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Three positives of today
Another frequented thread on the old forums. 🙂
The idea is to look for three positive things about your day whether it's been good or bad.
I'll start it off.
1. I ate some Maltesers and they were very yummy!
2. I got some of my French assignment done. 😄
3. The new ReachOut forums. Am I the only one who was buzzing with excitement when they came on here? 😄
1. Really looking forward to playing this new game on the switch when i get home!
We got it on the weekend, and I was surprised by how much fun it is, and how much of a workout you get! Plus it is seriously hilarious to watch other friends/family members playing it.
Great way to get an endorphin hit and some giggles!
2. The weather today is absolutely gorgeous, after a super wild weekend in Sydney. It's sunny, warm, and clear - i really appreciated just being able to walk outside to get my lunch.
3. I am saving up a great podcast for my commute home - Josh Gadd (From Frozen fame!) chatting to Dax Shepherd on armchair expert. I recently finished listening to a fictional podcast type thing he did, completely different to frozen or disney movies (much darker!) and he seems like a really interesting dude. Looking forward to it!
@Bee the jellycat ones are so lovely aren't they! @Jess1-RO isn't it nice to see and hear more birds around again, I've been noticing it too - I was woken up by kookaburras this morning, and it made me smile 🙂
My three positives of today:
1. I listened to a playlist I haven't listened too in forever on my way to work this morning, it made me smile and brought back so many good memories
2. Come From Away is coming to Sydney - it's a musical that I've heard amazing things about but has only played in Melbourne so far, hoping to pick up some tickets once they go on sale!
3. One of my hanging baskets got absolutely frizzled in the heatwave on the weekend ( it was really pretty pink petunias like these
They are now mostly dead and very sad - but hopefully will recover - but I picked up a basket of "string of bananas" to put where they used to go, they will hopefully be indestructible
and look super cool.
2. Got organised and accomplished some tasks I've been putting off today
3. Enjoyed some sunshine and painted outside!
2. Watching some good ol' Bondi Rescue and I'm a Celebrity get me out of here!. Such good shows!
3. Going to head to bed to catch some z's to heal my head. 😐
1. Loving my riding lessons. I'm so glad I started again.
2. Moved my room around, it's kinda meh but oh well.
3. Top tier pencils were half price, and I got some and I love them.
4. Finally did up my clipboard to-do lists. Can't say if they're working, but it's a nice reminder to have there.
5. The weather has been garbage, so I'm glad I swim for work.
6. Bought a nice pair of jeans for riding.
7. My riding boots came in early, and I found them from a regular shoe store (which means cheaper)
8. More LEGO, the mythical creatures creator set was on special so I bought it and now the spider is sitting on my desk
9. I put the other two 3 in 1 creator sets (under the sea and dinosaur) in boxes in my desk so I can build them easily.
10. Made breakfast muffins to eat AND ate them. (need to make more now though :P)
11. Bought new black shorts and I like them.
12. Got some new singlets, nice.
13. Riding lessons are great.
14. Put my lego figures back up on my wall over my desk. It's awesome.
15. Been pretty active with ju jitsu and work I suppose
16. Gonna meet up with a friend next week.
17. Bought the Lego Movie 2 video game
18. Finished my Lego Jurassic World game I forgot about from ages ago
