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Weekly Wellbeing: Explore somewhere new!
Weekly Wellbeing: Explore somewhere new!
It can be really easy to fall into patterns and go to the same places at the same times everyday. One example is travelling to and from work, school, university or tafe! Do you find yourself taking the same route at the same time everyday, going to the same coffee or lunch place, or walking the same road? I know I do!
We are creatures of habit, and this week is all about challenging yourself to think consciously about exploring new places! It may be taking a new route of travel, exploring a new space, or going somewhere you have never been!
Let's change it up this week and see the places we can go!
What new place did you explore this week?
What new place did you explore this week?
Yesterday, I had an interview for a course at a university in a part of the city that I'd never been to before. It was a really long way from my home. It seemed like a pretty old area compared to where I live. It was like a totally different world.
I got to explore some nice cafes and a park. I wish I could have seen more of the nature in that suburb because there are some beautiful pictures online.
This week I had my first poke bowl because I walked a different route for lunch and found a bunch of new places!
I'm going to tag some of our newest builders here who might be interested in joining this activity @ovvvvv @TidalDecade @rosiiboo96 @noms
I had my first day at a new job! I was so nervous, but it turned out to be a fantastic day 🙂 (Also found a cute cafe around the corner - good food is always a bonus)
@WheresMySquishy the different towns can be interesting hey, even though often they seem old or not much to see often there is something to explore or to look at.
Hey @Jess1-RO
Fantastic topic - I love it!
I set a goal a couple of weeks ago to explore all the walking paths near me. I did a google search and it came up with a huge list. I printed it and am going to work through it sequentially. Exploring new areas, whether it be a walking path, cafe, market, library etc. is so good because it makes us appreciate our home city or state so much more. There is so much around us to see... but we are often too stuck in autopilot to care to notice.
So, back to where I explored this week. I've actually been there before, but not in like 10+ years. I actually completely forgot it existed until the google search reminded me. It's a walking path in a neighbouring suburb. It brings back many memories because I used to play there with my grandma and cousins when I was young. Anyway... when walking along the path... I discovered an AWESOME dinosaur park. And the reason why I'm so excited by the dinosaur park in my mid 20s is because my 2.5 year old nephew is currently obsessed with T-Rex & other dinosaurs. So I can't wait to take him!
We're reviving old well-being threads and I thought this was an awesome one! Exploring new places can make you realise just how much there is to do in your local area, can help to break up boring old routines and give you a new perspective.
One really cool way of exploring new places is by geocaching - which is a real world treasure hunt that anyone can take part in. You use a GPS device and/or other navigational techniques to find special locations and a little treasure container that you can add items to for the next explorer. You can log your experience and be part of a global online community!
Does anyone have any other creatives ideas for getting out and about?
I love this idea, thanks for reviving it @Bre-RO !
I read this article last year, and decided to make an effort to check off a bunch of the walks around Sydney that I haven't done. The photo here is from one of my favourite walks in Sydney, and there's so many hidden gems out there. I always feel like a new person after I've been for a hike somewhere pretty.
I've never tried geocaching but have friends who got really into it, especially friends who have moved to new cities. It's a really cool way to get to know somewhere new.
I like this!
Though I think this will be a better activity for when schools starts back... but I did go somewhere out of routine!
Yesterday I had a stress test at the hospital, so I went out of my holiday routine consciously! Just so you all know, the test went well, and the Drs found nothing wrong. 🙂
I've been geocaching before! My grandma and siblings and I used to go all the time, until it got to full of mosquitoes...
Going shopping can be a cool thing to do to go somewhere new! I haven't done much, but I do try to do many different things in my holiday routines.
When school starts back, I want to try sitting at different places at lunch. But I still got a week left. 🙂
I'm so glad that the test found nothing wrong @xXLexi_Lou122Xx! 🙂 I've been having some medical tests over the last two weeks as well and a scan today. They think I may have an infection or kidney stone, but there is nothing conclusive yet and they are still waiting on the results of more tests. It's pretty frustrating that it's taking so long for the tests to be done but luckily, I'm not that unwell.
I've always wanted to try geocaching too! I think there is one near my grandparents' house.
Here is another geocaching site.
That’s pretty cool!
I would always go geocaching on my bike with my family, and much easier to get around honestly.
@xXLexi_Lou122Xx It definitely isn't, but luckily most of the pain is coming in random 'episodes' rather than being constant, so I've been able to do other things in between.
That sounds like a really fun way to exercise!
Last week, I found another part of my city that I haven't seen before. Even though it only took me a little over 20 minutes to get there, it was much different from where I lived because it had a lot of shops and markets. I love finding new places to shop and checked out some of them. There was also a lot of interesting street food there. I definitely want to go there again when I'm feeling better.
I haven't really explored any place new this week... but I've been meaning to go on more walks, maybe when the weather is a bit better. 😉
Just a thought I've always had... do you ever go on a walk, or sit in the car, and wonder about all the shops you pass by every day? Having lived in the same town all my life, some shops I have seen almost every single day for years but I have never been inside! It's a weird thing to think about. How many people have that shop in their daily routine, but I have never checked it out? Maybe some day I'll have to take the step into some of these. 😂
@Hozzles, yep! That's happened before.
Seeing a lot of interesting posts about different experiences guys. I love it!
This week I plan on exploring a new neighbourhood whilst looking for the spot where an information session for a new course being held in the future. I hope I get to meet some inspiring people and find out interesting things that will be spoken about!