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Weekly Wellbeing: Hopes for the Future

As another year comes to a close and we enter a new beginning, my mind is open to future possibilities about myself and the world. I have so many things in my head that I hope will be achieved and I'm hopeful that 2021 will be a much better year than 2020.

2020 was so tough for many of us, but trying to find silver linings has helped me to keep my thoughts away from the difficult stuff and move forward with my life. I'm sure we all have lots of things that we want to do and visions of how the world should be. Maybe you have a five year plan, a social issue that you're passionate about or a dream you hope will come true. Our community is so diverse and I'm constantly in awe of how many of our members strive towards making changes, not just for themselves, but for society as a whole. You are all so inspiring! Heart

For this week's wellbeing activity:
- Share a hope that you have for yourself in the future. It could be for the next few days, the next week, the next month, the next year or something many years into the future.
- Share a hope that you envision for the world. It could be something big or small. It could be a way of making things better for others, something good for our planet or anything else you can think of. I've personally found this template helpful.
You could write down your responses as a post, or keep them on a sticky note, vision board or journal entry and look at them to remind yourself of your hopes for the future. 🙂


WheresMySquishyPosted 23-12-2020 05:57 PM


jamijamPosted 27-02-2021 06:11 PM

My hope for the future is to get my drivers license, I've been putting it off for so long but i would really love the independence!


For the world, I hope COVID ends sooner rather than later. It's horrible hearing about the situation in the UK and the USA at the moment.

Milkninja222Posted 07-01-2021 11:09 AM

@WheresMySquishy brilliant idea to share! 2020 was a turbulent year for everyone.. 

 Love the responses everyone! hope you all achieve what you want! 😄

- Share a hope that you have for yourself in the future.I hope that I will be with someone what will challenge me to bring out the best of myself for them.
- Share a hope that you envision for the world.I hope that the world with have a renewed sense of empowerment and personal strength from the struggles that we have been facing

EvatoriePosted 05-01-2021 10:52 PM

I hope I can handle everything. I hope I will be happy. I hope I will finish my studies this year. I hope I will find my home.

clarii3105Posted 08-01-2021 05:53 PM

@Evatorie  and @Milkninja222  I hope all those things come true for you Heart

MacariaPosted 28-12-2020 12:10 AM
My hope for future is to successfully stepped into master's degree and continue my travel plan after covid
My hope for the world is definitely about passing through covid (getting the vaccine and having no more variation of the virus), it's a big problem for the world.
Sophia-ROPosted 28-12-2020 03:06 PM

I hope that comes true for you @Macaria! I don't think you are alone there as I am sure there are lots of people that are in the same boat and wanting to travel overseas as soon as they can (including me!) Smiley Happy. Are there any places in particular that you are wanting to visit?

hungincPosted 24-12-2020 06:45 PM

Share a hope that you have for yourself in the future

I hope to overcome my fear(s) that get in the way of me living a meaningful and fulfilling life.


Share a hope that you envision for the world

I hope to make a positive impact on people's lives, particularly those who are struggling with their mental health so that they can succeed in all domains of their life.





clarii3105Posted 25-12-2020 11:50 PM

- Share a hope that you have for yourself in the future. 

I hope that I can continue to work on managing my anxiety and dealing with it in more healthy ways. Going along with that, I hope to prioritise self care more and always leave time to reflect on the day. 
- Share a hope that you envision for the world. 

I hope that we can all look beyond ourselves and to what we can do to make the world a better place - whether that be through mental health work, environmental, human rights, animal rights etc.


happy holidays and new year everyone Smiley HappyHeart

Milkninja222Posted 11-01-2021 10:12 AM

@clarii3105 I hope the same for your hopes as well! 

A_FriendPosted 24-12-2020 12:11 PM

@WheresMySquishy this was such a great idea and @Anzelmo and @Lost_Space_Explorer5 such great hopes for the future. My hopes for the future are to find a job and for the world to get through covid19 with good spirits. 

Sophia-ROPosted 24-12-2020 03:49 PM

Such great ideas and honest hopes @Lost_Space_Explorer5 , @Anzelmo, @A_Friend. I am hoping that all of your hopes come true Heart

AnzelmoPosted 24-12-2020 11:08 AM

Love this Weekly Wellbeing.


My hope for my future is that I can continue to build strong financial independence and that my relationships continue to floruish.


My hope for the world is that we continue to get through COVID and the pandemic without losing the spirit of Christmas, and the hopes of a new year!

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 23-12-2020 10:53 PM

Awesome weekly wellbeing idea!

Something I hope for is that I'm in a better place emotionally in the future and maybe not in as much physical pain. That might not happen or it might take a long time but I can still hold hope that maybe things will get better

For the world I guess I hope that there is more equality, so less discrimination and less suffering in the world. And that we try to fix the environment. And help people who need help. And just understand things better

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