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Friday 3rd May: Live guest Bart from Livewire

INFOBUS is back! May 2019...


On Friday the 3rd of May 7-9pm we will be having an Infobus! If this is your first time hearing about an infobus, go here to learn about what they are!


Our guest will be Bart from Livewire.



Livewire is an online place for teens living with a serious or chronic illness to share stories, laugh, have a vent.. And go somewhere where they will be understood.


Bart will be chatting all things chronic illness, how to get support and how to cope with the daily struggle illness can bring.


If you have any questions for Bart submit them below, and we will ask Bart on the day ( depending on how many we get!)


Jess1-ROPosted 24-04-2019 03:14 PM
Bart-LivewirePosted 03-05-2019 08:35 PM

@WheresMySquishy I couldn't have said it better myself 🙂

scared01Posted 03-05-2019 08:30 PM
@WheresMySquishy i love your latest response Heart
gina-ROPosted 03-05-2019 08:12 PM

Hey @scared01  no worries! So glad you could make it Smiley Happy

If you wanna jump in, feel free to answer some of the questions about your own experience to this topic (chronic illness .. as well as music) - if you'd like to 🙂 


gina-ROPosted 03-05-2019 08:08 PM

We had two specific questions come through about blood pressure that we'd love to hear from you from @Bart-Livewire : 


Is having chronic low blood pressure an illness? 

Is there a way to cope with low blood pressure and other symptoms that follow?



WheresMySquishyPosted 03-05-2019 07:57 PM

@gina-RO  I like to listen to upbeat music when I'm in a bad mood because it cheers me up. My sister likes to sing to take her mind off her symptoms.

gina-ROPosted 03-05-2019 08:01 PM

@WheresMySquishy  Upbeat music makes a lot of sense for when you're feeling low. That's awesome your sister likes to sing as a distraction Heart


@ecla34  thank you for sharing that about your twin sister's experience - you sound like an amazing support for her. Heart Having an invisible illness can be so challenging - especially when people are belittling of the very real pains and difficulties of that illness.  Heart




ecla34Posted 03-05-2019 08:00 PM

@Bart-Livewire that's a really interesting intersection between your different careers! Music really is so good at connecting people, it transcends language! 😄

WheresMySquishyPosted 03-05-2019 08:06 PM

I think music can be really useful for connecting with people with disabilities or chronic conditions who are experiencing isolation. I have seen this in some of the volunteering work I have done. Smiley Happy

WheresMySquishyPosted 03-05-2019 07:54 PM

@Bart-Livewire  The projects sound really fun!

gina-ROPosted 03-05-2019 07:45 PM

@WheresMySquishy thank you for sharing your experience with your sister - it sounds like a really tough situation for her.  Having the support of you and the rest of the family is so important. Distraction is a great way to help with pain - do you find this is helpful for the people you work with @Bart-Livewire ? 


I know for my condition, I really appreciate having people understand that there is still life with sickness. When there isn't a cure, or a quick solution, life needs to continue in some way. Doing fun activities with others, is a great way to do that. 

Bart-LivewirePosted 03-05-2019 07:29 PM
There is a really amazing community developing inside Livewire, and it's evolving all the time as new members arrive and older ones move on. I would highly recommend anyone with chronic health issues who are between 12 and 21 to join. The address is
gina-ROPosted 03-05-2019 07:15 PM

@Bart-Livewire  sweet thanks

Have others heard of Livewire? Or the hospital program - it's Starlight right Bart? 

You can get it out on their website over here if you want to know a bit more Smiley Very Happy


And no worries @mspaceK , really glad you're here 🙂 Take it as easy as you need. 

Bart-LivewirePosted 03-05-2019 07:19 PM
Yes, it's a Starlight program. In the hospitals we run congruently with the Captain Starlight program, but online is all for adolescents, 12-21, unless you become a mentor and you can stay a little longer 🙂
gina-ROPosted 03-05-2019 07:25 PM

@Bart-Livewire  Awesome - I love that the members run the chats primarily. 


I want to mention that we have a lot of people in the RO community who experience ongoing serious or chronic illness- both physical and mental, and will probably relate to the people you work with.

I also have a chronic illness - Type 1 diabetes, and know from my experience just how hard it can be to juggle life, with complex health care needs -   having a safe space where people understand, must be really valuable for people. 





ecla34Posted 03-05-2019 07:30 PM

@Bart-Livewire  it must be so rewarding and encouraging to see that kind of growth in confidence in users and their comfort with the service 😄 Heart
I really love organisations like RO and Livewire because they have that potential to reach people all over Australia and connect them with others going through similar things, even in really remote rural areas, there's so much potential for a really powerful impact Heart

Bart-LivewirePosted 03-05-2019 07:33 PM

That's so true @ecla34 

On Livewire we have quite strict rules about sharing information, but with parents permission, or once members are over 18, they can contact each other outside of Livewire. I've known members to fly across Australia to meet up with friends they've met on Livewire, and because the site is so media-rich, many photos and videos are shared before they get to that point.

WheresMySquishyPosted 03-05-2019 07:27 PM

I agree @gina-RO! It's really important to have social support and understanding when you or someone you know has a chronic illness.

WheresMySquishyPosted 03-05-2019 07:17 PM

Hi everyone! I've heard of Livewire and Starlight! Smiley Happy

ecla34Posted 03-05-2019 07:00 PM

So exciting!!

SaltwaterdreamtimePosted 29-04-2019 02:26 PM
I would love to @gina-RO it’s my birthday the next day though so I’m not
sure what I’m doing
Bart-LivewirePosted 30-04-2019 12:21 PM

Hi @Saltwaterdreamtime happy birthday for Saturday! I hope to get a chance to chat on Friday night. I'm really looking forward to meeting you all and discussing Livewire, amongst other things 🙂

gina-ROPosted 30-04-2019 12:43 PM

Yay @Bart-Livewire ! 


@SomeoneNADJS  @blobby @Tiny_leaf  @indieinsanus 

hope to see you all there too Smiley Happy

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 30-04-2019 08:17 PM
I think I found a way to join in!
I'll just use my data, and try to answer when I can!
lokifishPosted 01-05-2019 01:34 PM
I'll try and join in on Friday! 🙂
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 29-04-2019 03:23 PM
I would love too as well, but I won't be able to stay for long... I have youth group at 7:30pm, and will most likely be getting ready to go by the time you start............... if I don't end up online, please say hi for me!
I did already ask a question in the box anyway..........

Welcome back!

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