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Creativity / Community Art

So recently we had our community art chalenges,which were awesome! (even though I only did 2 of them) I loved seeing everyone's art and it inspired me to do a couple. In our last thread a few users were talking about having an art thread, I thought I'd take the initiative and make it tonight, as Ive been  feeling rather arty tonight! haha.


Links to our community challenges #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7 


Without further ado, show us what You've been working on we'd love to see it.



I'm going to start off and post tonight's work. I was feeling frustrated, and for once felt like expressing it creatively. I just did a simple tree to get me back into painting as I haven't painted for years! Here's the result 🙂


BeePosted 25-03-2015 11:03 PM

Comments (10 pages)

nykePosted 07-01-2019 07:27 PM

Wow thanks for your kind words @annabethxchase! I found the hair really difficult because they go any which way, I erased it a ton haha. The skin isn't actually too hard once you stop thinking of it as "a face" -- it's really just a bunch of grey shapes (planes) that looks like a face because of how they relate to each other (i.e. by their position / softness / shade). Does that make sense? You could even give it a shot if you like!

Thanks @unwind! Honestly, I only started properly drawing last year! I used to sketch Pokemon on-and-off (I'll have to find some) and did compulsory art / graphics (technical drawing) up to Year 9ish, but that's it. I read a realism graphite drawing tutorial and then took a crack haha

unwindPosted 07-01-2019 07:49 PM

"The skin isn't actually too hard once you stop thinking of it as "a face" -- it's really just a bunch of grey shapes (planes) that looks like a face because of how they relate to each other (i.e. by their position / softness / shade)."


I don't know why that sentence got me shook, but it did @nyke. Love it though 😄
I might start drawing a bit again -- I love the idea of it, but just never get around to doing it.
nykePosted 07-01-2019 07:57 PM
It's definitely worth another shot! I honestly felt the same way haha
nykePosted 16-01-2019 09:03 PM

anakin-sketch - nosign.jpg

I watched The Phantom Menace on Monday this week and felt the urge to draw young Anakin, so here he is!

annabethxchasePosted 17-01-2019 08:16 AM
That's so lifelike @nyke! Well done 🙂
annabethxchasePosted 07-01-2019 07:28 PM
yeah that's so awesome 🙂 kinda, but don't worry your talking to a drawing noob here
annabethxchasePosted 07-01-2019 06:31 PM
OMG @nyke!! You are sooo talented that's so awesome!!! The hair is so intricate and the skin and oh my gawd everything!!
Jesssister2001Posted 28-08-2018 06:47 PM

@Asche Thanks!

litgymPosted 28-08-2018 08:22 PM

i just found out this thread existed bahah ! this isn’t the finished product but it’s getting there 🙂 i don’t really know why i drew fruit and veggies.i don’t really know why i drew fruit and veggies.



DruidChildPosted 28-08-2018 10:04 PM

Gorgeous @Jesssister2001 and @litgym!!!! Smiley Very Happy

redheadPosted 06-03-2017 08:42 PM
Cheers everyone 🙂 glad you like it
redheadPosted 19-03-2017 08:46 PM



Did this tonight, not my best work but meh. I did rush it, took 30ish mind 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 20-03-2017 01:31 PM
That looks great @redhead. How did you do the drip? Did you let the paint run or do it yourself?
redheadPosted 20-03-2017 04:23 PM



I love what I get to do at work 🙂

N1ghtW1ngPosted 06-03-2017 09:40 PM
@redhead you are such an amazing artist! 😄 I absolutely love seeing your work when you post it, it's stunning 🙂
N1ghtW1ngPosted 08-01-2017 05:42 PM
😮 @DruidChild

Sooo amazing!!!! :D:D:D Those hands are gorgeous!
DruidChildPosted 24-01-2017 08:22 PM

I'm trying to draw what my head feels like.





redheadPosted 06-03-2017 04:20 PM


Finished this at work today 🙂 

Bree-ROPosted 06-03-2017 08:37 PM

@redhead !!!!!! AMAZING.

DruidChildPosted 06-03-2017 08:17 PM

That's really beautiful @redhead!!! Smiley Very Happy I hope you're proud of it. You're really talented Smiley Very Happy

lokifishPosted 06-03-2017 04:36 PM

@redhead OH MY GOD. Can you paint me one? (I'd legit buy one off you if I could :D)

dustb0wldancePosted 08-01-2017 12:40 PM
That is seriously cool @DruidChild! You're awesome! Did you draw the hands yourself??

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