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Awkward Moments

Hey R.O guys! XD

Let me ask uz a question ==> Have you been in a very awkward moment? I have! Here's a list in fact, share yours any time! ;D Love to hear them!


1) I was randomly looking around the room in SOSE, and just when I looked around I caught a boy full on staring at me, he didn't turn away when I caught him staring at me! It was so uncomfortable that I turned away, I think I blushed LOL!


2) It felt awkward watching a tv show my parents watch alone...  Cuz normally I would watch with them. My sister laughed at me when she caught me randoming watching it.


3) When you try to walk past a person and they block your way purposely, that happened to me like always and one day this random guy did this to me apparently knows my name!


4) When you realise people are looking at you alot and talking about you as they point at you.


Share yours now! 🙂

~ Doni99 😜

Doni99Posted 22-03-2014 06:30 PM

Comments (20 pages)

ChontyPosted 24-03-2014 08:44 PM

This is so relevant right now! I rocked up to an appointment today a little early. (About seven days early to be exact :[ )

It was super awks haha


Sophie-ROPosted 25-03-2014 11:20 AM
go team awkward!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm a fully fledged member! I reckon I would have one every day! For example this morning when I arrived at the office:
S: "How are ya Pete?"
P: Yea good thanks. How are you?
S; I'm good, how about you?

j95Posted 05-09-2015 06:23 PM

I completley forgot I was having housemates move in very shortly, one of them today, and I was relaxing in bed when I heard heaps of talking and noise out the front of my place. So I got up, half asleep in nothing but underwear so I could pop my head out the front door and see what was going on. Yep, theres the new bloke... wanting to come inside... and also I hadnt cleaned the spare room yet and it was sort of becoming a dumping ground for when i couldnt be bothered sorting out my clothes, so just piles of clean washing in baskets hahaha. oops. 

j95Posted 06-09-2015 08:31 PM
Eating the dinner I made for my housemate and I.

H: I'm sorry it has a weird taste
me: yeah it does... like dishwashing liquid
H: yeah tastes like that time I ate soap

We were both like, um...
stonepixiePosted 06-09-2015 09:58 PM
Just got off the phone to my parents. Mum was saying how dad was complaining that I never rang him for fathers day when they went out for dinner. The bloody fool never took his phone with him and missed my phone calls. Hahaha.

Oh no Jay! That usually happens when my sister washes up. She never used to rinse off the soap, although it was usually only the glasses.
j95Posted 06-09-2015 10:11 PM
I'm not that bad of a cook but it was definitely the inside of the ravioli, I won't be taking that for my lunch tomorrow anymore
stonepixiePosted 06-09-2015 10:14 PM
Dang! Leftovers for lunch are usually the bomb digity!
j95Posted 06-09-2015 10:54 PM
When I try to crack a joke at the supermarket and the check out girl doesn't laugh.. Ok...
stonepixiePosted 09-09-2015 03:47 PM
It had been a while since an awkward moment, so I knew that there had to be one just around the corner. Hahaha. Literally!

After my friend and I had finished her assessment, we left to catch our buses home, walked around the corner of the building and there was a guy, it scared the crap out of us and then the next think I know, I am laying flat, on the ground in the garden bed. My friend described it as planking. Such a crack up! Hahaha. Neither of us know how it happened. Still pulling stuff out of my jumper. But worst of all, I was wearing a skirt today. Good thing I always wear bike pants underneath. We still can't stop laughing about it.
j95Posted 06-09-2015 10:15 PM
It was just funny "tastes like that time i ate soap" we were both thinking wtf..
hartley_Posted 27-03-2014 02:35 AM

Ohhhh I love the double how are you, when you dont know whether to laugh straight away or run with it


Or even better is when someone says "Hi" and you reply with "Good thanks"


Hahahaha, when you both have obviously noticed too.. and you dont say anything

(You just wallow in shame whilst still pretending you didnt do it/arent wallowing in shame)

j95Posted 01-10-2015 09:19 PM
i plugged my phone into the stereo in our kitchen to play a new song for my housemate to hear and straight after the song finished Shake It Off by Taylor Swift started playing... I got up to unplug my phone pretty quickly.
SongbirdPosted 07-08-2015 11:53 AM
@hartley_ Or when someone says "happy birthday" and you reply with "you too".
TroyPosted 17-01-2015 12:51 PM

Awkward moment for today:


My gf's neighbour had a heart attack last night infront of her.


