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worst week ever....

I just gone through my worst week.... I was supposed to film a dance video with my friends on Friday, but I got a bone fraction with my feet when I was practicing dance at home on Friday morning because I accidentally kicked the wall, so the plan was obviously canceled because of my injury.. anyways, it felt really bad because I live alone so I had to go to the GP by myself, take X ray in the hospital by myself in the morning... (because it's really painful so I really miss my families at that point). I also felt bad because that was supposed to be the first dance video ever since my lower back was injured and I'd taken rest for 2 years from dance, so I was actually super looking forward to that and now it's gone 😞

MacariaPosted 10-01-2021 10:33 PM


ayrc_1904Posted 16-01-2021 03:13 PM

Hey @Macaria 


It's been a while...How are you going? I can only imagine how painful and disappointing that must have been Smiley Sad


You are so strong for getting through it all though and I'm so proud of you! What kind of dance was it?

scared01Posted 17-01-2021 06:21 PM
hi @marcaria
im sorry you have a broken foot and that you had to go to the hospital yourself. i can only imagine how daunting that mightve felt
i really hope that this week will be better for you despite having a fracture.
AnzelmoPosted 16-01-2021 11:36 AM

Hi @Macaria 


Hope you are alright, and that your recovery is going well. It can be really upsetting and disappointing when something you are really keen on gets derailed for one reason or another. But I'm sure you will find another time in the future to make your dance video, and in the meantime maybe you can think up of new dances? (idk if that's possible if your resting, but just throwing ideas out). Do you know how long your recovery will take? 



November13Posted 12-01-2021 08:41 PM

That sounds frustrating @Macaria Smiley Sad Having to go through that all alone must have been hard. I hope you feel better and can dance again soon Heart



A_FriendPosted 12-01-2021 03:59 PM

@Macaria Ouch, that must have really hurt on both a physical and emotional level. How are you coping with it all? How long until you can dance again, can you plan something for that day/time to look forward to? 


WathanPosted 12-01-2021 12:04 AM
Oh no! It must be very painful and feel very disappointed to miss something you have been looking forward to. On top of that, you had to go through it alone. It must take lots of courage and mental strength. How is the injury now? I wish you to feel better soon!
featuringmePosted 11-01-2021 07:09 PM

Hi @Macaria, I'm sorry you went through that. Going to the hospital by yourself is daunting, and I think many other people will agree with me. Being able to go there on your own, especially during these troubling times, is an amazing feat! I hope you have a speedy recovery, and the ReachOut community is here for you HeartHeartHeart

WheresMySquishyPosted 11-01-2021 05:54 PM

Ouch! It must have been so scary having to go to the GP and hospital by yourself @Macaria. 😞
It must have also been disappointing to have to cancel the filming of the video, especially after waiting so long to get back into dance. 😞 Do you have any other things you can look forward to in order to take your mind off this setback?
You managed to get through this week, which is a big achievement. I hope you can feel better soon. Wishing you a speedy recovery! Heart

Kaylee-ROPosted 11-01-2021 12:01 PM

Hi @Macaria Smiley Happy

I am sorry to hear that this past week has not run as smoothly as you had hoped for! I can completely understand how hopeless an injury can make you feel, especially when it impacts the things you love to do most! Did you receive any information from the hospital about your recovery and any necessary processes you will need to take for the healing? 

I wonder if you would be able to ask your friends if you can be apart of the filming/editing process, rather than the dancing? This could make you feel apart of the project too, especially if you were looking forward to it Smiley Happy

Speedy Recovery! 

Get Well Soon GIFs | Tenor

MacariaPosted 17-01-2021 10:45 PM
Hi Everyone, thank you so much for your support, I went to the hospital this Thursday and the doctor said it takes at least 6 weeks to recover :(. I am okay right now, I just felt a little bit lonely and helpless at that moment, and now I just feel a little bit boring because I have to stay at bed for several weeks. My best friends are now at Melbourne at the moment, but I got a lot of help from strangers and that makes me feel great:D
For the dance videos, I was planning to do a kpop in public with friends and they agreed to wait me until recovery and film that.
scared01Posted 26-01-2021 02:32 PM
hey @Macaria
6 weeks can feel like a long time but i hope it goes quickly for you and you can find ways to pass the time. Im glad you got alot of help too, i hope that you continue to feel supported by friends and family when you need to as well.
i remember having a boot for a few weeks and it become quite challanging for some things.

maybe we could help you find some activities you could try out to help curb the boredom?
Kaylee-ROPosted 18-01-2021 11:05 AM

Hey @Macaria, It is so lovely to hear from you again!

I am sorry to hear that you're feeling lonely and helpless, I can definitely resonate with you with these feelings while being injured, it can be very isolating but it is so important to remind yourself everyday how lucky you are to be recovering in only a few weeks time! It is so nice to hear that you are going to be given the chance to perform with your friends when you have healed! Sounds super exciting Smiley LOL
Are you in a cast or boot to help with the healing? Do you have a way to commute around the house etc? 

It is great to hear that you are receiving some support from others, is this through an online base that you have been talking to them on? Smiley Happy

Sending lots of happiness to you during this time! 

MacariaPosted 24-01-2021 10:45 PM
Hi @Kaylee-RO, yes I am in a boot. One of my best friend just came to my home on Monday and chat with me and I am try to pick up my painting skills cuz its boring at home. The support I received is in my daily life and I think those are small kindness that I seldom notice previously, for example, people will wait for me patiently in the elevator
Kaylee-ROPosted 25-01-2021 11:56 AM

Hey @Macaria, oh yes the boot! How are you coping with having that on? 

That is really awesome that you are looking into strengthening your hobbies! Do you have any ideas of what kind of painting you're interested in trying? 

It is quite incredible how much you begin to notice what others tend to do for you once you're placed in a position of reliance, and I am glad that you have people there supporting you patiently Smiley Happy

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