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Today I practiced self care by...

Hello people of RO Smiley Happy


I wanted to make a thread where we could all keep track of our self care and encourage each other to take care of ourselves.



Today I practiced self care by taking a break from my assignment for some fresh air. How did you practice self care today?


JanaGPosted 18-04-2017 03:20 PM

Comments (50 pages)

Bre-ROPosted 24-02-2020 03:42 PM

Today I practised self care by being honest about my feelings and speaking my truth. It isn't easy but it feels like I'm looking after myself better than I have in the past 🙂 

Tay100Posted 17-02-2020 12:08 PM
I practised self-care today by drinking orange juice freshly squeezed by my mum and by getting small admin tasks done!
scared01Posted 23-02-2020 08:13 PM
I practiced self care by making a few appointments for myself that ive needed for a while but haven't been able to do
JazzInMayPosted 15-02-2020 04:42 PM

Today I practiced self-care by baking cookies. I love baking, it gets me feeling so relaxed to bop around the kitchen with a wooden spoon microphone and creating sweet treats!

Jess1-ROPosted 17-02-2020 11:38 AM
Yummm @JazzInMay! Sounds like some amazing self care time when you get into the flow of baking

Today I practiced self care by cancelling all my plans for tonight so I can have a early night to recharge my energy for the week
Janine-ROPosted 17-02-2020 11:45 AM

@Bee  I love your description of splashing in puddles, I love watching the rain at the moment too 🙂


@JazzInMay  love some baking/ singing - I'm also a huge fan of baking for self-care, but I haven't made anything for awhile. What did you make? 


Today I practised self-care by getting up 10 minutes before everyone else in my family and enjoying my cup of coffee in peace and quiet! I listened to the birds in the trees, and really appreciated the moments of calm before the chaos of the morning routine descended 🙂 

Tay100Posted 07-02-2020 09:11 AM
Today I did self-care but getting up early and allowing myself enough time to get things done, including visiting here 🙂
BeePosted 10-02-2020 06:11 PM
Today I practiced self-care by watching, listening and enjoying the light shower of rain we are currently still having. I also walked barefoot into the water puddling on the concrete and splashed in the puddles Smiley LOL it felt so nice 😄
Daisy17Posted 05-02-2020 07:02 PM

Today I practiced self care by allowing myself some free time to go to the gym for a quick workout. Doesn't seem like much but it helps me to feel happy and confident in myself! 🙂

Tay100Posted 06-02-2020 10:57 AM
Good one Daisy17! What does a quick workout look like for you?
Maddy-ROPosted 05-02-2020 10:51 PM

Welcome to our forums @Daisy17 - I know exactly what you mean. Going to the gym is great for my mental health / well-being too. Good on you for practicing some self-care Smiley Happy


Tay100Posted 02-02-2020 01:44 PM
Today I practised self-care by packing nutrient-dense, yummy, filling snacks my baby study session ❤️
scared01Posted 02-02-2020 08:21 PM
I practiced self care by having abit more of a rest day then what I normally would
Tay100Posted 03-02-2020 09:33 AM
What a vibe! What do you mean by more of a rest day? What does a normal rest day look like to you? How did you add onto it?
recharging_introvertPosted 03-02-2020 10:59 AM

Going back to sleep when I woke up at 7am.

I was going to get up early to go to the gym but I've still got the remnants of a head cold lingering about and felt I could use the extra rest and not push my body so hard. It was difficult because I've been feeling kinda bad about my self-image lately and wanted to work out but I think it was the best decision. 

AlyssinWonderlandPosted 26-01-2020 08:04 PM

Today I practiced self care by going bouldering with a mate. The exercise helped calmed my nerves. 

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 27-01-2020 05:57 PM
I practiced self-care by taking it slow to get better. My sudden illness threw me out of whack, but I'm getting better pretty quickly, just by taking it slow.

I also practiced self-care by organising my books and uniforms for school tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it, but it also means catching the train with my siblings without a parent. It's kinda a first for them, but I've done it before.
Maddy-ROPosted 27-01-2020 10:05 PM

Good luck with school tomorrow @xXLexi_Lou122Xx Heart

statuscaringPosted 28-01-2020 09:41 AM
Today I practised self-care by sleeping in this morning, I feel much more awake and refreshed after a really busy and long weekend
Jess1-ROPosted 28-01-2020 10:19 AM

Bouldering sounds like fun @AlyssinWonderland!


Today I practiced self care by coming to work via a different route- a great way to see new things and feel energised in the morning 

AlyssinWonderlandPosted 29-01-2020 11:10 AM

It is really fun! Not only do you work out your body, but also your brain. I love the problem solving aspect of it. 🙂 


Also, your self care sounds interesting. I might try that too when going to uni. 

Jess1-ROPosted 29-01-2020 11:36 AM

Having that mental challenge is amazing @AlyssinWonderland! I always find a state of flow with activities that work my mind as well as my body! 


Today for self care I have been carrying a water bottle with me everywhere I go to increase my hydration

Janine-ROPosted 29-01-2020 11:48 AM

@AlyssinWonderland  I've always wanted to try bouldering, did you start out in a climbing gym first? I have a cousin who lives in NZ who is super into bouldering, there's some amazing spots over there to climb and he even built his own mini bouldering gym in his garage Smiley Very Happy


My self- care for today was actually quite boring but very effective - I went to bed super early last night, and I am so glad I did today! I have a really early start on Wednesdays and it was nice to feel a bit more refreshed than usual and ready to face the day. 


I wasn't even that mad when my cat woke me up like this, just before 6am 😉 


Image result for wake up gif"

AlyssinWonderlandPosted 29-01-2020 01:21 PM

 @Janine-RO Woah, he built his own gym ?! He must be a really passionate soul- that’s amazing. 

I actually haven’t been outside bouldering yet-  i’m still too afraid to and don’t think I’m good enough. I just got back into indoor bouldering after a 6 month hiatus so it’s like overcoming my fear for heights/falling from square one. Feels like it’s going away more quickly though 🙂 


I definitely recommend a gym if you want to give it a shot. Some gyms have really nice communities that are very supportive of newcomers + each other. 

Good to hear that you’ve had a satisfying sleep!! What a nice feeling to have.



Today I practiced self care by giving myself time to have fun playing around with makeup. I did a really colourful pink and purple look and colour coordinated my outfit with it.

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