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[CHAT] Being in the moment.

Has this ever happened to you? 



If you wake up in the middle of the night needing to go to the loo, we can't help with that part of the problem. You're still going to have to go. If you're like me, and you just can't get your brain to settle down after you wake up, this week's chat is for you!
Have you ever been heaps nervous before a presentation or playing a big game? Have you ever had an interview for a job and felt a bit like this when they ask the first question? 
Mindfulness can help you stop worrying and start to getting on with the job of kicking ass! 
Mindfulness is about being in the moment! Instead of being back in the past, or of jumping forward into the future, we can learn how to be right here, right now, in the moment. 
But what's the point? How does it help? 


Through mindfulness, we are learning to be with our experience. Studies actually show that when we are engaged with our experience, the parts of the brain that are associated with essentially thinking about you and feeling self-conscious become less active.


In other words, you can stop worrying about the problem and start getting on with solving it! 


In this weeks Getting Real session, we'll learn a heap more about Mindfulness, how it works and what you can use it for to make a huge difference in your own life. 





So Join us on Monday 12th 8pm AEST and learn how Mindfullness can help you! 









TroyPosted 09-10-2015 01:39 PM
stonepixiePosted 12-10-2015 09:11 PM

6. Could we use strategies we discussed in relation to stress and worry, to help quiet our mind and promote better sleep?


I used to use the whole mindfulness stuff for when I went to be, but nothing was working due to my insomnia, so I just threw it out the window. Hahaha. I used to put on this moisturiser that contained ylang-ylang extract and lavendar. Smells devine. I would brew some sleepy-time tea. I would then read in bed for half an hour whilst sipping my tea. It was quite relaxing, so it would probably work now that my sleep is back on track.


You can schedule some worry time with the RO app. *cough* self promotion *cough* 


I also find keeping a journal near your bed can help as well to empty your mind.

sunflowers5Posted 12-10-2015 09:17 PM
6. Could we use strategies we discussed in relation to stress and worry, to help quiet our mind and promote better sleep?

Yes definitely... I feel like a lot of the time when we struggle to sleep it relates to an active or anxious mind..
so using soothing techniques to reduce stress and worry such as playing some tunes. writing and diverting your mind can really help relax the mind.. And I think once thats done better sleep can be an outcome for sure!
j95Posted 12-10-2015 09:16 PM
6. Could we use strategies we discussed in relation to stress and worry, to help quiet our mind and promote better sleep?

I struggle with sleep a lot. But I've been using the Breathe app when I remember. I also have started colouring/drawing to clear my head before sleep (which apparently is actually bad because you're not supposed to expose yourself to light before bed).
evanescencePosted 12-10-2015 08:57 PM

Haha! I know this is pretty corny, but ah, couldn't resist punching this one out... It might fit tonight's session?



TroyPosted 12-10-2015 09:04 PM

@evanescence HAHAHHA awesome meme!

TroyPosted 12-10-2015 09:21 PM

Ever feel like this?


mindfulness-minute-meme.jpgSometimes our mind is ‘busy with thoughts’ because there are so many things we need to remember to do. So you might think that to be mindful, might run the risk of forgetting what you need to do. Something that can complement mindfulness and wellbeing is good organisation, so that your minds moment-to-moment capacity is not burdened by ‘unfinished tasks’. One example could be writing down what you need to do for the day on a piece of paper.


7.What are organisation or ‘time management’ strategies that work for you? 


For me- a schedule is essential. If I dont have a schedule and task list that my brain can 'trust' I find myself rehearsing all those things i need to do over and over, which absolutely destroys my mindful practise and my general sense of wellbeing.


Would definately suggest this one.  Last semester  I held 3 casual jobs, full time university and a couple of volunteer positions  (including this one) and people asked me HOW DO YOU DO IT? And I would literally tell them: the two things that make it possible for me is being Mindful, and having a good schedule.

j95Posted 12-10-2015 09:23 PM

7.What are organisation or ‘time management’ strategies that work for you?

