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CassiePosted 19-07-2012 06:20 PM

Comments (339 pages)

j95Posted 02-11-2015 12:51 PM

what about retiree? 

Ben-ROPosted 02-11-2015 02:45 PM

Hehehe, i like retiree, although i wonder if they will feel old, Post-Mod is really clever 😛 This is harder than i expected. 

Craycray17Posted 02-11-2015 12:49 PM
Hahaha love it, @Ben-RO
What about:
Ben-ROPosted 02-11-2015 12:39 PM

Tyring to think of an awesome title- the little thing under your name that says "super user" or "mod" to recognise moderators who are retiring. 


So far i have:


Old guard

...yeah that's all i got.. 


j95Posted 01-11-2015 11:35 PM
I just got so excited over gelato only to be let down, this is disappointing.
N1ghtW1ngPosted 02-11-2015 05:33 AM
@stonepixie at least I have the excuse of not being in the country 😛 But I probably still would of only found out about it because of RO, I don't get out much!

@j95 I changed it this morning (or last night for you in Oz). It's the Ace Dragon that someone on tumblr did. I've forgotten the name but if you google asexual dragon (because ace dragon gives a dragon with the suits from cards on it) and then you can see it.

I just opened my emails and saw 5 (plus the users who doubled, equalling 11) emails from tags! 😛
N1ghtW1ngPosted 02-11-2015 05:47 AM
@j95 I also just forgot that I'd changed it and was once again confused as to who had posted those... oh silly me. But I don't really like it, the colour and size just doesn't work. I'll figure out one that I love eventually.
j95Posted 01-11-2015 11:18 PM
It comes in gelato!!! @stonepixie that will make my dairy free friends happy!! must buy! I wonder if it's at normal supermarkets
stonepixiePosted 01-11-2015 11:33 PM

Nah, this was at a gelato parlour, @j95. It also contains dairy. I think you were thinking of sorbet. 

j95Posted 01-11-2015 11:17 PM
Hey I just realized @N1ghtW1ng cool little new avatar pic, how did you get that? It's awesome
Craycray17Posted 01-11-2015 06:27 PM
Yummmmmm I will let you know when I try it, I love golden gaytime
N1ghtW1ngPosted 01-11-2015 07:16 PM
@j95 tubs? And a mint flavour? How long has this been going on????

@Bee good to hear from you. It must be so boring! Do you like puzzles though? A good way to keep your mind active (and not bored). But surfing the web is also a great way not to be bored too 😛
BeePosted 04-11-2015 10:31 PM
@redhead & @N1ghtW1ng thanks yeah it gets pretty boring, especially when noone comes to visit... I've been doing a lot of colouring and reaatching pretty little liars as my daddy is kind enough to put them on jsb for me so I can watch them on my tablet 🙂 yeah I enjoy puzzles sometimes...

Bee: Between pain and my instability recently I've had a shocker of a day again. I know I'm in the right place but the drs just want to ship me off some place else. I can't handle that! I'm barely coping day to day here!! Legit its like there's no positive at all in anything right now... its really hard...
j95Posted 01-11-2015 07:50 PM

@N1ghtW1ng a few months! but i forgive you for not knowing, being overseas you have an excuse! 

stonepixiePosted 01-11-2015 11:15 PM
Oh Em Gee guys! I had the best gaytime gelato last weekend! Don't feel too bad for not knowing @N1ghtW1ng someone I know only found out about the different flavours last night.
Craycray17Posted 01-11-2015 06:24 PM
Is it yum, @j95? I saw an ad buy haven't tried it yet
j95Posted 01-11-2015 06:26 PM
@Craycray17 the original golden gaytime tub is ok, doesn't taste as good as the normal Icecream bars though, but the mint flavour is soo yum!!
redheadPosted 01-11-2015 05:52 PM
@Bee is good to hear from you.
redheadPosted 31-10-2015 02:40 PM
Avoiding assessments, my best skill...
j95Posted 31-10-2015 10:41 PM
Snuggled up with Bailee outside on the hammock ❤️
MyvoPosted 31-10-2015 03:50 PM

You and I both @redhead

Assessment is the pits :c

Craycray17Posted 31-10-2015 02:35 PM
Man that's annoying @j95!
j95Posted 31-10-2015 10:29 AM
not what I really want to be dealing with right how
j95Posted 31-10-2015 10:29 AM
When it's October 31 and you still haven't done your taxes then the system locks you out for 12 hours hahaha oh man!
julietPosted 31-10-2015 03:32 PM
I just did my taxes yesterday @j95 haha! Definitely annoying, but since I got a letter from the ol' government about a tax return I didn't file years ago you'll be fine!!

Will you at least get tax back? Because that's the fun bit of tax returns!

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