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Three positives of today

Another frequented thread on the old forums. 🙂 
The idea is to look for three positive things about your day whether it's been good or bad.


I'll start it off.

1. I ate some Maltesers and they were very yummy!
2. I got some of my French assignment done. 😄
3. The new ReachOut forums. Am I the only one who was buzzing with excitement when they came on here? 😄 

LightuptheworldPosted 19-07-2012 09:41 PM

Comments (214 pages)

BeePosted 04-03-2018 09:14 PM

1. Got another assessment done the other day 🙂

2. Spent some time on RO 

3. Have gotten myself addicted to Brooklyn99



BeePosted 06-03-2018 09:54 PM
@N1ghtW1ng Indeed! I cannot believe I did not know of this show sooner! & I'm glad I checked it out after hearing it here a few times 😛

1. Was on time for my psychiatrist appointment, made it through the entire appointment!
2. The cashier at Woolies was my fav when I went through, which helped ease the anxiety after my appointment. She always makes me smile 🙂
3. I watched a movie called Ballerina (2006) which was a bit of fun and different - I cried but I loved the show
4. I had a chat with a friend this afternoon, it was a bit anxiety provoking, but I got through it
N1ghtW1ngPosted 06-03-2018 10:21 PM

So normally I do today's tomorrow but I'm feeling good. (good enough to even tolerate phone typos :P)


1. Had a really good night at ju jitsu. (it was really good) 

May_Posted 07-03-2018 11:16 AM
1. Rode to work this morning
2. Music
3. Tea
BlueeyesPosted 07-03-2018 12:42 PM

1. Picked up a phone call from an unknown caller on personal cell (very hard for me, taking me years but I'm getting better) and got a job interview for tomorrow morning. Handling it ok so far.

2. Made a banger coffee this morning, after realising there was barely enough milk left!

3. Feel proud of myself for going to the gym yesterday for first time in 2 weeks (even if it was only for 20 mins 😞 )

N1ghtW1ngPosted 07-03-2018 01:25 PM
Hey there @Blueeyes and welcome to ReachOut! 😄 It's so awesome that you picked up your phone! Good luck for your interview tomorrow 😄
letitgoPosted 07-03-2018 09:28 PM

For yesterday:

1. Saw my grandma and she made me feel better and very loved

2. My friend from work texted me to see how I was doing

3. Facilitated my second group and it didn't go as badly as I thought! We made slime, which was really fun!


For today:

1. Got asked to present at a panel in a few months

2. Someone I met last week emailed me about an exciting volunteer opportunity!

3. Saw my psych

4. Self-care! Had a nap, read some of my book, had a shower and watched Riverdale! 🙂


N1ghtW1ngPosted 08-03-2018 11:25 AM
1. I finally cleaned my chewable necklace and have it at uni 🙂 (now to see if I use it)
2. AHHHHhhhhhhh........ Star Wars Rebels season 4 finale! (the last ever) was spectacular (I watched it this morning) and I love it and my beautiful grey jedi knight Ahsoka Tano is still alive and kicking even after the end of the original trilogy because she is amazing and ohhhh boy man that show was great.
3. Yesterday was okay.
BlueeyesPosted 08-03-2018 02:06 PM

@N1ghtW1ng where can I watch this starboard rebels ! I have been obsessed with battlefront II but the game is dying off in popularity now :,(

My three good things for today:

1) I GOT THE JOB. Yes, I hate the idea of starting again at another job for the millionth time in the past 2 years, but I am lucky enough to know a lot of great people that work there. It makes me feel so much more comfortable and excited to work with those people again!

2) Treated myself to a banging coffee again, this time at a cute little cafe

3) I am sitting outside, on a foreshore on a park bench and it is a mighty fine view, and a beautiful day. Good choice I think rather than going straight home to my office. Clearing my head nicely and smells great infant of the cafes. Just wish I had a camera charger so I could have brought my Nikon!

N1ghtW1ngPosted 09-03-2018 12:40 PM
@Blueeyes there are some good websites where you can watch okay quality online. (because disney website or other sites are US only)
letitgoPosted 09-03-2018 01:24 PM

(Why did this post twice??)


For yesterday:

1. Watched an episode of Riverdale

2. Finally caught up with a friend from high school (he didn't bail!)

3. Went to work in the morning & in the evening my friend texted me to say she hoped I was feeling better & that we should catch up (she no longer works with me)


For today:

1. Saw my grandma

2. Watched an episode of Alias Grace

3. Slept in 🙂

4. Did some colouring in

lokifishPosted 10-03-2018 04:48 PM

@letitgo clearly it posted twice because those positives are just so positive! 😉


1. Got housework done

2. Did some readings for uni

3. Watching some more of Jane the Virgin (how have I not watched it until now - it's fucking hysterical :D)

BeePosted 10-03-2018 06:31 PM
I'm with @lokifish on this one, @letitgo just had to post it twice because the positives were just so darn awesome! 🙂

Loki- I've watched the first couple episodes (like months ago...) but couldn't get into it..

