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Three positives of today

Another frequented thread on the old forums. 🙂 
The idea is to look for three positive things about your day whether it's been good or bad.


I'll start it off.

1. I ate some Maltesers and they were very yummy!
2. I got some of my French assignment done. 😄
3. The new ReachOut forums. Am I the only one who was buzzing with excitement when they came on here? 😄 

LightuptheworldPosted 19-07-2012 09:41 PM

Comments (214 pages)

N1ghtW1ngPosted 04-06-2016 07:13 PM
1. Feeling awesome after showering.
2. Dinner was delicious.
3. Tidied up my room.
Creativegirl12Posted 05-06-2016 05:50 PM

1. painted my nails

2. got out of bed despite being exhausted

3. listened to some music, feeling less angry now

Creativegirl12Posted 04-06-2016 04:20 PM
1. Got some studying done, even though it's only a little better than nothing
2. Had hot choco
3. Been able to work on self talk
Creativegirl12Posted 03-06-2016 03:06 PM
1. All assignments done for this semester
2. Been resting, feeling a little less sick now
3. Able to sleep loads.
j95Posted 02-06-2016 09:50 PM
1. First day I've felt physically well in a few days
2. Watching good tv shows
3. Had soup for dinner
N1ghtW1ngPosted 02-06-2016 09:44 PM
1. Our new puppy in a cone! 😄
2. Pizza dinner.
3. Mint flavoured drumsticks.
khaleesi_18Posted 01-06-2016 09:08 PM
Awesome work on the assignment @N1ghtW1ng!

Glad to hear you're feeling better @j95! Cold Rock is soo good
Bay52VUPosted 01-06-2016 09:59 PM

1. Finished a quiz I'd been procrastinating on.

2. Made bolognese which is halfway to the lasagne I'm making tomorrow.

3. Got to see my family's dog over skype.

Bay52VUPosted 02-06-2016 09:04 PM

1. Made lasagne.

2. Tried a short mindfulness thing while I was feeling ok, and it was predictably ok.

3. Going to try to have an early night.

N1ghtW1ngPosted 01-06-2016 09:01 PM
Nothing stops waffles @j95 😛
N1ghtW1ngPosted 01-06-2016 08:28 PM
1. Got some actual work done on my assignment AND have two days until it's due. (First assignment that I've productively done before the due day :P)
2. The bird didn't poo on the floor this morning.
3. Dinner was nice
4. I'm feeling a bit better
j95Posted 01-06-2016 08:41 PM
1. Feeling quite a bit better than last night (physically)
2. My doctor gave me some pain meds and they have helped so much
3. I ate some fruit today, first thing I've eaten without pain in a couple days cause I've felt so sick
4. Despite being sick I still went to Cold Rock for waffle night 😂
5. Hanging out with my dogs
N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-05-2016 10:08 PM
1. Ju jitsu
2. Doritoes
3. Chillness
Creativegirl12Posted 31-05-2016 05:53 PM
1. Pretty much done with last assignments yay, finally
2. Got things done despite being exhausted
3. Wrapped up warm in my duvet. It's freezing
Creativegirl12Posted 30-05-2016 06:13 PM
1. Got some studying done. Finally. I think I'm going to be finished with my last assignment soon.
2. Has some hot chocolate
3. Took a nice relaxing shower
N1ghtW1ngPosted 28-05-2016 08:25 PM
1. Ju jitsu demo 🙂
2. CHILDREN!!!! Sweet, innocent and murderous children. 😛
3. Excellent spring rolls for lunch
4. Three awesome movies on tonight. Ice Age 3, Shrek 4(the rumpelstilskin one) and Toy Story 3.
5. Watching Ice Age the Dinosaur Revolution 😄
6. Tiny child hangbag. I.E. picking up a tiny child by their belt and carrying them around. 10/10 recommend Robot LOL
7. Baby Peaches! (Ice Age)
8. EXCELLENT doughnuts. I think they were made freshly there.
Creativegirl12Posted 28-05-2016 06:49 PM
1. Slept in
2. Rested up today. Had a easy day.
3. My cold is improving.
Craycray17Posted 27-05-2016 11:18 PM
1. Last day of the semester
2. Finished off my last assignment
3. My friend helped me out when I was stressed which was so nice
N1ghtW1ngPosted 27-05-2016 07:51 PM
1. The giant chips and doritoes were on special
This is hard.
2. I was helpful today.
3. I went outdoors.
Bay52VUPosted 27-05-2016 02:14 PM
1. Managed to get out of bed this morning feeling like an actual human being after doing a 54321 things you can see/feel/hear/smell/taste thing and a couple of songs on the guitar.
2. Friday = bacon and eggs at work day
3. Friday = early home-time
Creativegirl12Posted 25-05-2016 07:18 PM
1. Got a lot of studying despite despite feeling ugh and tired
2. Had a relaxing cup of tea.
3. Wearing over sized hoodie to keep me warm.
j95Posted 26-05-2016 11:19 PM
1. Had the day off because the weather was gross
2. Spent the day looking after me, started gathering everything I need to make this dollhouse for my siblings.
3. Went to the gym, this really helped keep my anger and negative emotions in check tonight. I felt better than I have been lately.
4. My bed is so cosy
Chessca_HPosted 27-05-2016 01:42 PM

1. Had a really good nights sleep last night

2. Nice and sunny outside today

3. Had a cup of lemon and ginger tea that made me feel better 

j95Posted 24-05-2016 07:21 PM
4. The gym was 👌🏽👌🏽
j95Posted 24-05-2016 07:19 PM
1. Went to work again and it was a pretty nice day
2. After everything I've acheiveed in the last couple of days I decided to reward myself with hot chips for dinner appointment with my psychologist also went well @Kaz-RO

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