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WHYYYYYYY wednesday

Ever bought take away only to get home and find out your order is wrong?


Got a new top then see it's on special the next day?


Studied hard for 10 months only to find out someone in your class who never shows up beat you on the final exam?


 Share it here for   WHYYYYYYY  wednesday!



Step 1: Tell us your WHYYY moment!

Step 2: Let us know how you're WORKING to turn your shitty day into a better one! (Maybe you're gunna see your mates, eat a whole pizza or go for a run!)


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lanejanePosted 15-10-2014 03:53 PM


Ben-ROPosted 02-10-2015 11:04 AM

WHYYYYY do i have to be inside on a lovely sunny day!!!!

j95Posted 08-10-2015 12:28 PM
WHYYYYY do door knockers think that 6pm while I'm eating dinner is the perfect time for a chat
j95Posted 13-06-2015 10:01 PM
@hartley_ how rude is that! I will also make sure I put my rubbish away loudly and obviously
stonepixiePosted 30-09-2015 03:34 PM

Bringing this thread back!


Was gonna post in Awkward Moments, but it really does belong in this thread, and it is Wednesday!


Weather whyyyyyy must you be sunny when I can't wash clothes and miserable when I'm able? WHYYYYY!?!?! 


Yep, I did the sniff test this morning on shirts and jumpers. Awkward!

N1ghtW1ngPosted 02-10-2015 01:30 AM
Whyyyy must it be so windy!
j95Posted 13-06-2015 10:01 PM
@hartley how rude is that! I will also make sure I put my rubbish away loudly and obviously
N1ghtW1ngPosted 13-06-2015 05:37 AM
@Sophie-RO hahaha yes! I did that too, I had to keep turning on my alarm every day until I remembered I could preset it! 😛 silly me.
@lanejane awesome idea! And the alliteration is also great. (Why Wednesday? I'm Working :D)
j95Posted 11-06-2015 04:46 PM
Whyyy do banks shut at 4 not 5 like everything else, making things almost impossible for those who work Monday - Friday until 4.
lanejanePosted 12-06-2015 05:31 PM

okay so this thread is stil legit one of the best on here (in my opinion haha). it may not have heaps of posts but i still love the idea of getting out your thoughts and feeling when youre having one of those shitty WHY days when stuff goes wrong!!


i think what would be cool though is to add an extra little bit to this thread...


so when you have a WHY wednesday, why don't you try letting us know how you're also WORKING on it to make it less crappy!


For example:


  • my WHY wednesday this week is that my new puppy weed on our couch. the back door was open and she could have used anywhere in the house aswell, but out of all the places.... WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!

  • but ya know what? i'm WORKING on my WHY wednesday by making sure i block the couch off or put more newspaper down on the ground to encourage the puppy to go elsewhere! i'm also totally gunna eat a packet of chips because chips are the best and who can't feel better after that?



Sophie-ROPosted 12-06-2015 06:12 PM
awesome @lanejane!!!

My WHHHHHYYYY wednesday was that i didn't set my alarm properly on Tuesday night!!

my WORKING on it, is that I have now pre-set an repeated alarm for every day of the week so I don't have to do it every night (well, good one Soph didn't take you long enough to figure that out!!)
hartley_Posted 13-06-2015 09:08 PM

@Sophie-RO I forgot to set an alarm the other night and woke up 40mins later than usual... but still got to work on time?!

When I looked at my phone in the morning it was open on the alarm screen but that was as far as I got

Could have ended worse though!!



My WHY wednesday is WHYYYY in the food hall at the shops do people leave all their rubbish and wrappers all over the table and walk away when there is a bin right next to them?!?!?!


I suppose what I can do to work on this thing that others do that peevs me off is put my rubbish away loudly and obviously right next to them to set an example of how easy it is !?

redheadPosted 10-06-2015 09:37 PM
Why doesn't anyone understand self harm
ruenhonxPosted 10-06-2015 10:20 PM
@redhead so true, hopefully with time things will change. Stay strong 🙂

@FootyFan26 you are so right, people just dont bother if it doesn't affect them.

Whyyy is human nature so selfish?
tsnyderPosted 10-06-2015 10:27 PM

@ruenhonx not all people are selfish!  There are some great examples of selflessness out there!


Be the change you want to see

ruenhonxPosted 11-06-2015 12:23 AM
Yes very true @tsnyder 🙂 I think we as human nature can be both on different occasions.

tsnyderPosted 10-06-2015 10:12 PM

you're not alone @redhead, and some people do.  You're experiences will give you skills and understanding beyond what you can learn from books, and that will allow you to help others who self-harm.

FootyFan26Posted 10-06-2015 09:43 PM
@redhead Why doesn't anyone bother to understand self harm?

(Talking about people who make unfair assumptions)
j95Posted 09-06-2015 08:15 AM
When the shower goes cold and your in the middle of washing your hair!! It's so sad.
ruenhonxPosted 10-06-2015 09:04 PM
WHYYY am I still tired after taking a nap, I dont get it 😞
N1ghtW1ngPosted 11-06-2015 06:16 AM
WHYYY does having too much sleep have to be bad for you too :(:(
j95Posted 10-06-2015 09:17 PM

when you go to self serve at coles and one of your items doesnt scan. 

j95Posted 10-06-2015 09:23 PM
WHYYY didnt i check to see if we had milk before i filled my bowl with cereal (my after dinner snack haha)
FootyFan26Posted 10-06-2015 09:25 PM
WHYYYYY do I have to procrastinate?
FootyFan26Posted 10-06-2015 09:19 PM
WHYYYYY do I have to do oral presentations about poetry that I stress over and don't remember?

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