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Creativity / Community Art

So recently we had our community art chalenges,which were awesome! (even though I only did 2 of them) I loved seeing everyone's art and it inspired me to do a couple. In our last thread a few users were talking about having an art thread, I thought I'd take the initiative and make it tonight, as Ive been  feeling rather arty tonight! haha.


Links to our community challenges #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7 


Without further ado, show us what You've been working on we'd love to see it.



I'm going to start off and post tonight's work. I was feeling frustrated, and for once felt like expressing it creatively. I just did a simple tree to get me back into painting as I haven't painted for years! Here's the result 🙂


BeePosted 25-03-2015 11:03 PM

Comments (10 pages)

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 30-12-2019 02:24 PM
That's pretty cool too @Tay100!

Admiring is just as good. Also good as self-care too!
Tay100Posted 30-12-2019 02:48 PM
I'd like to think so! It's soothing but provides also kind of sense of awe, and of altruistic stimulation and introspection which is invaluable too, I think. Hope that makes sense!
beagle866Posted 16-02-2019 01:28 PM

This thread is awesome! I did this zentangle like thing the other day. It's kind of basic, because I haven't done things like these for a while, but it's really relaxing to do and I'm going to do more when I get the chance. Here it is:





N1ghtW1ngPosted 17-02-2019 06:33 PM
Thanks @nyke and @DruidChild! It's the first thing I've really drawn in awhile.
Also I love your painting @DruidChild!

So pretty @beagle866!!
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 05-07-2019 07:06 PM

I'll have to connect my phone to the internet, and post some pictures of my most recent art pieces...
They aren't bad, but they aren't fancy ones like the anime/manga characters @N1ghtW1ng and other users can draw!

Loving seeing everybody's art!

// Nothing is impossible. The word itself says "I'm Possible" //
N1ghtW1ngPosted 30-11-2019 10:44 AM

I have a couple of my favourite pieces I'd like to share with you all! 

I haven't drawn in ages (since October, ahhh!) (though I did do a little drawing the other day...) (anyway)


This one smudged *cries* but it's still too cute not to share. 

Happy Pix.jpg


And for this next one, I really like how the fire turned out with my pencils (it looks better in real life) plus the pencil shading on my markers. (I didn't do any shading then added yellow pencil over him and it made nice lighting so woo for depth I guess :P)

Fire Kai.jpg\


Has anyone else created anything recently? 

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 30-11-2019 07:36 PM

Oh yes @N1ghtW1ng!
I haven’t really done any drawing lately, but I have made this diarama of my prototype of a food truck.

The inside...The inside...Door closed...Door closed...Back door...Back door...Side without a window...Side without a window...


It’s my business called Stackadessert! Not literally, but it was an assignment I just finished. It took me 3 hours to make, normally it would take 2 days. I’m proud of this!


here is some online art I did, meaning I did this electronically. I love editing stuff like this!What I would literally wear if I made it or bought it...What I would literally wear if I made it or bought it...My soul....My soul....56BC4D5D-052F-47C6-B82C-0536BAE2E109.jpeg53157B10-BAB8-42D8-9898-918C6DF7FD2D.jpegMost people’s depression.... and mine...Most people’s depression.... and mine...

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 21-12-2019 05:25 PM


I’m not too bad at manga/anime!


I was drawing these from tutorials, and I was bored, so here’s some art I did in half an hour!

TOM-ROPosted 21-12-2019 07:43 PM

Hey @xXLexi_Lou122Xx 


You're too modest.  These are awesome Smiley Happy

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 21-12-2019 09:38 PM
Thank you @TOM-RO!

Honestly, those were my first goes at anime/manga! I’m pretty proud of it, which is good. 🙂
Jess1-ROPosted 23-12-2019 03:31 PM
Wow @xXLexi_Lou122Xx these drawings are amazing 🙂 You are so talented!
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 25-12-2019 07:20 AM
Thank you @Jess1-RO!
Aww... I'm not that talented.... Have you seen people on YouTube? I'm nowhere near as good as them!

Okay no, I'm just being modest. 😛
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 27-12-2019 03:49 PM

A picture of some lyrics from the song "Someone You Loved" by Lewis Capaldi.A picture of some lyrics from the song "Someone You Loved" by Lewis Capaldi.

I did this in an hour!

TOM-ROPosted 27-12-2019 03:54 PM

This is wonderful!  Elite handwriting too.  Mine is ineligible, honestly!

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 27-12-2019 03:56 PM
Thank you @TOM-RO!
It's actually my natural handwriting, surprisingly enough!
TOM-ROPosted 27-12-2019 03:59 PM



I might take a photo of your artwork and handwriting and pretend it's mine haha.  Joking!

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 27-12-2019 04:03 PM
@TOM-RO lol!
You could try, but I doubt it would work! 😛
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 21-12-2019 07:01 PM


here is another one that I found and drew

nykePosted 17-02-2019 12:40 PM

Those patterns are stunning @beagle866! Love it. 


How do you decide what patterns / glyphs to put in each shape?

beagle866Posted 17-02-2019 05:54 PM



Thanks! Smiley Happy


I'm not really sure how I decide, I just do random ones, and have a set of designs (like swirls, flowers etc.) that I usually do in my head, so I kind of do certain ones automatically. I don't really think about it, I just listen to music and let my hand do the work!

N1ghtW1ngPosted 10-02-2019 08:01 PM

I drew a dinosaur! Okay, not really. I was inspired by one of my favourite youtube artists who streamed a bunch of monsters he drew (google it, Jazza Bandersnatch, it's amazing) but anyway yeah. I decided to draw my own, then the design reminded me of a dinosaur so I used it as a reference and here he is! (he's named too and everything)


(his name means purple, horned dinosaur :P)

DruidChildPosted 15-02-2019 02:52 PM

Omg @N1ghtW1ng I love that dinosaur!! Smiley Very Happy @nyke whoa your anakin looks great, very realistic!!


I painted this the other day, it was nice and relaxing. 


nykePosted 12-02-2019 12:41 PM
Oooo! That deep shade of purple looks fantastic @N1ghtW1ng and the shading really brings out some depth. Very cool!
KittysumirePosted 10-09-2018 12:08 PM



I honestly love this anime. i never knew genderbending was so much fun 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 10-09-2018 12:11 PM
They look amazing @Kittysumire!!!

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