1. Got ONE more question done in my current assessment 😛
2. Went on a cat hunt to bring them inside and found 2 at once! Score!
3. Had a chill day so far 🙂
mrmusicPosted 11-03-2018 09:43 PM

For yesterday:

1. Had a good sleep in.

2. Mouth was much better than Friday.

3. Got one reading done for next Wednesday.

4. Had a pretty good day in general.


For today:

1. Work was good this morning.

2. Hardly any traffic on my drive to and from work 😮

3. Had a relaxing afternoon.

4. Coped okay with solid food for dinner 🙂

N1ghtW1ngPosted 12-03-2018 04:12 PM
For days of the previous week:
1. I bought a new book written by Ransom Riggs (the Peculiar series) (ooh @scared01 another great book recommendation ;))
2. Started up the new club, things are looking good.
3. Made an impulse decision and decided to go down to Sydney for RO's party (even though I have TWO uni classes, work AND ju jitsu... (which is also the grading ceremony...) OH WELL! Let's PARTYE!
4. My sister in passing mentioned me being ASD and internally I'm like: "hell yeah I am!" She can be such a prick sometimes (but that's just my sister, she's okay :P)
5. It has been raining forever the past few days and it's been great (except it's sunny today... maybe it's all over... (hardly))
6. Just went through my art supplies drawer earlier, it's now shoved into another drawer but more nice-looking I guess...? I need better storage 😛
7. Finally got myself a usb hub (uses only one usb from my computer but has extra usb ports) so now I actually have extra space, although my mouse usb doesn't work from the usb hub very well but close enough 😛
8. Stuff is green (although not like pretty autumn colours, still pretty) It's a good thing I like the colour green. I wonder if people who don't like the colour green hate nature... actually that's a fantastic question.... ANYway
9. I had lasagna for dinner last night and it was delicious.
scared01Posted 12-03-2018 06:42 PM

awesome! @N1ghtW1ng

and love your other positives too

BeePosted 13-03-2018 05:26 PM
1. Made it through my job search appointment despite a bad anxiety attack
2. I did an awesome colouring in page
3. I watched the latest episode of Heartland 🙂

1. I slept in
2. My cats are funny
3. I did shopping with mum
4. I got about 4 questions complete on my current assessment today! woo! (Reward time!)
BeePosted 15-03-2018 04:04 PM
1. Had a good chat with the TAFE Librarian, she was a little surprised but happy to see me (It's been awhile since I saw her last)
2. I had a laugh with the receptionist at Headspace when I dropped in my Youth Reference Group forms 🙂
3. We bought pom poms for our cats to play with. And dad put one of them on the cat's head as he just lay in the tiles, too hot and tired to play XD
letitgoPosted 16-03-2018 10:32 AM


1. Had the house to myself for a bit in the afternoon

2. Had tutoring

3. Saw my aunty for the first time in ages and it was sooo good to hear about her life and tell her about mine.

4. Got enough sleep and went to bed at a reasonable hour!

mrmusicPosted 16-03-2018 11:37 PM


1. Had a good rest in the morning.

2. Got two readings done for uni next week, which is extremely organised for me.

3. Had a very nice (albeit unhealthy) tea - chinese take-away.



1. Prac was very rewarding today.

2. I had to race in to work immediately after, and that was good today.

3. On my way home from work, I saw a friend on the train who I haven't seen in ages, and we caught up! (this made my entire week!!! :D)

4. Got home before midnight, which is good as I have a reasonably early start tomorrow!

N1ghtW1ngPosted 18-03-2018 11:50 AM
the weekendish:
1. Sorted everything out for one group project. Yay.
2. Yummy chips (the cheapest thing at uni :P)
3. I had wedges for lunch yesterday
4. I drew a really cool looking armadillo. (it looks awesome) but only from the side. The face-front one looks awful 😛
5. I finally told dad about going to the airport (although they seem to want me to drive there and park overnight but money and driving, just ugh. But at least they know now)
6. the cat (I guess she's kind of my cat now :P) kept joining me on my desk yesterday and chilling with me (while I ignored the existence of my assignment)
7. good times.
May_Posted 19-03-2018 12:07 PM
1. Had a nap after work this morning
2. The weather is really beautiful today
3. Rode my bike to work this morning
letitgoPosted 19-03-2018 06:47 PM


1. Drove somewhere I'd never been and did so calmly and without getting lost!

2. Treated myself to a hot chocolate and some banana bread 🙂

3. Volunteered at a charity event and it went okay even though I had hardly any idea what I was doing.



1. Tutoring, and I had some time to prepare in the afternoon.

2. Found out I might be going to Vienna in September!

3. Worked this morning and listened to a few episodes of my new favourite podcast.  

N1ghtW1ngPosted 19-03-2018 07:22 PM
1. Productive day doing my assignment (yay)
2. Did some more drawings. This time I coloured in an armadillo AND drew some autisticats.
3. Had a nice shower.

1. Made more progress on my assignment (although hardly enough, it sucks :P)
2. Pie for dinner! (haven't eaten yet but I am ready)
3. Delicious toasties(toasted sandwiches, are they called toasties? I'm calling them toasties) for lunch. Yummo.
BlueeyesPosted 20-03-2018 01:53 PM

Im seriously in love with this thread. I love waking up every morning and reading other peoples positives, and automatically picking out positives for the day before, and reading them before I go to bed and picking out positives reflections on that day 🙂


Positives for yesterday!

1) Feel comfortable, and no longer super panicky about my new job. Going well!

2) Feel accomplished that I submitted the last unit of my certificate and staying relaxed until I await results

3) Cancelled a little bit of contractual work, to take some pressure off myself while I'm starting this new job. Its hard for me to say no to money or work, but this is a good thing that I am balancing work-life!

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