alone in the battle to be sober. There website is here if you wanna check it out. Also, we are here to chat to about this so feel free to vent anytime 🙂 

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