TO DO LISTS! I only function with to do lists... otherwise my mind is all jumbled up and things get lost so quickly.
evanescencePosted 12-10-2015 09:33 PM

I must admit it took YEARS to develop into what works for me now, @Troy . And I am STILL learning every day!!

So yeah, "mindful minute, who got time for dat??" Love it!

If there's anything I may contribute, it's the encouragement to keep at it, and keep practicing those mindfulness techniques that support you and your mental health, and fit in with your unique lifestyle. But KEEP AT IT, with the end in mind of being more fully in the present!


Life is WAY MORE enjoyable and colourful and luscious and productive when you make time for dat! 🙂

sunflowers5Posted 12-10-2015 09:28 PM
7.What are organisation or ‘time management’ strategies that work for you?

I feel like lists is a main one for a lot of people.
I think other things that may also work can be prioritising responsibilities and putting yourself first. Its important to get your work done and also give yourself some time to rest and treat your self before taking up tasks or plans that you know you shouldn't be doing ahah!
stonepixiePosted 12-10-2015 09:32 PM

7.What are organisation or ‘time management’ strategies that work for you? 


I don't think I've ever really done anything about these things, but was always told that I had GREAT time management skills at high school. The only time I do anything of this sort is around exam time. During my HSC I had a study timetable, which went out the window when my sister had her baby 6 weeks early. Hahaha. Was pretty lucky all through uni not to have exams all smooshed together, so I could study one subject at a time, well that was until my final semester in which I created a study timetable to make sure each subject got appropriate study time as there was 16 hrs between my last ever 2 exams of my degree.

j95Posted 12-10-2015 09:27 PM
confession: sometimes i put things i've already done onto my to do list so i feel like I'm getting through it,
evanescencePosted 12-10-2015 09:35 PM

What an awesome strategy @j95 ! There is nthing wrong with that approach - it's a more HOLISTIC approach, to write down ALL your accomplishments in the day.

j95Posted 12-10-2015 09:37 PM
its usually just one or two and its actually called cheating haha @evanescence but srsly, what you have said is correct - hollistic is good.
stonepixiePosted 12-10-2015 09:27 PM



I feel this on a personal level. Can you guys relate?



j95Posted 12-10-2015 09:27 PM
yesss!!!! @stonepixie
FootyFan26Posted 12-10-2015 09:02 PM
I am really not present so sorry if I leave.
sunflowers5Posted 12-10-2015 08:54 PM
5. Are there particular events or things that cause you to worry? How might concentrating on the present moment through our five senses (Touch ,Taste, Sight, Smell, Sound) support us in handle some of these events that cause us to worry?

I think when things don't go to plan... worry is a natural reaction, also maybe when we receive any sort of feed back or results - that can be a cause of worrying as well...

I think with living in the moment and understanding that each moment can be your last will really reduce worrying.. as well as reminding yourself that their are countless numbers of opportunities out there...
all of this comes from seeing the world... and I guess with all our other senses we can sooth ourselves to reduce the worry ... aka comfort food or listening to come chilled music or lighting up a scented candle...
TroyPosted 12-10-2015 09:03 PM

5. Are there particular events or things that cause you to worry? How might concentrating on the present moment through our five senses (Touch ,Taste, Sight, Smell, Sound) support us in handle some of these events that cause us to worry?


To me, worry is usually characterised by 'future stuff'.


So one technique is use is to focus on my breath. This is a good technique to bring us back to the present moment.


If I use a technique to break the cycle of worry for a few moments, often that is enough. I sortof try to train myself to regularly break these cycles so it is getting easier and easier, and becoming second nature. Different things work at different times though 😛 



TroyPosted 12-10-2015 08:53 PM

Hey guys, 'dont stress' if you havn't  caught up to the questions 😛 Or are still exploring examples and ideas people have given.


