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Weekly Wellbeing: Music

Weekly Wellbeing: Music 


There is a growing body of research emerging that supports something we’ve known all along - Music is healing Heart 


Whether it’s seeing live music, creating and performing music or singing in the shower, many of us have experienced the magic of music first hand. You might also be interested to know that music is being found to help alleviate pain, help dementia patients and actually stimulates the parts of the brain that fire up when you’re happy and content. 


So now we know that music is good for us - it  can help us to reconcile experiences and emotions we carry around with us. It can bring people together to communicate important messages. Today for Weekly Wellbeing we’re going to focus on how music can be uplifting and inspiring! 




Tell us what song lifts your mood and why? 


Share a story/memory that demonstrates the power of music




A song that always lifts my mood is This  Charming Man by The Smiths. It always reminds me of being silly and dancing in the kitchen with my Mum. 



A story that demonstrates the power of music for me, was during the Vietnam War. John Lennon and Yoko did a song called "Give Peace A Chance". The song quickly became an anti-war cry that thousands of people sang together at Washington House in protest. 


Now your turn! Can't wait to read back on all your responses Heart 



Bre-ROPosted 28-08-2019 03:42 PM


Portia_ROPosted 27-09-2022 07:28 PM

Hey everyone! Reviving this thread for tonight's WW 😁


Tell us what song lifts your mood and why? 

A song that really lifts my mood is Amazing by Alex Lloyd. My family and I used to make jokes using the lyrics - whenever one of us would say that the other is amazing, we would always sing "And yooooouuuuu do amaaaaaazin' things" afterwards. Now, anytime it comes on the radio, my Mum, Dad, sister and I always Facetime each other and sing along together. It always lifts my mood because it reminds me that some special people think I'm amazing, and that I have a wonderful and wacky family.



Share a story/memory that demonstrates the power of music

When I was 16, my sister was living at uni in a different city. We're super close, so we got tickets to see Florence + the Machine and I planned a trip to go stay with her in her university dorm.


I don't know why, but the night before the concert I couldn't stop thinking about coming out to her and I just blurted out that I was gay at dinner. I was really worried about telling my sister, because I thought it might change our relationship, but she was totally cool about it and made me feel like I was the same person she'd always known. The next night, we went to our concert and had a fantastic time and it was like nothing had changed. Well, that's not true - I felt a million kilos lighter and I felt like my sister was seeing me for who I was for the first time.


When she plays 'Dog Days Are Over' at her concerts, Florence tells everyone to take off a piece of clothing and swap it with someone, to jump up and down and to touch and hold onto each other while she sings and we dance (even if it's a complete stranger you're holding onto). It was pouring rain that day, so my sister and I took off our rain ponchos and danced in the storm together and it was a moment of pure joy. My heart felt full seeing one of my favourite performers with one of my favourite people after sharing a really huge part of myself for the first time, and I remember that feeling whenever I hear the song 🥰



Now it's over to you! What songs mean something to you?

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Tay100Posted 21-05-2020 12:42 PM

Tell us what song lifts your mood and why? 


The lyrics, the chill vibes, it's uplifting to play in the morning!


Share a story/memory that demonstrates the power of music


I have many... I guess recently, listening to upbeat music when I'm being active helps me feel like I'm at the gym and like everything is a little bit back to normal!


Bre-ROPosted 21-05-2020 12:55 PM

@Tay100 I love M83! 


And I love music because it has been my constant in life. In hard times, in times of celebration, in times of letting go and times of redefining who I am.


During iso my partner and I have been converting our house into a dance party on weekends.



^ me in my own lounge room on a Saturday night. 


Also, singing all day has been one positive to working from home (sorry neighbors) 


To get through iso I've also been making playlists on Spotify with all my fave songs and artists. The artists that have been getting me through are... Frank Ocean, Erykah Badu, Solange, Mac DeMarco, Snoh Aalegra and Hiatus Kaiyote Heart

Tay100Posted 22-05-2020 11:39 AM

@Bre-RO  I just discovered them actually! Do you have any of their songs you could recommend to me? And I love the idea of converting your living room into a party space! What does that look like?

Bre-ROPosted 22-05-2020 12:45 PM

My fave M83 songs would be Midnight City and Lower Your Eyelids to Die with the Sun!

WheresMySquishyPosted 22-05-2020 07:33 PM

How does music help you through tough times?
I often listen to music that describes or reflects how I'm feeling. This can be really cathartic. I also like listening to uplifting music and songs that have a positive message when times get tough.

