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Self-Love Songs

We all know the role that our confidence and self-esteem plays in our general lives, and sometimes we can feel on top of the world and other times we can feel really self-conscious. The other night I was thinking about the impact music has on me and how I feel. I thought it was applicable to the community and felt like it'd be nice to have a thread dedicated to songs of Self-love and self-confidence.


Have a song you LOVE that promotes, encourages or articulates self-love and/or self-confidence ? Post it below and let us know what you love about the song/artist 🙂 ❤️


I have a few and I've actually created a self-love playlist for myself but here are some of my personal favourites. I found it so hard to only pick a couple so I've got a whole list for you here 🙂 (Keep tuned there will be more coming too!)


Perfect - Pink (Clean version) I love PINK! I love her no BS attitude and how she says it like it is! And this song is no exception! I have all of her songs and I can listen to her on repeat!

Basically I like this song because it's saying you are prefect the way YOU are as you are!

Favourite part:

Pretty, pretty, please, don't you ever, ever feel
Like you're less than perfect
Pretty, pretty, please, if you ever, ever feel
Like you're nothing. You're perfect to me


Which brings me to my next song which is kinda older but has a very similar idea

Who You Are - Jessie J I love the way Jessie J is straight to the point here about being true to yourself

Favourite Part:

Don't lose who you are in the blur of the stars!
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing,
It's okay not to be okay...
Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart.
Tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising,
Just be true to who you are!


Try - Colbie Caillat I love this song and the video clip for it. In the video we see the artist Colbie Caillat and other celebrities, take off their makeup and show us their natural selves. I feel like it promotes self-love and being you you are naturally

Favourite part: 

You don't have to try so hard
You don't have to bend until you break
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don't have to change a single thing
You don't have to try, try, try, try


Katy Perry Known for her out there attitude and fun part pop songs Katy Perry has gone through some alright struggles herself and she has previously shown this in her 2012 Documentary Part of Me and then again when she live streamed a counselling session to the public. I found it really hard to pick a song from Katy, however I chose these two because they both relate to self-love so well. 

Love me

Favourite Part:

I found I had to love myself, the way I wanted you to... me,
No more second guessing
No, there’s no more questioning
I’ll be the one defining who I'm gonna be
No concealing feelings, or changing seasonally
I’m gonna love myself, the way I want you to love me


By the Grace of God

Favourite Part:

I know I am enough
Possible to be loved
It was not about me
Now I have to rise above
Let the Universe call the bluff
Yeah, the truth will set you free


BeePosted 29-06-2018 03:40 PM


h0pefulPosted 21-08-2020 05:28 PM

The Search by NF is a song I only recently discovered. It was actually recommended to me by a medical professional and has some very powerful lyrics in it. The excerpt below (at 2:46) encourages us to engage in positive self-talk and acceptance Heart If you like rap, you'll like this song Smiley Very Happy


"The point I'm makin' is the mind is a powerful place
And what you feed it can affect you in a powerful way
It's pretty cool, right? Yeah, but it's not always safe
Just hang with me, this'll only take a moment, okay?
Just think about it for a second, if you look at your face
Every day when you get up and think you'll never be great
You'll never be great, not because you're not, but the hate
Will always find a way to cut you up and murder your faith"

N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-12-2018 10:34 PM

I think I already shared this one:


soooooo I have another one!!! 

It's called What's Up Danger by Blackway & Black Caviar (whoever they are :P)



It's not a song I'd normally listen to, but oddly I am in love with it!! It's from the new movie Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse and I love it so, so much. I've easily been listening to it on repeat for AGES, that's how much I love it. (It may have replaced "I Found My Place", by a smidge :P)


Here's the scene of the movie the song is in. It's not too spoilery, if you know anything about Spiderman and such, and showcases the epicness of the animation, so proceed with caution if you haven't seen the movie (because you really should!!)


annabethxchasePosted 04-01-2019 08:47 PM
Pink's beautiful rendition of 'A Million Dreams' her voice is so lovely and flawless 🙂
litgymPosted 04-01-2019 09:00 PM

ahhh the panic ! at the disco song thing of the greatest showman is sooo good !!!! they are coming to aus in October and i really wanna see them !!!!!!! @annabethxchase

annabethxchasePosted 04-01-2019 09:06 PM
Ah, i'll have to check it out!! OMG you have to see them!
ErinsAnticsPosted 24-07-2018 02:56 PM

Yes @Bee !!!

I LOVE the band Echosmith so quite a few songs of theirs I listen to when I am feeling down:

Safest Place - I love the lyric: It's your story its the safest place you'll ever be. It still gives me chills when I listen to it.

Future Me - it's just a great song that helps put things in perspective when you are going through tough times. 

Cool Kids - most of you will have heard this song and its just a great song with a good message about how being cool can be anything. Also I have just discovered that there's an acapella version involving the muppets it's amazing! 


Other songs I really love:

Alive (also known as the Netflix show Greenhouse Academy soundtrack) - it just puts me in a good mood and is really encouraging. I often have it stuck in my head and it's impossible to get out!

