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[CHAT] Being in the moment.
Has this ever happened to you?
Through mindfulness, we are learning to be with our experience. Studies actually show that when we are engaged with our experience, the parts of the brain that are associated with essentially thinking about you and feeling self-conscious become less active.
In other words, you can stop worrying about the problem and start getting on with solving it!
In this weeks Getting Real session, we'll learn a heap more about Mindfulness, how it works and what you can use it for to make a huge difference in your own life.
So Join us on Monday 12th 8pm AEST and learn how Mindfullness can help you!
@evanescence that sounds great! It sounds like you should be hosting the getting real session on mindfulness 😛 hehe
I have similar interests to you from the buddist roots of mindfulness to the neuroscience of mindfulness.
Its all so amazing and super compelling.
Theres a free Podcast called 'Insights at the Edge' hosted by Tami Simon whos the founder of Sounds true. Some great podcasts there!
Thanks for that, @Troy. I'll def check out her podcasts, I've been looking for just that thing as I am still quite a newb to podcasts! ...and nooo haha, I think you are doing a super job yourself, hosting this here theme, you guys! 😄
8. How can we use self-talk to help us focus on our actual task rather than these nerves?
It's been said (according to some awesome internet memes out there), that talking to yourself is HEALTHY! 😄
Good news for us monologuers heehee!
But in all seriousness, talking to oneself is SOOTHING kindof, isn't it? I wonder if it comes from when we were very small, and our parents talked to us soothingly, talked us through problems, stresses, worries and tears - putting life back in perspective for our little minds, and making us feel supported, loved, validated and that there was someone bigger out there looking out for us. Actually, they modelled this skill for us! AND not to worry - if your parents weren't in touch with this level of caregiving, the fact that YOU as a young person are doing it and learning it NOW, is what counts....
This line of thought is getting deep, but there's a reason for the madness: Using constructive self-talk is a form of self-love, and caring for ourselves is the biggest best thing we can do for a healthy mind and bod!
So yeah, I like it when i hear people talking to themselves, and esp giving themselve a pep talk! and Kids do it all the time! 🙂
Oh - After I came back from a holiday in thailand, I couldnt help think to myself 'How lucky I was, and how greatful I am' for the things im able to do in life. Although this intense gratefulness only lasted a few weeks, that was definately 'positive self-talk' 🙂
@Ben-RO im glad you raised that 🙂
I guess there is positive self-talk and negative self-talk. and I think mindfulness would say to become less attached to your thoughts.
Theres a phrase that " You are not your thoughts" , meaning we experience thoughts but we dont have to identify and become overally attached with them, as many thoughts are 'automatic thoughts' which may not all be helpful.
you definately have to look at it from a few perspectives they all seem to offer some value 🙂
Im sure if I was in a different mood I would apporach this question very differently haha! 😛
Good night everyone! really glad you could join in! HAD HEAPS OF FUN 😄
Thanks for the eloquent summary, @sunflowers5, and also
Good night all @Troy @Ben-RO @stonepixie @j95 ! It was a super discussion tonight!
Feeling the love
@evanescence if you register to the free Mindfulness summit which is an interview for the 31 days of october is got some awesome speakers , such as the founder of the Mindfulness based stress reduction. Best interview so far was the first one by the found of the Oxford mindfulness centre and Tammi's. She is amazing!
I think the videos are only up for to watch free for a limited time or during this month.
8. How can we use self-talk to help us focus on our actual task rather than these nerves?
Personally I try not to have too much self talk, and just get on an experiencing level. When you have had a few drinks and are at an awesome party with all your friends, self-talk usually isnt there with me. So a lot of good experiences you are immersed in rather then having self-talk (and a lot of self talk is negative).
BUT im not all against self talk. When I meditate, I end up coming to quite a few "self-talk themes' if you like. When you really fall into yourself, I find this sense of 'fullness' its sort of a Zen ish concept of 'realizing that you are enough' rather then looking outside to 'fill your cup'. And when you have this feeling that you are full, you just want to expand out and GIVE to others. So will i meditate I will commonly engage in some self-talk about about giving and what I can do to help others.
^This is just me though 😛 might sound a little weird to other people haha! its hard to explain through language its more a feeling.
"... watch your thoughts float by like a cloud ..."
Or something to that effect.
I think thats an important lesson to mindfulness also... you learnt to focus your mind on the present task and it led to awesome sleep... and how amazing is sleep haha!
I am also definitely a worrier @j95
Before i got the hang of mindfulness stuff i was reaaaly good at assuming the worst. Then i tried to fix that by imagining the best, or ways to fix the bad thing that i assumed was going to happen (even though this was all in my very vivid imagination). I realised eventually that that still counts as worrying lol.
Eventually I learned to recognise that kind of thought pattern and just focus on where i was at now. Mostly through mindfulness meditation and focusing on my breathing (sound and touch) and also mindful eating (taste and smell).
@FootyFan26 Welcome footy fan!
Im excited to hear your thoughts on the topic! Its definately a topic that can help with sport as well!
and that's awesome!!! especially because tackling public speaking can be super nerve racking!
2. What are some experiences in which breaking out of your comfort zone and living in the moment led to successful outcomes?
Im going to run with my music festival example.
There have been times, when you feel self conscious, you dont want to dance that much, sometimes when your not quite 'vibing it' you think you look stupid etc.
However, when I just let go of a maintaining a 'self-image' and instead connected to my own personal experience -that is I commited to be present. I just had SOOO much fun dancing. And once I was in that present state, the night just flowed it was awesome!
@Troy that analogy of dancing really hits home here! I love dancing, you know, just bopping along, sometimes crazy like - letting the music take you away. Being in the moment with dancing is like not caring what the world (or your friends) out there thinks - I mean they're all prob self-conscious a bit anyway 🙂 Being in the moment then, is like feeling great and just being confident that your moves are hot! 😄 😛