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Who do you look up to and why?
I think it is important to have a role model, someone who sets a good example and whose footsteps you'd like to follow. It doesn't matter if they a friend or family member or just someone you know, or even a famous person!
So who do you guys look up to? Why?
I'll start:
I look up to my sister because she is strong and independent, and taught me how to stand up for myself.
Go! 🙂
long story short a girl I know, she is doing everything people didn't believe she could do with her horse because her horse used to be very naughty and un educated, and she trained her all by herself at a young age and she's the first horse she trained (shes still a bit in training though). i hope i can do that with my horse (hes a lot like her horse)
Because I'm religious I look up to God. Otherwise, I look up to my brother and boyfriend. I strive to have a zen mindset.
I look up to my maternal Grandma. After my Grandpa passed away, my Grandma learned different skills on her own. She enrolled in an English class sponsored by the government for the elderly people, regularly went to church, and kept up a group of friends. I think she has come quite a long way, and in fact is more independent than when my Grandpa was around to handle a lot of things. Overall, I'm impressed by her positive attitude to life and her inner strength to continue to find things to learn and joys to look forward to even after such a big loss. :))))
Personally, I look up to Dr Brene Brown. She's a social worker and researcher who studies vulnerability and shame. I appreciate that she tries to dig into these crazy human emotions in an academic capacity, but that she also uses her own life and struggles as an example of what they look like. She talks the talk AND she walks the walk, which is what I think makes a great mental health professional. She's reminded me that being brave is a choice, not a personality trait, and that it's totally okay to a little bit awkward and uncool, because that means you're probably having fun and being yourself.
I look up to my SO!
She has the biggest heart and the brightest mind and I honestly believe the world would be a better place with people like her around. She inspires me to be more mindful, and caring, and to also never give up on my dreams because, through hard work, anything is achievable.
I look up to a friend who works so hard to make her dreams come true and is a kind and loving person. She also sings incredibly well!
I look up to Jazz Thornton.
She experienced childhood trauma, developed mental illness, and attempted 14 times as a teenager.
After some hard work, she is now fully recovered. She is a mental health advocate, set up a charity with another friend, and is about to publish her third book!
I find her really inspiring. She says, 'hope is real, changed is possible.' And her life story really proves that.
I just love seeing her smiling face in social media.
I think that if she can go from such an extremely bad situation, to enjoying life, then I can do the same, no matter how impossible it may seem.
I also admire Alessia Cara. She's a musician (my fav artist) who is open about her mental health. She has composed some great songs that are so relatable and takes what's going on inside me, and puts it into a song.
Also a friend who's like an Aunty to me. She's been through a lot. She still has lots of health issues, like endometriosis, that affect her daily. But she is so kind, encouraging and helpful. She's said I can always talk to her, and we text often. She's just such a beautiful person.
I'm a bit of a history buff (I'm an archaeology student haha) so I have a lot of historical figures I look up to. One of them is Elizabeth the 1st (total badass considering the time period in which she was a monarch!)
I also look up to a few musicians and actors, like Florence Welch (Florence and the Machine). I find the way she is able to translate her pain and suffering and create something beautiful from it really inspiring!
Wondering if anyone has any fictional role models?
Dave Grohl
He's so cool, so talented, has made such an impact on the world and has been in three of my favourite bands.
Love Dave Grohl! I grew up listening to Foo Fighters loads 🙂 Do you have a favourite song from any of his bands?
There is this teacher at my old high school that I look up to because they seem to be a really decent person and helped me alot. I want to inspire and help people like they did for me.
There is a nurse I know that helped me when I was really struggling with eating. I want to be kind and helpful like her.
I'm not sure...
I look up to my best friend and youth leader, because she is kind and loving to me. Except for the fact that I can only see her Twice a week, She was there for me, before she graduated last year. I want to be able to look after myself and others like she does. Thank you, My dear friend.
Coming back and reading all these responses is so beautiful guys, Keep em coming!!
Hi all, I look up to my sister as she is going through a really tough time right now with her hospital and school. She can barely move due to severe pain so she spends most of her time in bed in her room. Frustratingly, the hospital keeps delaying her admission due to bed availability and her unsupportive school is sending her warning letters due to the fact that she cannot attend as a result of her disability. Despite these issues, she says that she is willing to put in the hard work and do an intense rehabilitation stay so that she can walk again. I really admire her patience. Hang in there, sis!
[N] I look up to a lot of people.
Our mother, for always supporting me and doing so much for us. My friends for always being so kind to me. A for teaching me how to enjoy life even more. J for helping me avoid making stupid choices. Our father, D and S. Our French, Maths and English teachers. And our grandfather, who was one of the best people I knew.
It is so hard to pick just one person!
I look up to my mum- she is the strongest and most compassionate person I know. My mum is a nurse and has always strives to support other people and make a positive difference to the lives of those around her. I think if I can even be half the person she is, then I will have succeeded in life
You already help so many of us here on RO!
Awww... Thanks @lennycat2017!
I look up to my nan. She has survived breast cancer 3 times now and she is such an inspiration! She seriously is the most hilarious person I know as well! She’s my best friend 🙂 my mum and I are close and talk every day but we clash a lot and are both stubborn, my nan however, totally gets me in every state of mind I have and always supports me.
Thought I would come back and revive this thread.
I read back over my post from 2013 and I found it quite interesting to realise that some of the traits I admired in others have become some of my characteristics. For example in my teacher from 2013, I admired how she always saw the best in people, and this is something I find myself doing time and time again.
Like my aunt, I help others where I can. Whether it be modding here and helping others through some tough times, building a relationship in a positive light and helping them feel connected (like previous mods helped me), helping friends when they need it etc.
I had to think about who I look up to now and the first people who come to mind are some of the friends I have met through modding with RO and the community managers. Very similar to the mods I looked up to many years ago they are people who have a huge heart and care greatly about others. One thing I have learnt from the community managers and fellow mods is that you can struggle with mental health, or other issues but still be strong in other areas and feel empowered and supported. That feeling struggle in one area doesn't mean you aren't strong in other areas.
I hope those reading this feel comfortable to share who they look up to. It can be anyone for any reason. Why we look up to someone and see them as a role model is unique as our fingerprint and identity