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Everything is so tough lately.


Janine-ROPosted 28-02-2022 10:45 AM

hey @sootspritez , welcome to the online community 🙂 I'm sorry to hear that you can relate to so much in this post- but I'm also hoping that reading this made you feel a bit less alone. Did you feel  comfortable sharing a bit more about what's happening for you at the moment? We are here to listen đź’ś

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Taylor-ROPosted 12-05-2021 08:49 PM

Hey @Anonymous, I am really sorry to hear about everything you are going through. It sounds like you have a lot going on, in all different areas of your life, so I can see why you are feeling quite upset, alone and tired of the way that things are. I can also hear that you feel judgemental towards yourself. I don't know if it helps to know this but sometimes all we can do is focus on getting through the day. It sucks to be in survival mode, especially because you feel like you are missing out on a normal life.. but sometimes making getting out of bed or having a shower is your biggest achievement for the day and that is okay too ❤️ if it makes even a small difference, from what I know about you on the forums, you sound selfless, strong and empathetic. Personal qualities matter too!


You mentioned that your appointments with your GP and psychiatrist are in a few weeks. Is it possible for you to have more regular appointments when you are struggling?


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TOM-ROPosted 13-05-2021 07:47 PM

Hey @AngelJoy and @Anonymous 


People can say the most horrible and rudest things on social media. Which can be hard to hear but always remember that it's a reflection on them, not you


We are all here to support one another. So know that this is a safe space where there's no judgement or negativity, only support. đź’•



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