Part of being mindful is going at your own pace, what feels right for you personall. Everyone is different. Theres definately a really strong subjective element to mindfulness as well as wellbeing overall. What works for some doesnt neccesarily work for others.



FootyFan26Posted 12-10-2015 08:53 PM

5. Are there particular events or things that cause you to worry? How might concentrating on the present moment through our five senses (Touch ,Taste, Sight, Smell, Sound) support us in handle some of these events that cause us to worry?


I worry when my Mum doesn't come home or I don't know where she is.  I find that I can't shake that worry unless I'm certain she's home or safe.

j95Posted 12-10-2015 09:02 PM
hey @FootyFan26 thats so cool that you spoke up at your camp good on you.

5. Are there particular events or things that cause you to worry? How might concentrating on the present moment through our five senses (Touch ,Taste, Sight, Smell, Sound) support us in handle some of these events that cause us to worry?

i'm a worrier... lots of things worry me, its usually unnecessary because i tend to overthink a lot. I'll pick one and thats probably my family. I know I have no control over whats going on where my siblings live but I worry about them a lot, especially my brother cause he relies on me so much, like what if I can't provide what he needs or wants from me?? I often lay awake at night stressing about things I can't control.

The second part I'm not sure how to answer. I guess I try to just take a deep breathe, put some headphones in and think about how things might actually be going ok compared to the negative possibilities.
TroyPosted 12-10-2015 09:16 PM



In year 12, I use to think the natural state of the mind was to ALWAYS have thoughts racing.


Wasn't until I was exposed to the idea of 'present living' that I knew it was even possible to have a quiet mind. My life has literally been improving ever since from this concept. I love it!!!!!!

evanescencePosted 12-10-2015 09:18 PM

Good night @FootyFan26 !

evanescencePosted 12-10-2015 09:29 PM

6. Have you ever had trouble falling asleep? Have you ever had a "racing mind?" How would you use mindfulness to help in a situation like that?


Yes, I've suffered many a sleepless night in my time. And I can remember years ago having a racing mind when I felt under pressure to perform - either getting an assignment done, or a presentation at work, or be on time for school or an appointment, or just too many worries or things to do on my mind! 


How I've gotten better at managing this over the years, is definitely through embracing a more mindful approach to living. I'd say it's been my life saver! I think it started when I went to see a Tibetan buddhist teacher give a talk in my city, and I was alread a fan of some of the mindfulness teachings of the Dalai Lama and Thich Nhat Hanh and Pema Chodron. Mind you, even though mndfulness is essentially originating from Buddhist philosophy, it is also a well-researched scientific field of study, in neuropsychology for instance. So I got introduced to books and courses on mindfulness, and there's some awesome YouTube videos with lectures from Western mindfulness teachers and scientists.


However, I digress!!!!!!!! Sleep is no prob these days - I love my sleep ! 😛 So I actually look forward to it each night!

It's the end of the day, I reflect on what's been, and the day ending, and that this is my peaceful time to snuggle up in bed and drift off..... love it!! 😄 Nothing can take that peaceful ritual away from me 😉


Racing mind gets nipped in the bud by slowing down, breathing slower, and making lists or at least getting it out on paper and into abetter perspective.

evanescencePosted 12-10-2015 09:39 PM

7.What are organisation or ‘time management’ strategies that work for you?


I am umbilically connected to my 2015 A5 Day-to-a-page Diary!!! (future bday/Xmas present ideas?? you'll score with calendars, diaries, whiteboards of various shapes and sizes, and those funky cork boards in our house!)


Also, one extra special thing I have adopted this year: IF IT AIN DONE TODAY IT CAN WAIT TILL TOMORROW!

So I stress less and less about gettign all my stuff done! Apart from things that have a solid deadline like assignments, I really really just put off until tomorrow, what didn't get done today!

...and I never blame anyone, anything or myself! 🙂

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