Stand (from the Disney Channel Original Movie Zombies) - this song everyone needs to listen to! It's so encouraging and really helps give you courage to stand up and be strong. I listen to it on my way to TAFE to give me a confidence boost. 


I also listen to a lot of music from the Christian band The Afters and those songs are also really encouraging and help remind me of my faith. 

I love Hilary Duff's music too, I'm probably showing my age here but I still listen to her songs Why Not, Come Clean and So Yesterday on a weekly basis along with the stuff from the album she released in 2015.

Finally Disney Channel Original Movies are my weakness and I love the soundtracks from the films, they always have a good beat to them and are amazing for putting me a good mood 🙂

BeePosted 24-07-2018 04:00 PM
Oohhh @ErinsAntics I must listen to all of these! 😄
DamnitPosted 07-08-2018 08:31 PM
The new Snow patrol song Don't Give in has been amazing for me to courage me every day not to give up or hard love by heed to breath
rotreePosted 08-08-2018 02:24 PM
Freakout by Avril Lavigne is one of my favorite songs when I want to pick myself up and boost my self-esteem. And also feel like a rebel a bit 🙂
"Walk around with my hands up in the air,
Cause i dont care,
cause am allright am fine..."
Old songs by Katy perry like Roar and Firwwork
DruidChildPosted 09-08-2018 08:30 PM

I have some new songs to check out 🙂 Also yesssss @Bee @FootyFan26 Alessia Cara is so good! 

My fave self love song is Secrets by Mary Lambert (there's some swearing in it fyi). This is the chorus: 


They tell us from the time we're young
To hide the things that we don't like about ourselves
Inside ourselves
I know I'm not the only one who spent so long attempting to be someone else
Well I'm over it
I don't care if the world knows what my secrets are
BeePosted 09-08-2018 08:57 PM
@DruidChild OMG!!! ❤️ That song is great! I was so captivated by the video! Soo good! 🙂
Time to look up more of her songs now... 😛
DruidChildPosted 09-08-2018 09:07 PM

She's an awesome singer @Bee 🙂 Once I wrote out the lyrics to a Mary Lambert song in rainbow pen and the girl I had a crush on asked me if she could keep it and it was basically the best thing that's ever happened to me. So I kind of have a soft spot for Mary Lambert now Smiley LOL

N1ghtW1ngPosted 22-08-2018 08:28 PM
@litgym I can't remember which thread it was so I'm using this one, I'm glad you like the song I Found My Place!! It's surprisingly good! I spent over an hour listening to it the other night. It's such an inspirational song and it's my mission to spread it around because I doubt many people will know of it from the movie 😛
litgymPosted 22-08-2018 09:04 PM

@N1ghtW1ng ahahha, it puts me in such a positive mood and makes me feel more motivated !

N1ghtW1ngPosted 22-08-2018 09:15 PM
Definitely at the top of my Favourite songs list @litgym! I definitely recommend The Fold as well as they have some awesome songs that are also quite inspirational and have a good beat to them. My favourites being "Bring on the Pirates", "Full Digital" and "Rise of the Vermillion Warriors" (the latter I'm listening to right now :D)
cupcakes_032Posted 07-09-2018 11:05 AM

I found more songs to add to my playlist 🙂


True colours - Anna Kendrick and Justin Timberlake version from 'Trolls' movie

Until we get there - Lucius (heard this song from the trailer for the movie 'Laggies')

Those days - Lucy Schwartz

Life in letters - Lucy Schwartz

Beautiful - Lucy Schwartz

Satellite call - Sara Bareilles

Beautiful girl - Sara Bareilles

Sparkle and shine - Kat Edmonson

All the way - Kat Edmonson

Be strong - Delta Goodrem

seafaringstarPosted 07-09-2018 05:00 PM

I really like Jason Mraz’s Have it All for self love.


It kind of makes me feel like its a friend singing it to me

litgymPosted 07-09-2018 05:21 PM

1800-273-8255 by Khalid & Alessia Cara this song starts kind of down but then about half away it starts getting positive and this song has saved my life honestly.

Lush Life by Zara Larsson

BeePosted 07-09-2018 08:31 PM
@cupcakes_032 Be Strong - Delta Goodrem is in my playlist! 😄

@seafaringstar I reallly like that song! I listened to it earlier this afternoon and it was stuck in my head and just so awesome! 🙂 I get the feeling of a friend singing it to you 😄
cupcakes_032Posted 12-10-2018 11:47 PM

Bright - Kehlani


Just found this song about body image and it's great 🙂

mrmusicPosted 26-12-2018 06:45 PM

One of my favourites that I have really gotten into lately is "This is Me" from The Greatest Showman!!




I find it really uplifting if I'm having self doubt or struggling with self confidence.

annabethxchasePosted 26-12-2018 06:48 PM
Love that whole soundtrack @mrmusic 🙂
litgymPosted 26-12-2018 08:21 PM

kesha version of this is me is my fav 😉 @mrmusic @annabethxchase but it is a very uplifting song :)Heart

annabethxchasePosted 27-12-2018 06:57 AM
the kesha version of everything is almost always the best @litgym 🙂

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