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Today I practiced self care by...

Hello people of RO Smiley Happy


I wanted to make a thread where we could all keep track of our self care and encourage each other to take care of ourselves.



Today I practiced self care by taking a break from my assignment for some fresh air. How did you practice self care today?


JanaGPosted 18-04-2017 03:20 PM

Comments (50 pages)

Tay100Posted 24-02-2020 03:02 PM
Today I practised self care by making yummy leftovers and budgeting so I can be secure and not stressed about money :3
scared01Posted 04-03-2020 08:47 PM
today I practiced self care by making a few appointments that I needed to do, speaking up to my gp about some health concerns and also going for a drive along the coastline.
Bre-ROPosted 24-02-2020 03:42 PM

Today I practised self care by being honest about my feelings and speaking my truth. It isn't easy but it feels like I'm looking after myself better than I have in the past 🙂 

Tay100Posted 17-02-2020 12:08 PM
I practised self-care today by drinking orange juice freshly squeezed by my mum and by getting small admin tasks done!
scared01Posted 23-02-2020 08:13 PM
I practiced self care by making a few appointments for myself that ive needed for a while but haven't been able to do
JazzInMayPosted 15-02-2020 04:42 PM

Today I practiced self-care by baking cookies. I love baking, it gets me feeling so relaxed to bop around the kitchen with a wooden spoon microphone and creating sweet treats!

Jess1-ROPosted 17-02-2020 11:38 AM
Yummm @JazzInMay! Sounds like some amazing self care time when you get into the flow of baking

Today I practiced self care by cancelling all my plans for tonight so I can have a early night to recharge my energy for the week
Janine-ROPosted 17-02-2020 11:45 AM

@Bee  I love your description of splashing in puddles, I love watching the rain at the moment too 🙂


@JazzInMay  love some baking/ singing - I'm also a huge fan of baking for self-care, but I haven't made anything for awhile. What did you make? 


Today I practised self-care by getting up 10 minutes before everyone else in my family and enjoying my cup of coffee in peace and quiet! I listened to the birds in the trees, and really appreciated the moments of calm before the chaos of the morning routine descended 🙂 

Tay100Posted 07-02-2020 09:11 AM
Today I did self-care but getting up early and allowing myself enough time to get things done, including visiting here 🙂
BeePosted 10-02-2020 06:11 PM
Today I practiced self-care by watching, listening and enjoying the light shower of rain we are currently still having. I also walked barefoot into the water puddling on the concrete and splashed in the puddles Smiley LOL it felt so nice 😄
Daisy17Posted 05-02-2020 07:02 PM

Today I practiced self care by allowing myself some free time to go to the gym for a quick workout. Doesn't seem like much but it helps me to feel happy and confident in myself! 🙂

Tay100Posted 06-02-2020 10:57 AM
Good one Daisy17! What does a quick workout look like for you?
Maddy-ROPosted 05-02-2020 10:51 PM

Welcome to our forums @Daisy17 - I know exactly what you mean. Going to the gym is great for my mental health / well-being too. Good on you for practicing some self-care Smiley Happy


Tay100Posted 02-02-2020 01:44 PM
Today I practised self-care by packing nutrient-dense, yummy, filling snacks my baby study session ❤️
scared01Posted 02-02-2020 08:21 PM
I practiced self care by having abit more of a rest day then what I normally would
Tay100Posted 03-02-2020 09:33 AM
What a vibe! What do you mean by more of a rest day? What does a normal rest day look like to you? How did you add onto it?
recharging_introvertPosted 03-02-2020 10:59 AM

Going back to sleep when I woke up at 7am.

I was going to get up early to go to the gym but I've still got the remnants of a head cold lingering about and felt I could use the extra rest and not push my body so hard. It was difficult because I've been feeling kinda bad about my self-image lately and wanted to work out but I think it was the best decision. 

AlyssinWonderlandPosted 26-01-2020 08:04 PM

Today I practiced self care by going bouldering with a mate. The exercise helped calmed my nerves. 

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 27-01-2020 05:57 PM
I practiced self-care by taking it slow to get better. My sudden illness threw me out of whack, but I'm getting better pretty quickly, just by taking it slow.

I also practiced self-care by organising my books and uniforms for school tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it, but it also means catching the train with my siblings without a parent. It's kinda a first for them, but I've done it before.
Maddy-ROPosted 27-01-2020 10:05 PM

Good luck with school tomorrow @xXLexi_Lou122Xx Heart

statuscaringPosted 28-01-2020 09:41 AM
Today I practised self-care by sleeping in this morning, I feel much more awake and refreshed after a really busy and long weekend
Jess1-ROPosted 28-01-2020 10:19 AM

Bouldering sounds like fun @AlyssinWonderland!


Today I practiced self care by coming to work via a different route- a great way to see new things and feel energised in the morning 

AlyssinWonderlandPosted 29-01-2020 11:10 AM

It is really fun! Not only do you work out your body, but also your brain. I love the problem solving aspect of it. 🙂 


Also, your self care sounds interesting. I might try that too when going to uni. 

Jess1-ROPosted 29-01-2020 11:36 AM

Having that mental challenge is amazing @AlyssinWonderland! I always find a state of flow with activities that work my mind as well as my body! 


Today for self care I have been carrying a water bottle with me everywhere I go to increase my hydration

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