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Creativity / Community Art

So recently we had our community art chalenges,which were awesome! (even though I only did 2 of them) I loved seeing everyone's art and it inspired me to do a couple. In our last thread a few users were talking about having an art thread, I thought I'd take the initiative and make it tonight, as Ive been  feeling rather arty tonight! haha.


Links to our community challenges #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7 


Without further ado, show us what You've been working on we'd love to see it.



I'm going to start off and post tonight's work. I was feeling frustrated, and for once felt like expressing it creatively. I just did a simple tree to get me back into painting as I haven't painted for years! Here's the result 🙂


BeePosted 25-03-2015 11:03 PM

Comments (10 pages)

DruidChildPosted 08-01-2017 12:43 PM

Thank you @dustb0wldance Smiley Very Happy Yep, I drew all the hands myself! 🙂

loves netball
loves netballPosted 08-01-2017 01:55 PM

@DruidChild you hands down put me to shame with your drawing. That is AWESOME Smiley Very Happy

DruidChildPosted 08-01-2017 02:05 PM

@loves netball You should post some of your drawing, I bet it's awesome Smiley Very Happy and thank you so much!!


Thank you @lokifish Smiley Very Happy

loves netball
loves netballPosted 08-01-2017 02:11 PM

I don't draw @DruidChild, well I haven't for a long time because I suck and I don't know what to draw. I was painting a year ago, but I had nothing that motivated me so I stopped

lokifishPosted 08-01-2017 02:16 PM

@loves netball I'd bet money that you're a better drawer than I am... I can't even draw a proper straight line 😛 painting sounds awesome though - is that something you'd wanna find the motivation to get back into?

DruidChildPosted 08-01-2017 02:14 PM

Fair enough @loves netball. I didn't do any drawing for ages, but I got back into drawing by finding artists that I really liked, it's cool to look at art even if you don't feel like making any 🙂

lokifishPosted 08-01-2017 02:04 PM

@DruidChild WOAH they're so realistic! So cool 😄

Melanie_KleinPosted 28-10-2016 02:09 PM

Hi RO peeps!


I painted this picture around October last year during a pretty severe depressive episoide. I have NO idea why I did it in black and white but I guess it mirrored my mood. During that time I pretty much did nothing but paint for 2-3 days to get away from my thoughts. It really helped, wish I had time to paint more often! 12185187_912144805539163_4649708679510714056_o.jpg

N1ghtW1ngPosted 29-10-2016 12:21 PM
@Melanie_Klein that's really pretty 🙂 What kind of paint did you use?
FootyFan26Posted 08-01-2017 12:34 PM
I don't know if it's just me @DruidChild but I can't see your pic.
DruidChildPosted 08-01-2017 12:36 PM

It's not just you @FootyFan26, I can't figure out how to post it Smiley Tongue I'll try again


@Sans-RO @lokifish @dustb0wldance ðŸ™‚


Bay52VUPosted 01-10-2016 09:27 PM

So I finally got around to making thissss, which is my version of a self care plan thingy. I decided to make it a while ago because lists stress me out when I'm feeling bad, so the last thing I'd want to do is look at a safety plan list!


Drop a marble at the top, let it roll down, and whichever box it falls in is the activity to do. I can swap out the activities if I think of new ones cause they're just on little slips of paper.


I can't take a good photo so you'll have to deal with the partial blurriness.



Nessa17Posted 02-10-2016 11:20 AM

@Bay52VU That is so cool and such a creative idea! You should share a tutorial on it or something so that we can all make our own versions, because I know that'd be something really helpful for me! ^^

Bay52VUPosted 03-10-2016 10:40 AM

Thanks @Nessa17 I've just posted some instructions here 🙂


Thanks @N1ghtW1ng yep I drew the background, although I just copied the shuttle picture off a drawing I found online 😛 If I'd had a printer I probably would've designed the background on my computer and printed it out, but no such luck haha 😛 

AschePosted 11-10-2016 04:27 PM

I don't "art" as much I used to, but I try to dabble in a bit of photography when I can find the time. No more sketches, though: Those took waaaayy too long to pull off, and as a perfectionist, I'd never be satisfied with the end result anyway. (Seriously, I once spent 30 hours on a single drawing to try and make it perfect before I got fed up. Drove me up the wall. Photography's much less frustrating.)


Anyway, here's some examples:


Tron at Vivid






A Dance of Pearls.jpg

Bay52VUPosted 11-10-2016 06:48 PM
Wow those are great @Asche 😄 How long have you been doing photography?
AschePosted 12-10-2016 01:18 AM

Thanks @Bay52VU! I think I started around...March 2013? So 3 and a bit years now. I've had plenty of help on the way from the university's photography club to push my personal boundaries and get better Smiley Very Happy

redheadPosted 15-10-2016 05:47 PM


Drew this today with my favourite lyric. 

You are not alone, in the eye of the darkest storm
We are the lighthouse shining a lamp from the shore

N1ghtW1ngPosted 16-10-2016 10:21 AM
That's really cool @redhead, what did you use to draw it?
redheadPosted 16-10-2016 04:36 PM


Redhead - oil pastels on card. 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 26-10-2016 01:12 PM

@redhead I absolutely love your art. You're so talented 🙂


So over on TwittRO (I think) I said I'd make a daily planner with crayons for stickers and TA DA!!! I did it! 


Crayon Planner.JPG



I used regular coloured pencils for the tasks, because crayon wouldn't of fit. 😛 Soon, it'll have stickers! I'm considering just adding different coloured stickers over it until I run out of stickers so I don't have to keep making more (for example, the first two weeks are blue stickers, then green and so on) I'm not sure whether I should start it on Monday to make the weeks easier or just start today but I'm so happy with it. It's a bit messy and uneven but it's also crayon and to me, crayon makes messes okay! 😄


Also, in case you're wondering, the blue arrow is Avatar Aang 😛 

DruidChildPosted 15-10-2016 07:15 PM

I really like that @redhead! I love lighthouses. Are you planning on doing some more art tonight? 🙂 

N1ghtW1ngPosted 02-10-2016 04:23 PM
@Bay52VU That is amazing!!!! Did you draw the background? It's such a wonderful idea! 🙂

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