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WW Activity: Give to yourself
This week's activity comes from @mspaceK again! What a legend
We've done a few activities before about giving to others, and appreciating others.
But this week is about YOU.
This week's activity is to give to yourself!
Think about what can do to treat yourself this week - it could be having a solo date at a cafe, going for a walk with your favourite music, having a bath, or buying yourself something special.
1. What did you do, or will you do this week to treat yourself?
2. Think of something nice you can say to yourself as your receive/ give this gift to yourself . imagine you were someone else getting it for you, and what you would write on the card, or say as you gave the gift. Why do you deserve this gift?
I'll start us off:
1. This week I will treat myself by booking a massage.
2. "Gina, you deserve this gift because even though your life can be really hard, you keep going and keep loving those around you".
Your turn!
Remember it doesn't have to be fancy or expensive - just a way to appreciate and give to yourself
This is an awesome activity!
1. This weekend I will treat myself by going on a mini shopping spree as I scored some extra shifts at work in the last 2 weeks.
2. "You deserve this gift because you have worked a lot and have been saving a lot recently. You have also had a hard time finding jobs/volunteer opportunities, but there are some options opening up so treat yourself with this spree to celebrate!"
This week I allowed myself to express how I have truly been feeling rather than hiding and pretending that everything is okay. I haven't felt okay and I told people about it and so I got to spend some time with therapy dogs and gave myself 2 days off work. I deserved the time off and to relax with the dogs because I let other people/animals look after me for a change.
1. What did you do, or will you do this week to treat yourself?
I let myself have a bit of a more 'chill' week workwise with more me time than usual
2. Think of something nice you can say to yourself as your receive/ give this gift to yourself . imagine you were someone else getting it for you, and what you would write on the card, or say as you gave the gift. Why do you deserve this gift?
Tasi, you deserve not be 100% full force all the time. That is a recipe for burning out. You may feel less productive this week but over all this will help to keep you going and you should never feel guilty for needing down time or having a slower week.
Yay, self care!
1. What did you do, or will you do this week to treat yourself?
I had a long bath yesterday, with bubble bath and a bath bomb.
2. Think of something nice you can say to yourself as your receive/ give this gift to yourself.
Hozzles, it's okay to rest sometimes and take the time to simply enjoy doing nothing. Battling with anxiety and depression is exhausting and you deserve some time to yourself. Think about how your tense muscles will benefit from the relaxation -- you will feel much better in the end.
1. What did you do, or will you do this week to treat yourself?
I treated my self by going to the beach. I just feel at peace being there especially after a hectic week at work and Uni
2. Think of something nice you can say to yourself as your receive/ give this gift to yourself.
I totally deserve this after putting in my hardwork at work and Uni. Self-care and Self-love is something I had to ensure and I achieved that goal by doing what I like
1. What did you do, or will you do this week to treat yourself?
Had a little bit of a sleep in this morning
2. Think of something nice you can say to yourself as your receive/ give this gift to yourself . imagine you were someone else getting it for you, and what you would write on the card, or say as you gave the gift. Why do you deserve this gift?
You deserve the rest and recuperation after a busy week, and this will help you get a great start for the days ahead!
LOVING everyone's responses to this! Especially hearing why you each deserve the gift - amazing self compassion and self-care going on
//You are strong, You are beautiful, You are enough//
Love it!!
I painted my nails a few days ago, but I'm going to count it as part of this week.
1. What did you do, or will you do this week to treat yourself?
Paint my nails and buy myself some popcorn as a snack. 🙂
2. Think of something nice you can say to yourself as your receive/ give this gift to yourself . imagine you were someone else getting it for you, and what you would write on the card, or say as you gave the gift. Why do you deserve this gift?
"Dear me, uni can be stressful - life in general can be stressful, especially this month - and it's extra important to be gentle with yourself. You are allowed to take a break from studying, and you are allowed to spend money on food for yourself. It's important to keep yourself well fed and nourished, even if that means spending a little extra here and there. You've got this."
I am just going to tag a few members who might be interested in this activity over the weekend
@DIVYA @xXLexi_Lou122Xx @Bananatime04 @Jane_Rose @Rose_Harley @Hozzles @Maddyw @LovesFood @N1ghtW1ng @Esperanza67
Generally, Wellbeing Wednesdays are about taking the taking time to reflect upon ourselves and improve our wellbeing @xXLexi_Lou122Xx. More info can be found here. So for instance with this week, we were tasked to reflect on what we can give back to our yourselves by answering the two questions asked by @gina-RO in the initial post.
1. What did you do, or will you do this week to treat yourself?
Watched new episodes of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina on Netflix and went out for dinner last Thursday with friends to celebrate one of my friend's 21st birthday 🙂
2. Think of something nice you can say to yourself as you receive/ give this gift to yourself. Imagine you were someone else getting it for you, and what you would write on the card, or say as you gave the gift. Why do you deserve this gift?
"You've worked so hard these past few weeks and juggling uni and volunteering with so many work shifts must be really hard and exhausting! And so, you really deserve this break :).
1. I will be mowing the lawn... I like mowing. Especially with the ride-on mower! Eat some custard. Sleep in, seeing as it's holidays!
2. "As much as you don't like holidays, you deserve a break from school, and wind down after surviving a whole term of no friends. Then, when holidays finish, you can find a way/find new strategies, to make better ones".
//You are strong, You are beautiful, You are enough//
1. What did you do, or will you do this week to treat yourself?
I was having a really difficult day, so I took the afternoon off, bought some guilty pleasure snacks, watched a movie and took a long nap.
2. Think of something nice you can say to yourself as your receive/ give this gift to yourself . imagine you were someone else getting it for you, and what you would write on the card, or say as you gave the gift. Why do you deserve this gift?
Dear queenP, I know things are incredibly difficult at the moment, and there are times where you feel like giving up. It's okay to feel that way. But it's not okay to give up. You are worth the fight, so take today to rest, regroup and ready yourself for the battle ahead. You can do this!