19. Then immediately replayed it 😛
20. Finished watching Rescue Bots Academy, it's so cute and cheesy.
21. Did a drawing.
22. Made a whole lot of positivity stuff.
23. Made dinner the other night (it was just ravioli, but I made it)
24. logged onto RO
25. was honest and open about how I've been feeling recently
26. Aircon. Beautiful, wonderful aircon.
27. My dog had some little flowers on his head the other day.
28. They're so cute.
29. My cat keeps lying on her back because it's so hot and she looks adorable
30. Just turned my air con on 🙂
31. The plants out my window are flowering and they're very pretty.
32. Work feeds us lollies because we don't get a break (not their fault, but the schools who organise it all)
33. I was very productive last weekend and got everything bar one thing on my list done.
34. Work was very nice when I was sick and couldn't work.
35. Tutoring is alright (and nearly over)
36. The weather feels really nice right after I get out of the pool and am not dripping but still a little damp and cool so everything feels great.
37. Music.
38. the Dragon Prince season 3 released (though I haven't seen it yet)
39. Been watching Heartland and it's nice.
40. Responded to a bunch of emails yesterday that had been sitting for days (at least a week for one!)
Aaand there's an even number so I'm all done, for now that is 😉
Wow @N1ghtW1ng, I love all those positives, how fabulous! Here are three of mine
1. I got engaged last week and I'm SO excited about it.
2. I found out today that I received the mark I wanted for my uni subjects this year! All that hard work paid off.
3. I ate a delicious croissant with my fiancé today.
1. Have been following along with an advent colouring calander with a colouring group I'm in, we're colouring a cookie a day from the artist the group is in reference too. It's been fun seeing how everyone interprets one little cookie differently
2. Finished a colouring page recently which made me smile
3. Started a colouring page of an owl and have used different blends across the body and I think he looks pretty neat
4. Got a lovely long and affectionate smooch from my female cat yesterday, it was heart warming
5. Had a cool Epsom salt bath last night which was soothing
6. Fell asleep soon adter going to bed
7. Lovely chats with friends recently
8. Watching McClouds Daughters on Stan and enjoying it (tried to start it a while back and didn't get very far)
1. Finally finished work so that was great.
2. Went to the movies with a friend!
3. It was an awesome movie!
4. And it was amazing to hang out with my friend again
5. Riding lessons are wonderful 😄
6. Last week of tutoring a success, yay 🙂
7. Last week of ju jitsu also a success, yay 😛
8. Oh my gosh our annual break-up christmas party was fantastic. Allow me to list the positives:
9. Jumping castle
10. This is very important, there was a jumping castle
11. And I bounced on it.
12. Did I mention the jumping castle yet?
13. 😛
14. Lots of great food
15. Kids are fun and it's great.
16. The weather wasn't too hot, thankfully.
17. All in all it was a really great day.
18. Defeated the kids who challenged me in sock wrestling 😛
19. Helped my sister with picking something up.
20. Successful day.
21. Honestly not much has happened. It's been so boring.
@N1ghtW1ng jumping castles are amazing!
My three positives for today:
1. I woke up before my alarm today (that normally never happens) and I felt well rested
2. My barista anticipated my coffee order- so much love for the cafe!
3. I am seeing a friend tonight
1. Woke with my cat beside my head, we had morning cuddles and purrs