BeePosted 25-05-2020 12:13 PM

@Claire-RO  I find listening to sad songs helps me process sad feelings too! I hadn't heard of Circle by George Alice, so I looked it up. I love her voice! I also love the video about her inspirations for the song! Thank you for introducing me to it! 🙂


@WheresMySquishy Absolutely agree that it can be cathartic to listen to songs that reflect how you're feeling. As soon as I read your answer I was like this captures it so well for me too!


I also find that music can be a distraction from my thoughts and things going on in my life. Especially when I find something that just captures my entire attention. Like when I found MILCK and her songs. One of her songs Ooh Ooh Child was in a tv show I was watching and I was like "I need to find this song" and I spent so long just completely in awe of her music, and captivated by her passion.


I also love listening to the artists talk about their music, inspirations, and experiences. I find it gives me a new appreciation for their music

Bre-ROPosted 29-05-2020 04:19 PM

I just wanted to send a big thank you for everyone who took part in this discussion! ReachOut's content team actually wrote an awesome article about how music can get you through tough times - and some forum users were quoted! If anyone wants to check it out, have a look here

recharging_introvertPosted 11-09-2019 11:14 AM

Tell us what song lifts your mood and why? 

One song that always uplifts me is Church by Samm Henshaw, his voice is so smooth and gets me vibin'


Share a story/memory that demonstrates the power of music

The first thing that came to mind for me in response to this is this moment I always get when I'm at a music festival. I'll be in the crowd, surrounded by both friends and strangers, and the lights are going and its hot and then one of your favourite songs come on and everyone just starts signing along and there's just this really profound moment of just like pure joy and peace. Does anyone else get this or know what I'm talking about?? 

Bre-ROPosted 11-09-2019 02:03 PM

It's so nice to read back on everyone's responses here 🙂 


@recharging_introvert yes! I totally understand the feeling you're describing. I love looking around at festivals/live shows and seeing how happy people are. Dancing, hugging, singing with their friends. It's so beautiful :')

Janine-ROPosted 19-05-2020 03:19 PM

I love this thread so much, music is one of the great loves of my life, and it's definitely something that boosts my mood, or reminds me of the beauty in the world - and it's also something that lets me connect with pain, as well as joy. 


One of my favourite moments in a movie where the music just brought  so much beauty onto the screen was Down to the river to pray, from O Brother Where Art Though- I have this on a playlist I listen to when I'm walking or running and it just lifts my soul. 



I can also definitely relate to that amazing feeling of being part of a crowd when a band you love is playing - being united with a huge group of people in total joy. So good! It's definitely one thing I'm looking forward to when life gets back to normal - but I have been loving a seeing a lot of my favourite bands and musicians do mini concerts from their homes. 



Janine-ROPosted 20-05-2020 01:26 PM

Hey all, 


We've been thinking about the role that music can play when we're going through tough times, and would love to hear everyone's thoughts on that, so thought we would add one more question to this GR: how does music help you through tough times? 




Just tagging people who responded to this thread or who may be interested, would love to hear your thoughts! @Bee  @WheresMySquishy  @recharging_introvert  @Anonymous  @mrmusic  @xXLexi_Lou122Xx  @Bananatime04  @Tay100 

Claire-ROPosted 20-05-2020 04:28 PM

Ah geez i reckon everyone is going through a bit of tough time recently. I know for me I have been on a bit of a roller coaster lately. Music helps me in so many ways but lately it has helped me when I am really sad, I have actually been listening to sad music and allowing that as time to grieve. I find I can then just sit in my feelings and start to process them.

I don't suddenly feel happy but just a little lighter.

A couple of songs I have been listening to to work through my grief is elastic heart by Sia (I am big fan and have a tattoo of her) and Circles by George Alice

recharging_introvertPosted 20-05-2020 06:11 PM

How does music help you through tough times? 

Sometimes when I'm sad I'll listen to sad music and just wallow in my sadness, which in theory doesn't sound helpful but it's actually really comforting to know that other people go through hard times too and there's people out there who know your pain. 

But sometimes it'll do the exact opposite for me too! Like listening to really upbeat, happy music to break me out of my funk and help me feel good. If it's a really pumped-up song it can even push me that one step further and get me to go for a run or some other exercise! 



BeePosted 03-09-2019 04:40 PM

Tell us what song lifts your mood and why? 

