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how are you going to reward yourself this week?

We have to do something good for ourselves every now and then. I have started making sure I do something rewarding or just awesome for myself once a week, even if I feel like I don't deserve it - it's important. I can be something little like having some chocolate
to having a few hours timeout.

I am helping myself by spending a couple of nights in a mates holiday house in Jan Juc with my girlfriend. Not hot weather or anything just nice to just relax.
j95Posted 27-08-2014 06:27 PM


florenceforeverPosted 10-11-2014 01:19 PM

I'm rewarding myself all week by being in Melbourne and spending time with friends 🙂

jvknPosted 08-11-2014 09:33 PM

Sunday brunch #treatyoself

bessie94Posted 20-10-2014 07:32 PM

I am going to enjoy a well deserved wine on friday night after submitting two massive assignments!

florenceforeverPosted 20-10-2014 07:52 PM

I'm going out to lunch with my mum on Sunday to reward myself after doing an exam on Saturday which I'll be studying for this week!

redheadPosted 17-10-2014 04:57 PM
A gaming weekend with my bestie
florenceforeverPosted 18-10-2014 10:34 PM

BATH. I am going to have the most amazing bubble bath known to man tomorrow!

ruenhonxPosted 20-10-2014 06:54 PM
I am so excited... I am hopefully going to the Trevor Noah comedy show this week. If my cousin doesn't change her mind. I am so excited 🙂 he is the best African Comedian
jvknPosted 14-10-2014 02:19 PM

Sunday night bath and a glass filled to the top with shiraz after work-- always a great way to wind down after a week of work+uni  Cat Happy



find yoself, love yoself, treat yoself

hartley_Posted 15-10-2014 01:29 AM

Im going to go to a gig on thursday. I wasnt going to go because my boyfriend who I would normally go with has work, but I decided I should go anyway and have found some friends to go with and am excited 😄

Chessca_HPosted 17-10-2014 11:33 AM

Past tense, but last night I rewarded myself by seeing Missy Higgins and Jherek Bischoff play live! 😄

EloiseRosePosted 07-10-2014 08:27 PM

by ticking things off my list and then maybe getting my nails did 😉

ruenhonxPosted 09-10-2014 11:02 PM
Being around people in a non-stressful environment is what I need right now
TopazPosted 10-10-2014 08:51 PM

This week, I'm rewarding myself by taking it easy. Today, I did a whole lot of nothing but watch TV and snack on chocolate and it felt really good. 

ruenhonxPosted 13-10-2014 01:20 PM
This week I want to rest and really think about my self care and do things that reduce stress like sleep, exercise, some alone time 🙂
florenceforeverPosted 13-10-2014 07:24 PM

This week I am going out for lunch on Sunday with my mum at an amazing restaurant that I've wanted to go to for months now. Can't wait!

florenceforeverPosted 06-10-2014 09:18 PM

This week my reward will be to go easy on myself all week. To not put too much pressure on myself and to give myself a break!

benjamin_Posted 01-10-2014 12:51 PM

Well I didn't even realise next week we had a public holiday so that's a reward in itself! I probably would've turned up at work if I didn't find out by overhearing someone talking about it 5 minutes ago lol. I'm pretty bad with public holidays, I never know. 


So anyway I'm planning to give myself a bit of a rest from studying this weekend. I've been flat out at work and uni for a while now so I'm just going to spend this weekend doing everything i wanna do! Going to watch shows, play games, go for a long motorcycle ride, get lunch with friends and just relax. 


ruenhonxPosted 02-10-2014 07:18 PM
I am going to go treat myself to Garlic Naan bread and Samosas hmmm yummy!!
florenceforeverPosted 20-09-2014 09:24 PM

I'm going to go shopping!!! 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-08-2014 10:24 PM
My reward is going to be a buffet of whatever's on special at my local shop and me binging Avatar:LOK('cause I'll be finished L:LOA by then) because I'll be finished with my exams! HURRAH!
syntheticaPosted 29-08-2014 04:50 PM

this week i'm treating myself to one of the new guardians of the galaxy lego sets because i am a massive lego nerd! my fingers get all wriggly when i think about putting new sets together Robot LOLRobot LOLRobot LOL

bessie94Posted 26-10-2014 08:51 PM

I am going to schedule in some serious me time!

florenceforeverPosted 26-10-2014 09:41 PM

I'm going to go to Lush, buy even more Lush products an have the most amazing bath. Probably on Wednesday, as it will be hump day...

Chessca_HPosted 27-10-2014 01:32 PM

@florenceforever I've been wanting to try Lush stuff for foreveeeeer, but I've never gotten around to getting any!


This week I'm going to reward myself by taking my dogs down to the beach!

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