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Today I practiced self care by...

Hello people of RO Smiley Happy


I wanted to make a thread where we could all keep track of our self care and encourage each other to take care of ourselves.



Today I practiced self care by taking a break from my assignment for some fresh air. How did you practice self care today?


JanaGPosted 18-04-2017 03:20 PM

Comments (50 pages)

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 05-12-2019 08:04 PM
Have fun with your swim @MisoBear!

I practiced self-care by going for yet another swim!
MB95Posted 05-12-2019 11:41 PM

Today I practiced self-care by painting my toe nails, doing a face mask, cleaning my room, calling my mum and going to the movies/dinner with a couple of my workmates. 


I've been struggling alot lately and haven't practiced self-care in a few months or connected much with anyone but after reading some of the posts on RO I was inspired and reminded of just how important self-care really is so put the day aside for it and am so glad I did 😊


BeePosted 06-12-2019 02:03 PM

so much fabulous self-care! WOooo


My self-care the last few days has been taking some time out to just relax with some colouring in. I photocopied this from a book from Rita Berman, and I've had so much find just colouring. It's not finished yet, but it's felt so fun!



I've also practiced self-care by taking time off work and utilising the full length of my doctor's certificate from work. I have stressed a couple times about taking the time off, but something mum said to me last night made it feel right "what is more important; work or your health?" Obviously my health! 🙂 

MB95Posted 07-12-2019 02:52 AM

I'm with @Claire-RO on this one @Bee - the colouring looks awesome and I bet it was a nice way to relax and take some time out! 


I also LOVE what your mum said to you - she sounds really supportive! And I think it's even greater that you are able to recognize how much more important your health is and to allow yourself to take the time off, even if you felt a little guilty about it in the first place. You've got some great strength within you - don't ever lose that!! You're certainly a fighter ❤

BeePosted 07-12-2019 03:36 PM
Thank you @MB95 😄 I looove colouring in! I do it nearly every day - you know I'm unwell when I don't colour! 😮
Yeah, it was a nice moment and really make me think and prioritise myself.

I practiced self-care today by catching up with a family friend who I hadn't seen for a while. It was nice to have lunch and hang for a while 🙂
MB95Posted 08-12-2019 12:13 AM

Nice @Bee! You should start a chat where people can share their colouring ins with eachother 😊 Nice way to encourage eachother to engage in the self-care activity and also gives us a chance to show off our master pieces to eachother 😂 Just an idea!

BeePosted 09-12-2019 04:04 PM
@MB95 we do have a colouring book thread somewhere, I'll tag you in it at some point 😛

Today I'm practicing self-care by going through the toolbox threads and posting 🙂
scared01Posted 09-12-2019 09:42 PM
I practiced self care by wrapping up Chrissy presents. its something I like to do strangley
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 10-12-2019 08:34 PM
I practiced self care by going for a swim yet again,
And listening to Chrissy Carols!
scared01Posted 16-12-2019 07:21 PM
I practiced self care by not being to hard on myself for not getting everything I needed to do today done. theres always tomorrow to continue to do more.
scared01Posted 18-12-2019 06:44 PM
Im trying my best not to be to hard on myself with some things. its been a busy few days and theres only one of me so I cant do everything all at once even though I try my best!
N1ghtW1ngPosted 18-12-2019 07:44 PM
Today I did stuff, and exercised.
MB95Posted 21-12-2019 12:01 AM

I'm not entirely sure if this is self-care but I wanted to share it with someone anyway so I hope you guys don't mind...


Today I practiced self-care by managing to use a grounding strategy to pull myself out of becomming disassociated while surrounded by family. It was hard work but I persevered and it paid off!! It's the first time I've managed to get a grounding strategy to actually work so it felt AMAZING!!! 😍

Maddy-ROPosted 21-12-2019 11:54 AM

@MB95 that is AWESOME to hear. Thanks for sharing Heart

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 21-12-2019 12:13 PM
I practiced self-care by eating a couple of rum balls. I made them, and I like them, even if no one in my family agrees. Apparently I didn’t put enough rum into them... I was told to be supervised, and I used it to the recipe amount. But I enjoyed them anyway. They are quite good, even if there isn’t enough rum.
Jess1-ROPosted 23-12-2019 11:07 AM
Sounds like a great Christmas treat @xXLexi_Lou122Xx! I am of the opinion the chef always gets the final say- if you love it and you are the chef then no changes are needed 🙂

Today I practiced self care by doing something for someone else 🙂
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 27-12-2019 07:52 AM
Thank you @Jess1-RO, @Taylor-RO!
I'm going to take that advice, and say that to whoever says it's not good. I wonder how they will react!

I practiced self-care by coming here to vent and reply to other users posts. It's good to let out what's been happening sometimes, even if it feels like a burden on others 🙂

// You are worth Something, not Nothing. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise //
Taylor-ROPosted 26-12-2019 10:03 PM
I think I would like them with less rum too @xXLexi_Lou122Xx! I am sure they tasted yummy Heart

Today self-care for me involved sharing some of my chocolate at work.. those people at work must be pretty special! Smiley Happy
Jess1-ROPosted 17-12-2019 10:26 AM
Today I practiced self care by doing some reflection on the train into work and putting down my phone 🙂
BeePosted 17-12-2019 07:10 PM
I practiced self care by having a nap this afternoon when my head really hurt.
_youngflicker_Posted 14-12-2019 05:50 PM

Hi everyone! This is my first ever post on reach out! 


Today i practiced self care by getting out my record player and listening to one of my favourite artists. 


Hope you all have an amazing day! Smiley Happy

Taylor-ROPosted 14-12-2019 07:58 PM

Welcome @_youngflicker_ we are so happy to have you on board with us Heart That sounds like a lovely demonstration of self-care.. please feel free to introduce yourself on this thread here. It is a great way to get the conversation moving. Also, please feel welcome to create your own thread if you wish or explore the forums and have fun! 

Claire-ROPosted 06-12-2019 02:34 PM

@Bee This looks amazing, glad you have taken time to rest

BeePosted 06-12-2019 02:46 PM
Thanks @Claire-RO 😍😃
TOM-ROPosted 24-11-2019 09:51 PM

hahaha @xXLexi_Lou122Xx , if I had a dollar for every time I've rage quit, I'd have a private jet 🙂

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