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Weekly GOALS!

Hey everyone,



So I've been a little lost and I've wanted to become more involved in the forums and haven't done a great job of it so far. So to combat this issue I've made a goal, and I thought it would be good if we had a thread about goal setting on the forums.


I've decided to set my goal across the week. And my goal is to "Personally respond to 3 people".

I chose 3 because it's a nice number, not too easy but not too daunting. The idea of responding to people helps push me to be more apart of the forums and step more into the role of a builder.


So now that I've shared my goal for this week, I'm wondering if you have any goals this week? What are they?


Set goals like a boss infographic.jpg

BeePosted 13-12-2016 05:46 PM


mspaceKPosted 26-03-2019 10:23 PM

My Goal(s)


1. I want to do more exercise both individually and socially. 

2. I enjoy skipping, dodgeball, swimming, riding, rock climbing, surfing, running and dancing.

3. Use the equipment available at my work either before or after my shift. Contact friends who are playing dodgeball and find out game times and venues. Find out prices for rock climbing and organise a facebook group event. Aim to go running once a week. Dance to music in my room. 

4. Find opportunities before and after my work shifts and on my days off. 

5. Try to exercise at least 10 minutes a day. 

6. Form the habit during April! 


lennycat2017Posted 26-03-2019 10:26 PM

Awesome goal @mspaceK! I have no doubt you will be able to achieve it now that you have broken it down into smaller goals - it really is the best way to motivate yourself and feel proactive Smiley Happy


My goal this week is to eat healthy and maintain an 80/20 balance 

mspaceKPosted 26-03-2019 10:30 PM

@lennycat2017 Thank you!


I am not sure what you mean by 80/20 balance though. What are you planning to do to help you eat healthy?

lennycat2017Posted 26-03-2019 11:07 PM

@mspaceK 80% whole foods / 20% happy foods. Just making sure I'm enjoying a balance of mostly good foods but not restricting or overindulging Smiley Happy 

mspaceKPosted 26-03-2019 11:12 PM

@lennycat2017 Oh I see! That makes sense! Good luck. 

queenPPosted 28-03-2019 08:58 PM

Bit late to the party seeing as it's Thursday, but here are my goals for the next 3 days:

  • Submit my calculus assignment
  • Apply for winter exchange
  • Swim my last 2.6km for Laps for Life!
mspaceKPosted 30-03-2019 04:29 PM

My goal for next week is to book my car in for a service for the week after. I have been avoiding this for a long time and have been getting anxiety driving my car thinking it is going to break down, so I have decided that I really need to fix this issue. I am also going to give my car some love and give it a good clean next week. Thank fully my boyfriend is going to be helping me 🙂 

MaddywPosted 31-03-2019 02:06 PM

My goals for next week:

  • Work on, if not finish one of my assessments.
  • Buy a new pair of jeans as my old ones are now too big (been avoiding this for weeks because I hate trying on clothes lol).
  • Get back into a better sleep pattern.
scared01Posted 31-03-2019 02:16 PM
my goals for next week:
-get through my cardiac testing
-attend my psychologist appointment
-finish my assignment
-book my car in to get new tyres put on
DIVYAPosted 31-03-2019 06:59 PM

My weekly goal would be to ensure I take some time out for self-care like ensuring I go to the gym and eat healthy, which are the two things I was putting off from the past 2 weeks😣

lennycat2017Posted 31-03-2019 10:42 PM

My goal this week is to make sure I exercise at least 3 times! 

dncinginthedirtPosted 31-03-2019 10:47 PM

Start my assignments!

queenPPosted 01-04-2019 11:19 AM

My goals for this week:

  • Finish my psychology assignment 
  • Start studying for my statistics test next week
  • Bake my Mum a birthday cake 
  • Head to a yoga or spin class 
  • Listen to two more episodes of my podcast 
  • Meditate every day 
spacejamPosted 01-04-2019 09:10 PM

Goals for this week: 


Do 20 hrs of study 

Go to gym x 5 

Find 3 positive things everyday & post in the thread 

Jess1-ROPosted 05-04-2019 12:12 PM
How did you go with your goals this week @queenP and @spacejam? Smiley Happy
spacejamPosted 07-04-2019 02:03 PM

@Jess1-RO Missed 1 gym session because I was feeling on the edge of sickness, but I did get all of my study done! 

scared01Posted 07-04-2019 07:27 PM
my main goal is to get through tomorrow. i have a few appointments which will reveal some results from important tests. other goals include finishing up my last assignment and fixing up my current one with the corrections they gave
mspaceKPosted 07-04-2019 08:45 PM

They sound like great goals @scared01 . I know the tests are a bit scary. Hopefully school work will be a good distraction. 


My goal this week is to find a regular ongoing counselor on khl to help me at the moment, as well as speak to the nurse at Headspace to tell her what is going on and get some irl support. And then the other goal is to exercise each day finding something, however small to do. 

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 08-04-2019 10:48 AM

Great Idea for a thread @Bee.

My goal for this week, would have to be... to get my emotions back. I don't know if this issue is supposed to go on for more than a day, but I've been really empty since yesterday in the morning. I have already tried doing my favourite things, but those haven't helped me feel anything.
Another goal: to keep my room TIDY till the end of the week, at the very least.


Idk what to do. 


//You are strong, You are beautiful, You are enough//

queenPPosted 05-04-2019 07:31 PM

Pretty lousy! Had a bit of a poor mental health week and didn't manage to do the things I would have liked, but that's okay. I am trying to show myself compassion when things are getting difficult, so I've reassessed my goals for the weekend:


  • Make it to work on Sunday
  • Be present at dinner with my family on Saturday night 
  • Finish my psychology assignment 

Sometimes I get really frustrated when I can't power through things like a machine, but I need to accept that I am a person and sometimes people don't function at 100% all the time and that is fine too. 

dncinginthedirtPosted 07-04-2019 12:42 PM

Hi @queenP just letting you know that you are not alone with having poor mental health lately. And I definitely can relate to feeling the need to do everything at once to "catch up" on all the things not done. I understand that just showing up to something like work can be such a struggle so just rocking up is a win in itself! Last week I had booked in to do my Mental Health First Aid course but cos of my OWN mental health...I just didn't even go. Turned the alarm off and went back to sleep 😕


My goals are similar for this week. I'm going to the doctors tomorrow about what's going on for me mentally. I've been avoiding all my uni work for like 2 weeks and now I'm so daunted and overwhelmed by how far I've let it go. I have an assignment due tomorrow for my psych degree and I've requested a 2 day extension with the intention of just smashing it out just aiming for a pass. I booked in with the student coaches this week too to talk about my study issues to see if they can help me get back engaged with it all. 


queenPPosted 08-04-2019 09:04 PM

I'm sorry you're going through such a hard time at the moment @dncinginthedirt, I know how much it can suck! By the sounds of things you're taking some really proactive steps towards getting on top of your mental health, so congratulations for that! In times like these, I'm trying to hold onto the small victories 😄 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 26-03-2019 01:12 PM

Here are my goals, not exactly for this week but for awhile.


Do my Assignment 1. (an absolutely must to be done by this Friday)

Do my Assignment 2. 

Tidy Room. 

Prepare Tutoring. (this one's today, should be easy)

Clean (some of) House.


Fingers crossed I can get some stuff done! 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 10-02-2019 08:19 PM
Okay. My weekly goal for this week is to come to a decision about my degree. I have a meeting on wednesday (yay for carpooling) and I am going to find an answer and MAKE A DECISION. No more deliberating. No more wishwashyness. (I think I already know what my decision, well what half of it will be, but hopefully by the end of this week I'll have the whole of my decision)

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