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Weekly Wellbeing: Scavenger Hunt!

This week's wellbeing activity is all about noticing and getting into life! 🙂 We have a challenge for you! 


You can either do this as you go about your day or you could even incorporate it into a walk! 




(It's about whatever you feel comfortable and able to do)


So the challenge is you must find 5 objects and take a photo (as long as it stays within the guidelines) or describe them to us (if you feel comfy to do so! You can always play along without sharing what you find!). If you do go on a walk and take photos of things, please be safe about it! Make sure you look where you're going!


So as you go about your day, try and find one of each

  • Something old
  • Something new
  • Something borrowed
  • Something blue
  • AND something that made you smile or laugh

You don't have to do this all in one day, perhaps you'd like to do one for 5 consecutive days? 


Happy scavenging!




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