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Awkward Moments

Hey R.O guys! XD

Let me ask uz a question ==> Have you been in a very awkward moment? I have! Here's a list in fact, share yours any time! ;D Love to hear them!


1) I was randomly looking around the room in SOSE, and just when I looked around I caught a boy full on staring at me, he didn't turn away when I caught him staring at me! It was so uncomfortable that I turned away, I think I blushed LOL!


2) It felt awkward watching a tv show my parents watch alone...  Cuz normally I would watch with them. My sister laughed at me when she caught me randoming watching it.


3) When you try to walk past a person and they block your way purposely, that happened to me like always and one day this random guy did this to me apparently knows my name!


4) When you realise people are looking at you alot and talking about you as they point at you.


Share yours now! 🙂

~ Doni99 😜

Doni99Posted 22-03-2014 06:30 PM

Comments (20 pages)

j95Posted 03-11-2015 05:29 PM
ok so my brother has been staying over a lot lately and this morning he came into my bedroom and started raiding it for his shoes, which i never borrowed. He pulled everything I own out, turned everything upside down, convinced that I had them. This was all happening while I laid back in bed. He searched for at least 5 minutes. My housemate who heard all of this unfolding comes in to inform us both that the shoes are outside... not awkward for me but sure as hell awkward for my brother who now has to clean up my bedroom back to the spotless way it was.
N1ghtW1ngPosted 05-11-2015 05:43 AM
@j95 haha totally awkward for your bro! It's good that he cleaned up after himself though, I don't think my bro would've done that!
j95Posted 03-11-2015 05:12 PM
"Have you started the assessment"
Me: what assessment????
"Ok cool it's not just me then"

Plz just tell me what it is!
j95Posted 03-11-2015 05:07 PM
When it's a really serious moment but you remember something funny and laugh...

Or when you drop something in a store and can't put it back properly and the store assistant is watching you
redheadPosted 21-10-2015 10:52 PM
Locking your keys in your house :I
j95Posted 21-10-2015 09:48 PM
when you find out your spotify isnt on "private session" and you've been listening to really embarrassing stuff
N1ghtW1ngPosted 22-10-2015 06:40 PM
@j95 yes... but dogs! If I had snapchat I would be the same. With my birds and the cat included.

@redhead That's happened to me before! I lived in an apartment building for a month and a half and I was upstairs. My house keys were in my bag in the rest of the house but my host mum locked up and took the keys with her because she thought I had the keys with me. So basically I was locked outside and I couldn't get my stuff to go to school or anything.
The worst part was I needed to pee but didn't want to ask the neighbours or go across the street to the restuarant
j95Posted 15-10-2015 10:33 PM
Nothing beats being walked in on in the shower, ah far out! That is awkward!
stonepixiePosted 19-10-2015 07:51 PM
My social life in general.
j95Posted 21-10-2015 09:17 PM

H: why is your snapstory just 200 seconds of your dogs every single day, don't you have anything else to show people?

Me: .....

He was just joking but it is actually true.
redheadPosted 15-10-2015 09:04 PM
We just finished tea so we walked back to the car, only to find out the reason why the key wasn't working is because it wasn't our car. Our car was a two spots over. It was just the same make and model with similar number plates.
redheadPosted 09-10-2015 07:42 PM
Not being able to say the word advocacy all day while volunteering for an advocacy group where I needed to explain what they are to general public

Messing up a lot in my interview for the news and having one of those make the air 😞 oh no lol
stonepixiePosted 10-10-2015 12:00 PM
Yesterday, a lady came up to me to ask me if I knew someone, whilst taking away my rubbish. About 2 mins after she walked away, I realised my keys were on the tray. I had to go find her and I feel bad for making her dig through the rubbish bin for my keys. When we finally found them, they were dripping in bin juice.
Chessca_HPosted 12-10-2015 03:49 PM

@stonepixie that picture really is my life in a nutshell 😛

j95Posted 09-10-2015 11:49 AM
I thought my headphones were plugged into my phone when I started listening music in class hahaha, at least I noticed almost straight away could of been worse
j95Posted 09-10-2015 08:43 AM
When you stutter during an argument... 😕
j95Posted 08-10-2015 12:57 AM
When I was trying to create a post on here from my phone I accidently pasted a old very very personal email from last year (I had it copied to my clipboard because I was reading back through stuff and it copied itself), so anyway I thought I accidently pressed post which was so scary!! and it wouldn't let me back to where I was. I was really worried. I think it's gone. I hope it's gone.
Ben-ROPosted 08-10-2015 11:55 AM

I haven't seen it @j95




Once i wrote a pretty cranky email to a lawyer i was doing some work with back when i was a mental health advocate. The plan was to make it a bit nicer, but then i got distracted and hit send. They wern't impressed...but it probably also needed to be said 😛 

stonepixiePosted 09-10-2015 02:33 AM
When you prove someone wrong who doesn't like being proved wrong. There was so much tension, you could cut it with a knife.
Ben-ROPosted 07-10-2015 11:40 AM


This is basically me trying to keep it together at the Aldi Checkout.


stonepixiePosted 07-10-2015 03:05 PM
Talking to my psych about stuff that I struggle with when she yawns and proceeds to say 'It's all your fault!' (I yawn all the time in my session) I was a bit taken back by this but then I realised she was talking about the yawn. She looked so relieved when I made the connection.
MyvoPosted 06-10-2015 06:59 PM

When you stare at someone attractive ('mirin from afar), they catch you, and you try to play it cool:


Dwight lol.gif

j95Posted 06-10-2015 04:56 PM
Haha another one!! So anyone who shops at ALDI would know that they whip your groceries through the register like there's no tomorrow right? So I went there for the first time, not knowing this. So I was standing there with only one of those green reusable bags thinking that the girl would just put the rest in plastic. Ha nope, here I was trying to catch all of the grocery items (a trolley worth) that she was nearly throwing at me into the one bag.
j95Posted 06-10-2015 03:12 PM
So I get really bad blisters and stuff from my work boots so this afternoon I decided to fill up the bath to soak just my feet... guess who slipped and fell in his work clothes, me oops. My housemate just laughed and walked off.

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