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i am sorry i havent been here and havent been as supportive as i normally would. i have been really busy but also my mental health has really gone downhill along with my physical health. i am in the middle of getting some tests to confirm whether i have a form of cancer or if it something else causing these symptoms/  i am struggling quite badly where im at the point that im struggling to even ask for help, see the point in seeking support or even wanting to ask now. its not really the way i wanted to come back and i know i dont deserve support esp for being so neglectful here but it would be much appreciated if i could have some support and help. 

scared01Posted 26-07-2019 08:18 PM

Comments (8 pages)

scared01Posted 01-08-2019 01:32 PM
@TOM-RO i also didnt get notified you tagged me, just that you had responded to the thread
scared01Posted 01-08-2019 01:27 PM
there are so many stressors @TOM-RO
unfortunatly yes im safe just struggling badly.
i tried to speak with headspace, they gave me 20 minutes to talk gave me an exercise that i already done and thats was it. it was unhelpful and just made me feel presured to talk.
i dont know how im going to get through everything, every day theres something new to worry about and nothing is dissipating. it just keeps adding and adding and adding.
BeautifullybrokenPosted 02-08-2019 07:19 PM
@scared01 sorry to hear you didn't find headspace helpful. Have you tried contacting any other helpline? Hope you are feeling better today ❤️
scared01Posted 02-08-2019 09:35 PM

hi @Beautifullybroken  nice to see you again

i have tried other helplines but im abit to tired to contact them again for a few days. i spoke with my psychologist today and it felt really pointless so i dont think ill be going back now. 

i feel really quite awful and high self harm urges ( im safe) so im trying to manage those tonight and hopefully an early bed time

Taylor-ROPosted 02-08-2019 10:26 PM
Hey @scared01, tonight sounds tough. You have been doing your best to reach out for support when you need it which is amazing. What do you think would have made the session with your psychologist more helpful? It really sucks when things don't go as we hoped.. are the sessions usually helpful? Great to hear that you are safe, what are you doing to manage that tonight? Heart
scared01Posted 03-08-2019 09:51 AM
Hello @Taylor-RO Heart
honestly im not sure what wouldve made the session more helpful. i havent been feeling therapy has been that helpful for a while now. what i feel comfortable talking about limits me so i know its my fault its not getting very far. i guess part of me just wants to shut down and ignore it all and just move on from it even though i know that may not be the best option. Therapy unfortunatly to start with made things alot worse for me when i first started on my mh journey so perhaps that is part of the reason im not as open to therapy as other people may be.
it is really hard though, as i feel i need support however sometimes when the support isnt helpful (and often im not that sure what that looks like so it makes it trickier) it makes me feel alot worse and i start to loose hope and faith.
Esperanza67Posted 04-08-2019 07:58 PM
Hello @scared01 that sucks to hear that therapy hasn't been helpful for you for a while now :(. May I ask what therapy are you currently taking? There are so many different kinds of therapies and so if you find that one kind may not be helpful, there's a chance another different therapy might be more helpful instead. Does that make sense? Do you have any other supports/treatments at the moment? Sending hugs of support ❤️
scared01Posted 06-08-2019 07:24 PM
hey @Esperanza67
i am currently doing cbt with exposure therapy incorportated into it. i have done alot of this sort of work and another sort but i cant remember what it was called. also done some dbt on my own as well.
i think honestly atm i dont know about therapy. im sort of wondering if ive just reached a point where ive had enough of it. and then another possibility is maybe she isnt the right therapist.
ive been seeing her for basically a year now and i still dont feel all that comfortable with her, i mean shouldnt a year be long enough to be pretty comfortable in sharing details with them? i m still not i go there and all i cna think about is 'is the session over yet, i want to leave' and its not jsut one or 2 sessions its been bassically since i started therapy.

Bre-ROPosted 07-08-2019 02:48 PM

Hey there @scared01 


I'm sorry to hear you haven't been taking much from therapy. It sounds like you've tried to give it good shot, having been doing it for a year. I think it's important to say that you're not alone in finding having to talk about mental health a challenge. It's quite normal to want to put it to the side, so with that said good on you for trying therapy. It isn't easy to sit in a room with someone you don't know and tell them your innermost fears. Are there some other ways you can express yourself when talking about it isn't helping? 