So this morning i text her "bae you alright from the trauma?"


Get a reply from my mum.



was possibly the worst. LOL



j95Posted 17-01-2015 08:12 PM

The awkward moment when your car breaks down in the red rooster drive through. 




when it's your job to get everyone's lunches at work and you get everyone the wrong things 




j95Posted 27-01-2015 08:00 PM

When I go and pick my housemate up from Kmart, but I'm actually at the wrong Kmart. 

"I'm waiting, I can't see you"

"I'm in my car, I'll wave" 

"I can't see you anywhere, come and meet me" 

So I stand alone outside kmart for 10 minutes...




Nat8Posted 10-02-2015 04:31 PM

@j95 cheers for the laugh. It sounds like something I would do.


Awkward moment for me: putting your foot in it...... regularly *face palm* 😞

KitKatPosted 10-02-2015 07:45 PM

I've deffo done that once or twice myself,@Nat8  ! Hope it turned out okay!


@j95 I use to work in retail and people use to do that to me all the time, aha. I wouldn't worry! My favourite was when you ask someone "How can I help you?" and they say "I'm good thanks, you?" haha.

j95Posted 10-02-2015 07:56 PM

@KitKat I used to work in  retail/customer service and once I went to the self serve at Coles, I scanned the items and my friend went to put his card through and I said "would you like any cash out?" had lots of strange looks. I also went to the supermarket once and said "would like a bag" to the cashier... luckly they thought I said "i dont need a bag" or they just thought i was a weirdo and pretended not to hear me. 

Nat8Posted 15-02-2015 01:02 PM

@KitKat yeah not really. It's always embarrassing 😕 

Nat8Posted 16-02-2015 06:32 PM

That awkward moment you're at the bus stop and overhear two teenagers talking about the bus route without them realising that when you reach the end of the route it usually goes in reverse. So the whole time they were saying "Oh yeah it's last" but it was acutally first.

KitKatPosted 29-01-2015 09:43 PM

I have two awkward RO-worthy moments this week.


1. I went to work with no shoes on! So awkward! I don't drive in heels so I always take them off before I get in the car, except yesterday I put them down on the ground while I packed my lunch and then I left them then without realising! I had to spend all day in the office with just my socks on.


2. I fell out a car! My friend has a two-door so you have to put the drivers seat forward to get out. My friend got out of the backseat and her seatbalt didn't retract. When I got out afterwards my foot got tangled in her seatbelt and I fell out. Scrapped up all my knees badly but my friends caught my arms so luckily I didn't headbutt the road!


My last two days of work at my old job and I'm having such bad luck! Haha. I think it's a sign that they don't want me to leave.

benjamin_Posted 01-02-2015 05:26 PM

@KitKat  that shoe story is just amazing, I don't know how you managed that. Then again I have a friend who put his wallet on his car roof while doing other stuff and just forgot about it or drove off. He did this twice and lost his wallet both times. 



mischiefmanagedPosted 14-04-2014 08:10 PM
I work in customer service so my day is always filled with awkward moments:

1. I get into a bit of a pattern of serving customers, "hi, how are you?", "have you got a rewards card?", "Thank you, have a great day". On occasions I have been known to greet people with "have a great day" and have been known to say goodbye to people with "how are you". Just a tad awkward.
2. When I greet someone but they don't answer me, I never know if to say hello again or if they purposely ignored me. We HAVE to greet every customer when they come up to us so to counteract that one a little bit later on, I'll ask them how their day has been.
3. When a customer is talking to another person or is on their mobile phone it is really difficult to say hello to them. (note: please don't talk on your mobiles while going through check outs, it is really rude and infuriates us!).
N1ghtW1ngPosted 14-04-2014 08:14 PM

@mischiefmanaged haha so true so true. 

I usually just 'ignore' the customer if they are on their phone unless they directly attempt conversation. But at work, I can't say "good thank-you, and you?" or something along those lines. So sometimes someone will say "have a good night" and I'll reply "enjoy your night/evening"... 

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