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Which tribe do you, your ancestors and family belong to?
Kamillaroi - Tinga Moree
What is your absolute favourite thing to do when you have spare time?
Sleep and/or watch movies
What makes you most proud about being Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?
The fact that we focused on sustainability of the land for up to 80,000 years
I witnessed my first Indigenous Smoking Ceremony last week, and it was SUCH a powerful experience and I really wanted to share it with this wonderful community.
I hope that I can continue to expand my knowledge of this country's Indigenous culture in various ways, this thread being one 🙂
@Jess1-RO Hey! I am back from a long sabbatical. Uni has been pretty full on this semester and I've struggled to find time to get on RO but I am back to making my commitment to at least jump on 2 times a week! Thanks for checking in
Really love that you have set a forums goal, I would love to hear how you find setting a goal and whether it is something we can support other members to set too.
See you around soon!!
Hey @Jess1-RO thanks for your response!
Its week 10/13 at the moment but mid semester break is next week so it’s been a long haul!
I’ve currently written down the days I plan to jump on RO in my diary and the time I plan to spend - even if it’s just 10 minutes to respond to replies or an hour if I have more time. The visual prompt in my diary keeps my accountable on those days.
Goal setting is definitely something we could look at doing on the forum if this hasn’t been done in a while!
How have you been?
Talk soon xx
You are on the home stretch for Uni 2019! Whoop whoop!
I am good thanks! Can't believe we are already approaching the end of September, this year has gone so quick!
Looking forward to seeing you around the forums again soon 🙂
Thanks @Jess1-RO it's taken a lot of practice to get this organised!
I know, I am feeling good about finishing uni and will have a day to unwind on the break :Smileyhappy:
Glad to hear you are doing well! This year has flown by, not prepared for it to be Christmas yet!
Hey there @Saltwaterdreamtime,
Thanks for sharing that article! Just letting you know that I edited your post to fix the link, it is interesting to hear about the perspectives of others on a particular topic. Thank you again for sharing! 🙂
Facebook. It was on the page ABC Indigenous
Briggs is a legend
Also, Hello Everyone!
This thread fills my heart with so much joy! What a beautiful place to see so many of us mob here having a yarn!
I am a Nywaigi woman from NQ! Considered a little rain forest tribe, our land is full of beautiful wetlands!
In my spare time, I tend to laze around at home and netflix/read.
In my opinion, the best thing about being ATSI is the instant connection you feel with our mob. The ties we create are so strong and for life, our eagerness to support each other, praise each other and share knowledge with each other is what I love.
Looking forward to getting to know you all!!
Hello @lennycat2017, thank you so much for sharing! 🙂 I don't identify as ATSI, but I've found that connection you refer to so inspiring! Something that we can learn from, that's for sure!
Hey @Saltwaterdreamtime I'm really sorry for your loss, that's sad news What have you been doing to look after yourself tonight?
Hi @Saltwaterdreamtime, I am so sorry for your loss How are you going after hearing the news? Sending lots of support your way today!
Is there anyone that is able to support you to travel?
They suggested that if I’m not going to work today to do something instead not just sit at home so I went for a big surf
That's understandable that you don't feel like asking for money @Saltwaterdreamtime. I am really glad to hear you have reached out to your mentors for support today, it sounds like they have offered some good suggestions to help you get through the day today- surfing is a great idea. Will they be around to chat if you need support in the coming days?
Losing someone is really painful, and I want you to know that we are here for you, and it sounds like your mentors are there for you too