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SLOW-MO: Coping with Study Stress, 21st-25th of September
Hey guys! 😄
Starting tomorrow the 21st of September, we're going to be running a week long chat about coping with study stress!
I know for a lot of people studying right now, this time of the year is starting to get super busy with assignments and in the lead up to exams. A lot of people are still online for the most part as well, which can still be pretty up and down in a lot of ways 😞
So each weekday we'll be posting a question about studying and managing the related stresses that come with it, so that we can share our experiences and any tips we have 😄
If at all you find this conversation distressing or you feel like you need to talk to someone about any issue then you can also call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 or use their webchat and email services found on their respective sites. The links can be found here. If you are new here then welcome! Have a quick peek at our community guidelines you can find them here!
We'll be kicking this chat off tomorrow! See you then!
I try my absolute best to stay organised.. it's a challenge in itself but I find having a million sticky notes on my computer screen (like not physical ones but in the computer ones? Idk what it's called lol..) kinda helps.. I have one for every subject and have all my assessments at the top then week by week schedules on in below and as I go I can backspace that shit and never see it again! Oh the relief when things are done!! 👌 I also have a general weekly one where I write myself a little list out with what I want to accomplish each day before going home.. I find breaking my assignments into smaller chunks is way less overwhelming and allows me to actually get things done and not have a complete meltdown! So staying organised is a big thing for me!
Also learning to accept shit does hit the fan. So learning to allow myself to take a break and do some self care. I used to sit there for hours staring blankly and get so upset and overwhelmed but now (with the help of my psych) we've come up with a plan to get up and leave the space when I'm like that. Sometimes I'll completely pack up and go home and others I throw my headphones in and go for a few laps of the uni to try and calm myself down and refocus. Idk, it's been really difficult adjusting to it but now that I have I've noticed I am alot more relaxed with my studies. Stress still hits but I'm usually there waiting with my boxing gloves ready to fight!! 💪
@MB95 It sounds like that you've been developing a really great balance between doing what you can to stay on top of things, while also recognising that it's inevitable that sometimes life will get the best of us, and when that happens what's so important is being able to take care of ourselves and cope
Really glad to hear that you've been able to develop some self-care strategies around when you're feeling stressed and overwhelmed...sometimes what's really needed is for us to be able to take a break and recharge so we can start functioning at full capacity again
Ooh, this is a tough one for me! I'm quite the perfectionist so if I don't get HDs all round I struggle to cope 😂 It's so pathetic because at the end of the day we all come out with the same bloody piece of paper whether we get HDs or Ps but for some reason I can't quite get my brain to apprecite that.. so would love to hear everyones tips!!
I usually end up wanting to drop out and thinking I'm not going to make a good health professional butttttt covid has changed a lot for me study wise which I have slowly begun to accept and with that comes accepting a slip in my grades.. and strangely I'm okay with that? It's like I don't care all of a sudden? Like I do care.. too much, but it's easier to just block it out and ignore it? Not sure if that makes sense..? I feel like I'm hiding behind the whole covid excuse atm and when we go back face to face and my grades stay the same I won't cope 😂
So I'll take any advice I can get here! Was literally going to ask my psych for help with this next week but you guys got in first!! Love it!!
Hi everyone I love this thread and have been checking it super often and writing down everyone's study tips. I'm really bad with study stress but it's something I'm really trying to work on, so I've found this very helpful! I think when I don't get a grade I wanted I use that as motivation to do better next time. Usually when I don't get a good grade it's because I've lost motivation, left it to the last minute and not done enough study so I use that to give me push for next time, making sure I read all the feedback and comments and use it as a real learning experience, trying to have a positive mindset when looking at it. Also just remembering that grades aren't a representation of value as a human being, I know it's a cliche but for me it's super important especially when I feel pressure to perform. And also of course doing something a lil fun to remind myself it's not the end of the world and it was only 1 grade
Looking forward to reading everyone's tips! I'm not studying at the moment but I'm sure I'll take something up again at some point, so it's always good to have this stuff in mind.
I cope by doing something that makes me feel better - watch a couple of episodes of a TV show, take a shower, eat some food - then i go over the feedback, understand where i went wrong and know for next time what i can do to improve!
That is an awesome strategy @sunnygirl606, I also find that giving myself some time away from an assignment or specific feedback allows me to relax and refocus so that I can really take in what I need to to improve! Great tip
thank you! I'm not studying but am working from home and aiming to enrol in a course in the coming months.
also - how do I 'join' a chat do I click 'subscribe' ? aha
That's so cool you're working from home @cicadas! I hope you end up enjoying the course! 🙂 What are you planning to study?
We'll be posting questions every weekday on this thread. It's up to you whether you want to reply to them and answer them. 🙂