There are many songs which lift my mood and for different reasons.

Some are Perfect by Pink it inspires me to keep pushing through, and that no matter how I feel I am perfect the way I am. Thanks Pink! :grin: (and many other pink songs because her lyrics make me feel heard and understood)

Kesha: Praying, Learn to Let go and Hymn.

Katy Perry: By the Grace of God and Choose your Battles


I'll limit it to one video or you'll never reach the end of my post, and I've chosen this one because it always makes me feel a bit happier 😉



Share a story/memory that demonstrates the power of music

Songs like the MACARENA and Limbo rock, were well known and at school dances, everyone broke out in dance. I remember one time going to my brother for a church group he did a lot of volunteering with in his 20's (a good 10-15 years ago) and at one gathering the macarena, limbo rock, and other similar songs were played and everyone got involved. There managed to be a konga line for limbo rock and eventually it was replayed a few times with two limbo poles it was good fun.

There were other songs like this that I loved and always bring me back to primary school and that sense that there wasn't much to worry about in life


statuscaringPosted 05-09-2019 08:16 AM
Tell us what song lifts your mood and why?

-Any Beyonc'e song lifts my mood! I'm totally obsessed and I love to belt out her songs in the car if i'm feeling down.
Also i do this if I'm happy too... all round good for my mood 🙂

Share a story/memory that demonstrates the power of music
-The song from the movie Madagascar "I like to move it move it" is on one of the WII Just Dance games, my best friends and I used to play this game so much if we hung out or had sleepovers.. all those years ago! Brings up so many good memories.
letitgoPosted 29-08-2019 06:49 AM

Tell us what song lifts your mood and why? 


Most Girls by Hailee Steinfeld tends to lift my mood because it's upbeat and the lyrics (and music video) make me feel empowered and strong.


Share a story/memory that demonstrates the power of music


A memory that I think about often is when I went on holiday with one of my friends and was feeling rather low and worthless because she didn't understand my anxiety, and was thrashing me at a game of mini-golf. Suddenly, one of my favourite songs (Made in the USA by Demi Lovato) started playing on the radio, and - I don't even know how to describe it properly - it was like my soul was soothed, like the song was playing just for me, as a reminder that I mattered. I was able to enjoy the rest of the day and remember that my feelings were/are valid, and my worth is not contingent on winning or losing 🙂  

Claire-ROPosted 29-08-2019 12:21 PM

I love this activity!!!!!

Music is everything to me and can have such an impact from lifting my mood, to helping get stuff done, and even playing a great game of soccer!!!!


Tell us what song lifts your mood and why? 

I have so many but I will limit to 3 


Walking on sunshine - Katrina & the Waves - When I have to sit in ice baths after training this is the only song that gets me through


Juice - Lizzo (also Feeling good as hell, truth hurts and anything she writes haha) - All about self love and that is so important 


Dance with somebody - Whitney Houston  - No matter where I am, what I am doing, and who I am with, I have to start singing and dancing 


Share a story/memory that demonstrates the power of music

I lost my step mum a few years back and I wrote a song for her, she got to hear it before she passed. Every time I listen to or play it I get to think of her and how happy she was to hear my song!

WheresMySquishyPosted 30-08-2019 07:05 PM

@Claire-RO  That's so touching. I'm sure your step mum really appreciated that gesture. Heart

Tell us what song lifts your mood and why? 
Lots of sings lift my mood but I will limit it to a few for now.
- The Cuppycake Song because it reminds me of my sister. She knows all the lyrics by heart.
- Waiting for Love by Avicii because it makes me feel like things can get better and that people can heal over time. I think it also means that people have to know sadness to experience joy. Grateful by Rita Ora and Rainbow by Kesha have similar ideas and I like listening to them too.
- Some of my family members and I have been listening to Soon You'll Get Better by Taylor Swift a lot. I know it's about her mum but we also hope that my sister will get better and she loves Taylor Swift.

Share a story/memory that demonstrates the power of music
- Today, my sister sang to distract herself from the pain of physiotherapy. She was able to sit in a wheelchair with her legs bent (which is hard for her to do) for longer and wheel herself around the hospital for a longer distance.
- I've been to a lot of concerts. The best ones create a sense of what can only be described as 'communitas', with everyone feeling and enjoying the music at the same time. It felt like we were all bonding through the shared experience of being there and we could forget about everything else and just enjoy the music together.

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