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WW: Appreciating those around us!

There are some awesome people out there who help us. Whether by giving advice, a listening ear or just being there.



This week is all about appreciating those people and letting them know how much they mean to us.


I want you to think about someone special in your life, maybe they helped you in a time of need, or are always giving you a smile and a wave in the morning as you leave home.


Whoever they are I want you to think about what makes that person so special.

Then reach out to this person and let them know why you appreciate them.

Then come back to us and share something about the interaction of sharing this with them.

Maybe you had a special moment and it made their day, maybe it made you feel good sharing the love. Whatever it is, I'm keen to hear about it. (Because I just love hearing about these moments! And doing them myself!)



This week's task

  • Think about someone you appreciate and why
  • Contact said person and share this with them
  • Come back and share something about your experience


BeePosted 20-03-2019 01:46 PM


gina-ROPosted 25-03-2019 01:02 PM

I am loving this thread so much! Great WW activity @Bee . 

Reading everyone's responses is so encouraging!


@letitgo  I like your idea about thinking up other ways of showing appreciation to people - being creative in how we show our appreciation can be fun as well! 

Now to think about who in my life I can appreciate today - I was actually thinking it would be nice to order some flowers for someone in my life, just as a way to say they're great! 

DruidChildPosted 20-03-2019 08:18 PM

What an awesome idea for a thread @Bee Smiley Very Happy I’ll keep this in mind over the week! In the meantime, the other day I told my sister that a conversation we’d had had really brightened my evening! She then shared that it had made hers better, too, and thanked me for starting the convo! It was a really lovely interaction Smiley Very Happy


(Also, every day when I get up I smile at my poster of the thirteenth doctor! She has made me feel so much less alone and I’m so grateful for her, although she isn’t a ‘real’ person!) 

skyedrePosted 21-03-2019 03:51 PM

This is great, being grateful towards others always helps me stay positive! 


I know that @Bee mentioned appreciating a person, but I'm always so appreciative of my dog. He's always there to cuddle with when I'm feeling sad, and his insatiable appetite never fails to amuse me. 

queenPPosted 21-03-2019 06:46 PM

This one is from a few days ago, but I bought my Mum and I matching rings with a ; symbol on them as a thank you for helping me get through the tough time I've been having for the last few months. I told her how much I appreciate her endless support and that without her, I don't think I would have been able to emerge from some of those especially dark days. She said that while she hates that I have to go through such difficult mental health struggles, she is glad that it has made us closer and that our relationship is so strong. She also mentioned that at first the ; scared her, but now she sees it as a reminder of the wonderful future I will have and that she has been a part of making sure that I live to achieve all the goals I have set for myself. 

Jess1-ROPosted 20-03-2019 04:08 PM

Fantastic topic @Bee!


I am going to tag a few members active today to get us started Smiley Happy

@BJH @aebarrie12 @xXLexi_Lou122Xx  @scared01 @Hozzles @xo_aki @Bananatime04 @mrmusic @Eden1717 

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 20-03-2019 04:16 PM
Hey everyone.
I would like to acknowledge @scared01 and @Bananatime04,for being here to listen, and giving some advice when I need it the most. I'm glad to have found RO. It's helping my mental and emotional health a lot.
Thanks everyone.

Great Idea @Bee!
BeePosted 23-03-2019 02:19 PM

@xXLexi_Lou122Xx  I'm glad that the support ypur getting from RO is helping you ❤


@DruidChild  That interactions with your sister your sounds so lovely! ❤
And absolutely the 13th doctor counts! 🙂 


@skyedre omg YES!!!! Animals deffs count toooooo!!!


@queenP  that is a lovely sentiment ❤


I have a couple ideas for mine,  I plan to do that during the following week 🙂


letitgoPosted 23-03-2019 06:59 PM

@Bee this is SUCH a great idea!!


Hmmm...there are a few people I want to text/email to thank for their support but I'd like to think of a few different ways of expressing my gratitude too. 🙂

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