2. The headache I've had since Friday's migraine is officially gone didn't have pain yesterday or today when waking!
3. It's one of my days' off work and I don't have much planned, so can chill most of the day 🙂
@Bee that sounds like the best way to wake up
My three positives are..
- I'm feeling really excited to spend Christmas with my family. Talking with my mum today about Christmas food made me very happy.
- Had pizza for lunch
- Went to the beach yesterday, so I'm feeling suuuuper relaxed after spending time at my happy place
More from yesterday
4. I managed to get through my psych appointment and interact despite feeling incredibly anxious as I heard her walk out of the session room!
5. I ran into a friend in the supermarket last night 🙂
6. My cat decided that my bed was the purfect place to sleep again last night.

1. Woke early for work
2. I managed to ask my manager for help with something despite feeling like I was a fool for needing help
3. I ran into a colleague downstairs and had a bit of a chat, I didn't recognize him at first because he shaved his beard and hair and was wearing a hat 🙂
This is from the last week...
1. Found out I'm getting glasses.
2. Chose a funky pair to go with my reindeer antlers.
3. Mum vented to me, which doesn't happen often, and now I know how to help her out more, and become more reponsible.
4. Cleaned the library for her.
5. Became more responsible.
6. Found a good book to read.
7. Mystery and crime solving.
8. Finishing christmas prezzies.
9. The pool - so nice and cool!
10. New bikini top, one that actually fits.
11. New one piece swimmers.
12. Holidays.
13. Christmas light hunting.
14. Carols.
15. Sheer beauty of christmas trees and lights.
16. Pencils and colouring/drawing.
17. Sketch books.
18. Pretty flowers.
19. My room is finally not so bright, so I can finally get some sleep without having the sun wake me up!
20. My canopy is up, and it's so pretty where I've put it!
21. Going on holiday for a few days, which I never get to do.
22. Figuring out that I like different sorts of clothes, both in the male sections of shops, and female sections of shops.
23. YouTube.
24. Black head removals.
25. Gacha life videos.
26. RO.
27. Hair styles.
28. Hair Chalk.
29. Positivity bursting out my seams 😛
30. Awesome users.
31. Uniforms for new school.
32. Amazing hat with uniform.
33. Christmas cards from distant family.
34. Books.
35. Church family.
36. Video games.
37. Nearly whole family has glasses, making it easier to feel good about my own glasses:).
38. My littlest siblings playing nicely for once, this morning they're playing with a cardboard nativity set.
39. Cool snake lay in our pond for 4 days straight.
40. Left us a snake skin present for its accommodation.
41. Dreams that possibly will never happen in real life.
42. Being human.
43. Cooking white Christmas - I make a pretty good one... 😛
44. It was delicious.
45. The ability to give to others who make things work in a congregation.
46. Pretty angels with different poses and accessories.
47. Tinsel.
48. Ornaments.
49. Harry Potter clothing 🙂
Aaaannd lucky last but not least,
50. Having such wonderful thread ideas from different types of users!
// You are worth Something, not Nothing. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise //

My positives today:
1. Had a good chat with my barista this morning
2. Seeing a truck wrapped in tinsel on my way to the station (Loved the decorating creativity!)
3. My friend got engaged!

My positives today:
1. I ate chocolate
2. I got to see my partner today
3. I got to watch some anime to relax
1. I did some shopping with mum
2. I found these adorable tangles in Kmart! Naturally, I had to get them! 😛
3. I had some gentle play with my girl kitty this afternoon, and the way her eyes and face lit up when I started playing with her was simply the best!
4. I had afternoon tea out with mum 🙂
@Bee I also have the tangle with the cute kitty! I got a few more recently as well. 🙂
1. I got to play with some putties I found while shopping on Boxing Day. One was magnetic and I found lots of tricks to do with it.
2. My extended family might be coming over again this evening.
3. I got to eat gravy fries. Yay!
4. I saw a job ad that sounded interesting and I met the selection criteria, so I've decided to send in my resume and a cover letter and see what comes out of it.
5. One of our family friends had surgery yesterday. The doctors were initially worried that they might find cancer, but now they have said that it is not cancerous.
Good luck on the job!
(That reminds me, I also applied for one recently, I don't exactly remember what day though haha)
1. Crying relieved some of the stress from work today
2. Kitty Cuddles
3. I finished processing the wedding photos I took at the start of the month! 🙂
4. Listening to piano ballads is soothing
2. Last day of 2019 today!
3. Having RO to chat with other users.
2. Pink red hair.
3. Having some alone time today. 🙂
2. Saw one of my old colleagues at a shop I went through
3. Made a yummy salad for lunch
1. I had bubble tea!
2. I went to the gym and I did both weight training and some sprints.
3. I had a really yum salad from my favourite salad bar.
4. I got to watch some anime!
1. Went on a run around the property, and in total, I ran 6km!
2. Had less sugar than I normally would, which should help make my life a bit happier and healthier!
3. I started yet another drawing, but its not finished yet. I can't wait to show you all on the art thread!
// You are worth Something, not Nothing. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise //

1. I got to have my porridge with strawberries. Always feels like a treat.
2. I get to walk around on my break because today isn't scorching hot.
3. I also have a healthy lunch again today.. woohoo!
2. Dyed my hair yesterday.
3. Went for a run around the 2 houses to get my steps up for my fitbit. Sooo many laps to equate to 1 km!