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right now I am....

Right now I am... Anxious about a job interveiw. Describe yourself right now in a few words. It can be good or not so good. Might be a good way of sort of seeing that we aren't alone. I dont know... thought it might be a good idea or something.
j95Posted 21-08-2014 07:09 PM

Comments (198 pages)

Sophie-ROPosted 12-06-2015 06:10 PM
great idea jay! How did it go??? @j95
j95Posted 12-06-2015 09:05 PM

@Sophie-RO yeah it was really good!! used it for a bit then went to sleep fine 🙂

AwkturtlePosted 11-06-2015 02:46 PM
Right now I am at work bored. Got done doing everything just waiting to clock out 😕 *sigh* 2 more hours
florenceforeverPosted 08-06-2015 04:05 PM

Right now I am taking a break from study and watching Modern Family 🙂

hartley_Posted 08-06-2015 11:17 PM

right now i am struggling with the flu

might have to call it a night and get some rest as i can barely even think right now!

j95Posted 08-06-2015 01:23 PM
Right now I am exhausted, it's been a huge day so far, while all my mates are sleeping and enjoying the public holiday I've been to work and crossfit already
N1ghtW1ngPosted 06-06-2015 05:53 AM
@Kit oh this book series is a rollercoaster. Maze Runner series, I'm onto the prequel book now. I doubt I'll read it again, I don't like the third person it's written it. It feels like first person, but in third. I'm gunning to read most of the books on my Kindle before asking for more. (So a month :P)

I feel... all over the place. I almost broke down crying this afternoon because of my feet and shoes. (Seriously though, I weat two different sizes, check the size of my feet and it says I'm 6, try on those size shoes and they're too small. Ugh.) But I bought myself a cornetto to make up for it. I also spoke to two different shop assissants asking a question so that was awesome for me.
But... The problem is most of thetime I feel physically, mentally and emotionally drained. I don't want to do anything, at all. At the same time I want to read, go walking, eat, sleep, sometimes cry or throw a fit.

The worst part is... I don't know who is me. I read so much, absorb myself into my books, my stories, shows, picking bits and pieces of different personalities and making them mine. I get so confuses because I'm scared of the dark but love darkness. I don't want to be alone but I love being by myself. For everything I hate, I love it(or an aspect of it) and it confuses me.
I'm assertive, stubborn, but I let other people do want they want to do. I just... nothing is set. My pereonality changes but I suppose that is normal. Of course people change their likes, dislikes. Grow, adapt, evolve, change. It just feels like it's only me like this, who is changing without loosing the previous part so I'm left with the two me's. I doubt that made sense, but it feels good to say, or type, it.
benjamin_Posted 07-06-2015 10:09 PM

Hey @N1ghtW1ng


Sorry to hear how you've been feeling. Have you had a chance to check in with anyone lately to talk about how you're feeling? Sometimes it helps to just vent to someone, even if it's here on RO ! Having to rely on people for things can feel crap when you really want to start developing your own independence. I know that it can be particularly tough because I spent a long time looking for a decent job, but once I managed to get one things turned around!


As for reading - I love getting totally immersed in books and I love when I can identify with characters in them. I too feel like I love having time to myself, being alone, but at the same time I end up feeling pretty crappy if I don't go out for a long time so I try to push myself to get out as much as I can. 



N1ghtW1ngPosted 05-06-2015 06:19 AM
Just to add, I'm okay. I'm going to sleep it off in about half an hour. One of the drawbacks of being female is hormones going crazy, this is just that, or at least being helped along by that. I know, mentally/intellectually that none of those things are true, or they're not as bad as I'm making them out to be, and I just need to relax, today was a big day, I did a lot. And things aren't on schedule like they should be. But it's all good, I'm getting a little overdramatic anyways thanks to reading fiction, after I finish off my list I really need to get my hands on a more lighthearted book.
KitPosted 05-06-2015 09:12 PM

@N1ghtW1ng I know what you mean about getting caught up in the rollercoaster of a book! I've certainly done that a lot before and have to remember to separate my emotions from the characters' I'm reading about.


