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Awkward Moments

Hey R.O guys! XD

Let me ask uz a question ==> Have you been in a very awkward moment? I have! Here's a list in fact, share yours any time! ;D Love to hear them!


1) I was randomly looking around the room in SOSE, and just when I looked around I caught a boy full on staring at me, he didn't turn away when I caught him staring at me! It was so uncomfortable that I turned away, I think I blushed LOL!


2) It felt awkward watching a tv show my parents watch alone...  Cuz normally I would watch with them. My sister laughed at me when she caught me randoming watching it.


3) When you try to walk past a person and they block your way purposely, that happened to me like always and one day this random guy did this to me apparently knows my name!


4) When you realise people are looking at you alot and talking about you as they point at you.


Share yours now! 🙂

~ Doni99 😜

Doni99Posted 22-03-2014 06:30 PM

Comments (20 pages)

N1ghtW1ngPosted 05-01-2016 04:13 AM
The other day I went into the tourist office in a city and then the lady at the desk called me over we exchanged "good morning"'s and then I just exhaled. And then she did too, and then I exhaled again. After a few more seconds (and one more exhale) I managed to ask if she speaks english or german (I was in French-speaking area) and then another awkward pause until she asked "what to see?" And then I just nodded, "haha, yeah."
safari93Posted 03-01-2016 09:36 PM

That awkward moment when you walk into an inanimate object and apologise to it. Even more awkward is the fact that I've done this many times Smiley Embarassed

ElleBellePosted 03-01-2016 10:33 PM

Hahahaha that mental image made me laugh pretty hard @safari93. I have walked into a windchime under my pergola about 69 times this week, and every single time I flip out because I think it's a spider. I, uh, don't really like spiders. I also do this if my hair accidentally brushes again my arm.

redheadPosted 03-01-2016 09:18 PM
The moment the smoke alarm goes off and everyone has to go outside and wait for the firefighters to get there. All over burnt toast
j95Posted 22-01-2016 11:35 AM
My housemate just walked in on me talking to myself and getting ridiculously excited over a free wall calander
safari93Posted 13-12-2015 10:19 PM

@Myvo I didn't find out then, but I got a call this evening from the mum and she was suuuper embarrassed about it! It was practically an awkward moment for her as well hahah

j95Posted 13-12-2015 10:28 PM

i went through the self serve register at the supermarket because I bought a ridiculous amount of junk so I thought I could avoid all judgement but no... I got that lovely "unexpected item in bagging area" message three times, I was getting super annoyed at why it kept happening and then I realised I kept leaning on the bagging area, that was after the attendant had to tell me. 

j95Posted 13-12-2015 10:40 PM
accidentally stole from kmart and then i heard a lady yell out "did he just take that" and i kept walking.... oops
j95Posted 13-12-2015 04:52 PM
yes all good @safari93 just an inexperienced newbie with a clippers hahaha! I was like oh no, do i still have hair?
safari93Posted 13-12-2015 04:22 PM

@j95 did your hair turn out okay???


Turning up to a student's house for tutoring, only to find the place completely quiet and noone answering the door, so you stand outside like an awkward potato and then go back to your car pretending like you didn't just hang around like a creep trying to figure out if anyone was home

MyvoPosted 13-12-2015 04:54 PM

@safari93 The feels are too real. Especially awkward if it also looks like you're trying to burgle someone's house too. Did you find out why your student wasn't home? 


When you're ordering an iced coffee at a cafe and they ask you whether you want a scoop of icecream, you just blink at them. Then they begin to explain in some detail that you know, it's just an option. And yet you just proceed to blink at them because you're tired and you just don't care. Sorry, man Smiley Sad

j95Posted 12-12-2015 05:52 PM
when my housemate was cutting my hair this afternoon and i heard him say "ah whoops" 😐
Bay52VUPosted 08-01-2016 07:09 PM

@j95 haha the one about having your hair cut 😛

I used to have a family member cut my hair, and they'd be like "HAHAHHAAHA OOPS!" "UH OH!" while they were doing it lol 😛 

j95Posted 06-12-2015 10:10 PM
Made dinner tonight and it was absolutely disgusting, I knew about 10 seconds in what I'd done wrong but everyone else around the table just awkwardly pretended to enjoy it/held back from spewing
stonepixiePosted 07-12-2015 10:31 PM
When you are too busy looking at the menu board and thinking about coffee to notice that someone is waving at you.
j95Posted 08-12-2015 10:23 AM
Trying to keep a straight face while an older man is screaming at me on the tram with all of the other travellers staring me at me..
j95Posted 03-12-2015 08:04 AM
Me: "two o one six... what postcode is that, never even heard of it"
Housemate: what?
Me: it says here that they are holding something at
j95Posted 01-12-2015 08:57 PM
Hahah @stonepixie that IS embarrassing. The other day I was in the supermarket with my housemate, we were having a conversation and so were people in the next aisle (quite loudly) but my brain decided to like tune into their conversation and not ours so I randomly said "I'm really not sure how that works how weird" and my housemate was like "woah all I asked was if you wanted cereal"
redheadPosted 26-11-2015 09:08 PM
The awkward moment when yourb growing your hair and your fringe is at the length that it always falls into your food
stonepixiePosted 26-11-2015 09:58 PM

Oh, man! I just randomly remembered an awkward moment from this one time I stayed at a hostel.


So I had just walked into the bathroom and this chick said hi to me. I was like who the heck is this betch and why is she saying hello to me. A few moments later, I walked to the other side of her and reckonised her! I was sharing sleeping quarters with her. We both had a good laugh over it. But to my defence, I hadn't seen her with her hair up until then. 😛

j95Posted 27-11-2015 04:09 PM

Someone knocked on our front door but I didn't want to answer so just pretended I wasn't home but I think the person knew I was hiding and kept knocking for a bit, after a while I opened up the curtain to see if they were still there and yep, still there and saw me in the window. I still didn't open the door haha 

redheadPosted 25-11-2015 12:55 PM
The awkward moment when you thought it was a good idea to walk to town and get there and realize you left your keys at home.
Chessca_HPosted 26-11-2015 04:16 PM

When the woman working at a beauty product kiosk in the shopping centre is trying really hard to sell you stuff and you really want to get away without being rude...


I swear few things stress me out more than people trying to sell me things reeeeeeally aggressively 😕

j95Posted 26-11-2015 04:21 PM
I know! To be honest even the people in shopping centres that want me to donate money annoy me, if I wanted to I would do it in my own time, obviously if I'm on my own with headphones it's a sign I don't want to talk to them
Chessca_HPosted 27-11-2015 04:17 PM

@j95 Yes! And then it only makes the moment more awkward because you have no idea what they're saying because you can't hear them through the headphones

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