scared01Posted 07-08-2019 06:17 PM
thakn you @Bre-RO
ive been working hard on it, i just dont seem to be getting anywhere 😞
i just started a thread called 'therapy issues' which will explain some more.
At the moment as unhelpful as it sounds shutting down and 'ignoring it' seems to be the most helpful thing atm. like putting it on the backburner and focussing on what i need to do each day.
Esperanza67Posted 08-08-2019 04:15 PM
Hey @scared01, thanks for starting the new thread called "therapy issues" :). I've already posted a reply on it. Hopefully, the new thread will be able to flesh out things a bit more and give the right support you need :D. Sending hugs as always ❤️
scared01Posted 09-08-2019 07:03 PM
yesterday when i went to to the drs, i was given some unpexpected news. one of my tests showed i have a rare infection. she has heard of it but in the 10 years of being a gp she has never treated anyone with what i have. we had to call some of the senior drs in for a meeting in the room to discuss what my options are. i am lucky to have caught it early as most of these cases require immediate hospitalisation for treatment.
i have 2 options before i would have to fo to hospital. im on option 1 at the moment and then i start option 2 in a few days and then the end of next week i repeat the tests to see if there is an improvement or if it has been treated.
WheresMySquishyPosted 10-08-2019 06:39 PM

Wow @scared01! That sounds really scary. I'm sorry that you got some bad news. Smiley Sad Luckily, they've caught the infection early. It's great that one of the doctors has seen it before.

I really hope that the treatment works and you can get better soon. I hope you won't have to go to hospital, but if you do have to go, hopefully you will be able to receive better treatment there and the doctors will be competent and more experienced in treating that type of infection.

scared01Posted 10-08-2019 07:16 PM
thank you @WheresMySquishy
the symptoms have shown up in 2 other places so ive sent an email to my gp practice to ask whether i need to come back to see her or to continue the treatment i have for the next 3 days as thats how long ive got to go before i start the next treatment.
i dont think itll be a hospital job (fingers crossed though!!) but it might take abit to clear up or need repeat treatments as in like needing to take 2 courses of each treatment to cure it all.
scared01Posted 10-08-2019 09:03 PM
i am really quite worried, i hope to hear back from my gp tomorrow or ill go see the chemist and see what they suggest on the interum. the 2 new places it has shown up and ive researched the treatments i could try so i went and got those today hopefully these will work. fingers crossed
Tiny_leafPosted 10-08-2019 09:24 PM

@scared01 I hope they work as well..


If making phone calls is a thing that you can do, there's also the option of speaking to a nurse here:

I know it's probably not as good as seeing your gp, but its a way to get advice tonight if something happens or you need/ want advice straight away.


Is there anything you would like?

scared01Posted 11-08-2019 05:25 PM
thank you @Tiny_leaf I forgot about health direct services.
I have spoken with my chemist though and have 2 really simple treatments that I can use to treat the new symptoms. after 4 doses one is starting to get abit better so am taking that as a good sign
Bre-ROPosted 12-08-2019 11:59 AM

Hey @scared01 


Not good to hear that you have an infection Smiley Frustrated Sounds like you've sourced treatment from your chemist though. Have you heard back from the doctor you saw? 


Hope you're feeling well and taking care of yourself Heart 

scared01Posted 12-08-2019 12:22 PM
hey @Bre-RO
I heard back from my gp and she said I didn't have to make another appointment to see her, she wrote a prescription out for the second dose though so just had to go and pick it up. a few more days on this one and the new one and then I should be ok.
Tiny_leafPosted 12-08-2019 02:53 PM

@scared01 that's really good to hear!

I hope that everything goes well.

Bre-ROPosted 12-08-2019 02:44 PM

Hey @scared01 


It looks like a good sign that the doctor isn't needing to see you again. I'm wishing you a speedy recovery Heart 

scared01Posted 12-08-2019 06:42 PM
thank you @Bre-RO @Tiny_leaf but I spoke to soon. the main symptom has come back so its uncomfortable for me atm but hopefully with the increased and added medications itll get rid of it. I see a specialist in another week so if it hasn't cleared by then ill have the added thoughts/voices of the specialists
TOM-ROPosted 13-08-2019 09:48 AM

Hey @scared01. That really sucks that your symptoms have come back. Illnesses can really take a toll on us not only physically but mentally as well, especially when they are unpredictable. How are you coping today with it? Heart Its good to hear you have appointments booked and are on top of things in regards to your health! That's something that can get on top of us and become overwhelming sometimes.  

scared01Posted 13-08-2019 10:06 AM
hi @TOM-RO
im not really coping that well. theres so much happening here its hard to manage. really seems like it never ends. I feel like im always being a negative even though im trying my best to be happy or see the positives. 😞

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