It is also great that you are aware the thoughts you were struggling with were just negative self talk while you were feeling drained emotionally; well done to you for recognising and acknowledging that. How are you feeling now? It sounds like there are some stressful things going on for you. Do you feel like you have control of these things? Is there anything you can do to take control of them?

stonepixiePosted 05-06-2015 10:15 PM
Right now I am catching up on RO after a super busy week! Oh and having a glass of wine. 🙂
N1ghtW1ngPosted 05-06-2015 06:10 AM
Right now I'm feeling a little down. Like I'm a bother on people, my head absorbed in a book(kindle) all the time, having to rely on people for lifts and such... What good is it? Low self-worth. Even though I know that I'm not, I know that I matter, I still feel... Like a failure. Back to the drawing board. Wish I followed through woth my planning.
KitKatPosted 07-06-2015 06:09 PM

Hey @N1ghtW1ng I just felt like I needed to post because my boyfriend and I totally share your pain with the shoe thing! My wardrobe is made up like 4 different sizes because even though my feet are really short (I can wear a size 6, sometimes 5), they're quite wide (meaning with some shoes I need like a 7 or 8). The worst part is when a shoe fits part of your foot (like the right width) but not the other (ie. it's too long for you). My boyfriend is a smaller size in casual shoes (like sneakers) but jumps like 2 - 3 sizes in business shoes because of the shape of his foot too. So yeah, even though it sucks (it makes online shopping soooo annoying), I use it as an excuse to buy a second pair of shoes when I finally find some that fit perfect 😛 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 09-06-2015 03:38 AM
@KitKat @j95 haha thanks. You guys are awesome and it's great to know it's not just me.
KitKatPosted 09-06-2015 07:02 PM

Aw no problem @N1ghtW1ng - It's actually kind of cool to know that my boyfriend and I aren't the odd ones out either! So yeah, thanks @j95as well!


Right now I am sitting on my floor surrounded by all the paperwork from my filing cabinet trying to sort through years and years of paper I've kept for no reason.

N1ghtW1ngPosted 10-06-2015 03:54 AM
Right now my ankle hurts, my throat hurts, my nose kind of hurts and I've had a three day long headache (that's dimmed today, so that's very good) and my afternoon was relaxing, another good. But curses my ankle! 😞
j95Posted 07-06-2015 06:32 PM
@KitKat @N1ghtW1ng I so understand this with shoes!! also, not so much anymore but when i was younger i used to always have to wear belts because I'm slim around the waste with longish legs, so when i got pants that fit me length ways they would be too baggy. i'm in proportion now so its less annoying.
redheadPosted 04-06-2015 06:47 PM
Right now I'm heading to bed because I didn't get much sleep UN hospital and I'm exhausted. And I also think I'm getting sick, runny nose and sore throat.
j95Posted 02-06-2015 09:18 PM
getting ready to go out for a few beers with some friends.
Creativegirl12Posted 02-06-2015 09:30 PM
Thinking about what to work on next (creative writing). Though I could do something useful like clean my room because I'm highly energised, I could get it done because my room looks like its been in a tornado.
N1ghtW1ngPosted 03-06-2015 08:28 PM
@Creativegirl12 I recently cleaned up my room. It was a complete mess and then I put everything away, straightened things out and my hostmum came in and said "wow". And then yesterday I cleaned the wardrobe 😛 It's so rewarding once you've finished because it looks so nice and open and refreshing.
And I think creative writing is useful 🙂 It's so much fun! Is it a story or poem?

Right now I am about to check my lunch, I hope it doesn't burn in the oven!
Creativegirl12Posted 03-06-2015 09:48 PM
@N1ghtW1ng I've started cleaning, if laundry counts 🙂 . After all I need to sort this mountain before vacuuming. Since I had to go out for my psych app and grocery shopping I didn't have as much time. Ok, maybe that's not true, I spent like 2 hours on skype with my mum.

Creative writing is awesome and useful. But I guess I was delaying cleaning which sort of needs to be done so I can write instead of doing both things. i have stories and poems on the go at the moment.

I've burnt my food numerous of times, mainly because I get distracted 😛 , and I don't want to turn the stove down because it takes forever, and I have no patience.

Creativegirl12: thinking about what to do. I've done some laundry, shopping, other stuff that I had to do. I feel bouncy, too late to go to the gym, and they probably won't be open. I'll think of something 🙂
N1ghtW1ngPosted 03-06-2015 10:37 PM
@Creativegirl12 laundry so counts 😛

dddundundundundun... Rescue Bots! Sorry... I just really love this show.
hartley_Posted 03-06-2015 10:47 PM

Right now i am...


Trying to put new music on my phone

At work we play music from our phones and I have played mine so much I am beginning to hate it!

Badly in need of a rotation i think haha

j95Posted 01-06-2015 11:39 PM
In Noosa hanging out in front of the TV/listening to my mates fight about who is sleeping on the floor tonight, missing home but loving being away, sort of don't want to go home.

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