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Uni Student Support Squad

Otherwise known as USSS! I'm back at uni this week, and I know some of you are too so let's commiserate over assignment deadlines, share studying tips and practice deep breathing together!

ElleBellePosted 01-03-2016 10:21 PM

Comments (60 pages)

N1ghtW1ngPosted 04-05-2016 10:46 AM
@Ben-RO Science! and Maths! and Frankenstein! 😛
j95Posted 03-05-2016 10:12 PM
It just happens so quickly, I think I'm done for the night. No concentrating is going to come from me any time soon
redheadPosted 03-05-2016 09:27 PM
@Ben-RO I just had to give some definitions of some sociology terms and couldn't find what I was looking for. I got the rest of the assignment done.

And thanks everyone for the advice, I'll use Google Scholar for the references I need for the next case studies I have to do.
ElleBellePosted 02-05-2016 08:35 PM

Hey @N1ghtW1ng, I think there are some apps you can use that will take care of referencing for you so you just have to copy/paste. I know Endnote is one. I just use some free online called Cite This For Me.

N1ghtW1ngPosted 28-04-2016 01:27 PM
@khaleesi_18 I got about 100 word intro but I've given up and am now eating lunch.
I don't actually know what the bit in brackets is but I'll email the LiC later and ask her. 🙂
khaleesi_18Posted 28-04-2016 01:24 PM
@N1ghtW1ng woo! Smiley Happy go you!

How's the assignment/referencing going? What are you finding confusing about the bit in brackets?
Craycray17Posted 27-04-2016 06:08 PM
Nice @j95. Does it feel good to have a decision made?
N1ghtW1ngPosted 24-04-2016 09:39 PM
It doesn't mean you're crazy @redhead. Maybe you could get help from the student services or your lecturer/tutor on your course work.
redheadPosted 23-04-2016 10:11 PM
Not looking forward to going back to class Tuesday after my holidays.
N1ghtW1ngPosted 10-04-2016 08:51 PM
And you have two weeks @redhead? 😞 My one week was over a week ago. I want it back 😛 Good luck with your assignments!
redheadPosted 10-04-2016 08:42 PM
We start holidays tomorrow 🙂
j95Posted 10-04-2016 07:41 PM
Have your holidays just started or about to end @redhead Vic holidays finish today
redheadPosted 10-04-2016 07:09 PM
I'm really struggling with my tafe load. Hoping to smash out a few assignments in these 2 weeks holidays.
j95Posted 29-03-2016 10:18 PM
I thought I knew what I was going to do but I just keep changing my mind every 5 minutes
j95Posted 27-03-2016 09:41 PM
Nice, which one is your favourite? I used to like all the sport subjects when I was at school but I think my favourite when I was in year 10 was Australian History
khaleesi_18Posted 27-03-2016 06:15 PM
Sounds great @j95! Super stoked for you and your work plans - they all sound like really interesting options where you'll learn heaps (and hopefully meet some cool people too).
j95Posted 27-03-2016 03:01 PM
At least I know I have a job while I look for something else
j95Posted 27-03-2016 02:58 PM
@khaleesi_18 cafe or bar work, even something in music, or something outdoors like working in nursery or something that would relate a bit to what I've studied in my landscaping apprenticeship so would be like the best of both.
khaleesi_18Posted 27-03-2016 02:31 PM

Absolutely @j95! You never know what you might find that you also enjoy! That's great that you have your apprenticeship/construction still as another option (just in case you find that you would like to go back into that work). What sort of casual work are you thinking of doing?

j95Posted 27-03-2016 02:15 PM

I like what I'm doing but I have so much other stuff I want to try @khaleesi_18 there is nothing wrong with dipping your toe in the water and trying out a few different things. I sort of would of liked to finish my apprenticeship but I can always go back to where I left off, the option is always there.  I always thought I would be in construction forever but things change, time to try some new stuff while I'm young. 

khaleesi_18Posted 27-03-2016 02:08 PM

@j95 man that's really awesome! I'm happy for you - I think it takes a lot of courage to take that first step and realise that you'd like to try something else, and follow a different path. It sounds like you'll be getting a lot of life experience too!

j95Posted 27-03-2016 02:00 PM
Yeah I'm going to leave my apprenticeship and just do some casual work for a bit, not be tied down with study and all that, just enjoy myself a bit, I have heaps of volunteering, music stuff and travelling that I want to do so I'll just have time to do work and do the things I like.
khaleesi_18Posted 27-03-2016 01:47 PM

@Chessca_H I can definitely relate to that, especially in the last 2 weeks before my thesis was due!


@j95 I think I saw in another thread (I cannot remember where now...) that you worked out what you wanted to do? Interested to know what you decided on!

j95Posted 25-03-2016 10:25 PM
I'll never know if I don't try @ElleBelle

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