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Never have I ever - Confession game

Okay, it's 3:30 AM and I wan't to make a confession so this is how I'm going to do it. Do you guys know that drinking game "never have I ever". Basically, if you have done a certain thing, then you have to drink once it's mentioned. For example "never have I ever cheated on my bf/gf" you would drink if you have. However, since we can't "drink" over the forum,nor do I encourage heavy drinking, comment if you've been there. If not, feel free to start a new confession and see how many people have done the same. I hope this made sense and I hope everyone can get something off their chest. I also want to see how crazy you guys are. I'll go first:



Stalked my ex boyfriend on facebook even after getting in a new relationship 


Glass_half_fullPosted 17-12-2015 04:08 AM

Comments (7 pages)

Craycray17Posted 04-01-2016 12:27 AM
Guys you realise that the thing you are saying you never did is actually something you did yeah?

Like when I say never have I ever eaten a whole pack of Tim tams to myself, I'm saying I have!
MyvoPosted 04-01-2016 02:01 PM

@Craycray17 Oooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, my bad hahaha. I honestly thought it was saying stuff that you've never done! So, basically - to refresh: I've never liked pavlova or seen any Star Wars movies. 


Since it is about stuff that we have done, that makes this game easier!




Never have I ever eaten an entire box of Ferrero Rochers in one day Heart

j95Posted 04-01-2016 09:11 PM

@Myvo you might of ate it in one day, but I ate it in one sitting

MyvoPosted 04-01-2016 09:40 PM

@stonepixie @j95 32 chocolates later...


Ferrero-Rocher Collection.jpg


Man, these chocolates are addictive! 

Gotta get my nutty Nutella-chocolate fix Heart


j95Posted 04-01-2016 09:46 PM
@Myvo that doesn't even look like 32, it looks like less so it's totally ok
N1ghtW1ngPosted 05-01-2016 04:25 AM
@Myvo I'm afraid I've done that... but they're just so good!
stonepixiePosted 04-01-2016 09:25 PM

@Myvo and @j95



Never have I ever binged on netflix so much that it asked me if I was still there. 

stonepixiePosted 04-01-2016 08:52 PM
How big was the box, @Myvo?

stonepixiePosted 02-01-2016 01:46 PM
Never have I ever watched GoT
Rainbow Lane
Rainbow LanePosted 07-10-2016 07:30 PM

Never have I ever had four desserts in one night...Smiley Tongue

JanaGPosted 13-10-2016 11:32 PM

Never have I ever snuck out of the house early in the morning to watch the sunrise.

earthgxrlPosted 05-11-2016 10:28 PM

I have done this a couple times actually - it's seriously the best especially when you do it when you're away. I try do it whenever I can drag myself out of bed because to me there's nothing nicer being awake when a majority of people are asleep, sitting outside with no cars or people going past and just watching the sunset - perfect way to start the day aaah I love it Heart


Never have I ever been bungee jumping! (yet)

driicobellPosted 15-11-2017 01:21 PM

I have not I think I would rather skydive

Never Have I Ever Skydived

more questions here.

justanobodyPosted 25-05-2019 10:12 PM

i haven't either 🙂


never have i ever gone on a road trip

N1ghtW1ngPosted 28-05-2019 11:33 AM
Love me some road trips 😛

Never have I ever gone on a cruise
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 12-06-2019 04:44 PM
I have! 2 and a half Years ago.
I found out that I get Sea sick... 😞

Never Have I Ever eaten so much dessert on NYE that I started spewing after midnight...

N1ghtW1ngPosted 23-06-2019 08:09 PM
All I do on NYE is get pissed at the neighbours because SLEEP IS IMPORTANT! So nope 😛 (I don't think I've ever had so much dessert it's made me sick either... maybe when I was younger? I feel like I'd remember something like that though)

Never have I ever talked to myself in public.
Not applicable

Bananatime04Posted 07-10-2019 09:03 AM
I have (I used to have a 2 wheeler and my friend had a 4 wheeler and we went riding)

Never have I ever regifted something to someone
N1ghtW1ngPosted 09-10-2019 09:40 AM
I probably have... but I can't remember anything so *shrugs*

Never have I ever done gymnastics
Not applicable

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 12-10-2019 08:30 PM
I have... I know... it’s sad...

*Dabs Twice* 🙂

Never have I ever had a surgery, stitches, or a broken bone.
SomeoneNADJSPosted 12-10-2019 11:12 PM

[R] I have, but I was like 2 or 3 years old. I ended up hitting the place between my eyebrows into the corner of a TV cabinet, so I had to get stitches there. Luckily I’ve never had to have anything else like that done.


And don’t worry @xXLexi_Lou122Xx, I’ve dabbed far too many times in my life 🙂 *dabs in return*


Never have I ever eaten a jalapeño.

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