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Join an event. Happening today.

AMAA: Coming Out


ReachOut wishes our incredible LGBTIQA+ users a very Happy Pride Month. This month commemorates the mammoth drive, activism and power shown by members of our community. If you want to learn more about why we celebrate pride in the month of June here is an awesome article about it. 


To mark the occasion we will be welcoming the community (that’s you!) to answer some questions about coming out. We will also be sharing our experiences. 


So, that means this month you are the guests. 


This chat we will be talking about coming out - the good, the awkward, the scary and the amazing parts of it. We’ll also be introducing the idea of “inviting in” as a way to go through this process in a way that feels safe and empowering to you.


Shoot your questions through to us using the form below: 



We'll be doing this on the 30th of June from 7pm - 9pm. 


Hope to see you there!





Bre-ROPosted 18-06-2021 04:20 PM


HozzlesPosted 30-06-2021 07:01 PM

Hii! 😁

Haven't been on much since the forums updated, keen to see and talk to you all!!! 🌈

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 30-06-2021 07:02 PM

Hey hey hey @Hozzles! How have you been?! 😄 It feels like it's been ages!

HozzlesPosted 30-06-2021 07:04 PM

I'm okay! The new forums still really confuse me, but surely if I'm on here more I'll get used to it 😂

Bre-ROPosted 30-06-2021 07:09 PM

Hey @Hozzles so nice to see you - I'm still getting used to the new forum 🙂 these things take time 

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 30-06-2021 07:08 PM

Yeah it does take a little bit of getting used to @Hozzles! Glad you're doing okay 🙂

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 30-06-2021 06:38 PM

Super keen for this chat!! 🌈 😄


Also is this our first live chat since the update 😮??



WheresMySquishyPosted 29-06-2021 06:00 PM

Excited for this AMAA! Looking forward to hearing what the rest of the community has to say about coming out.

Happy Pride Month! 🌈🏳️‍🌈

Janine-ROPosted 21-06-2021 11:35 AM

Very excited for this one! It should be a great chat - happy pride month to all ❤️


Janine-ROPosted 30-06-2021 09:43 AM

Can't wait for this chat! A reminder to everyone that this is happening tonight, it should be a great one. 


A very happy pride to all 🌈


Janine-ROPosted 30-06-2021 09:48 AM

@Hozzles@WheresMySquishy@Lost_Space_Explorer5@Eden1717@Tiny_leaf@WinterCalvino@StormySeas17@unicorn123@GeorgieGirl@Rattata@leahmay@scared01@PlantFanaticEv@Jessica123@Gbear@squiggly  just tagging peeps who may be interested here, everyone is welcome! It should be a fun chat

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