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Creativity / Community Art

So recently we had our community art chalenges,which were awesome! (even though I only did 2 of them) I loved seeing everyone's art and it inspired me to do a couple. In our last thread a few users were talking about having an art thread, I thought I'd take the initiative and make it tonight, as Ive been  feeling rather arty tonight! haha.


Links to our community challenges #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7 


Without further ado, show us what You've been working on we'd love to see it.



I'm going to start off and post tonight's work. I was feeling frustrated, and for once felt like expressing it creatively. I just did a simple tree to get me back into painting as I haven't painted for years! Here's the result 🙂


BeePosted 25-03-2015 11:03 PM

Comments (10 pages)

BeePosted 21-12-2018 10:46 AM
Thats so great @litgym !!!
I really like the skirt! So pretty!

@redhead those paintings are amazing!!
redheadPosted 21-12-2018 12:20 PM
@gina-RO yeh I painted them. Thanks
gina-ROPosted 21-12-2018 10:08 AM

@litgym so cool! 

ShadowPosted 16-11-2018 10:32 AM

@litgym I love the shading. You've drawn the angles of the sails well too. They aren't easy. It's good 🙂 

redheadPosted 20-12-2018 10:13 PM

IMG20181213182959 (2).jpg

Binalong Bay, Tas



IMG20181220205525 (2).jpg

Bridport, TAS

gina-ROPosted 21-12-2018 09:34 AM

@redhead did you do those? They are so beautiful! 

scared01Posted 22-12-2018 11:45 AM
love this thread
you guys are so talented. keep up the awesome work!

@litgym love your creativity with the clothing and your opera house too

@redhead your paintings are amazing
nykePosted 26-12-2018 08:18 PM

Hi everyone! I've been lurking for a couple of weeks, but would really like to share what I've been working on. 🙂




I've had a rougher couple of months than usual when it comes to my mental health, so I would drag this out to distract myself whenever I needed a break from my thoughts. 

mrmusicPosted 26-12-2018 08:27 PM

That's really awesome @nyke! 🙂

litgymPosted 26-12-2018 08:46 PM

im not that good at drawing but i want to share this 🙂08617454-15BF-4371-92DD-3BE7E99C1B3A.jpeg



N1ghtW1ngPosted 31-12-2018 10:56 PM
@redhead ahhhh oh my gosh those paintings are beautiful!!!!

@nyke 😮 SO PRETTY!!!! You're so talented!

@litgym I love the bird! You are so good at drawing 🙂
nykePosted 31-12-2018 11:32 PM

That's really nice @litgym! I especially love all the detail on the wings. Were you drawing any species of bird (owl?) in particular?


Wow thanks for the kind words @N1ghtW1ng! I've always considered myself a very average drawer, but I tried my first portrait last year and surprised myself. I must've learnt the skills when we did technical drawing work in Graphics / Tech back in year eight -- I thought spending a year sketching pencil sharpeners was a waste of time, but I digress! A couple of tutorials later and yeah, it's proof that drawing can be learnt. I could never and still can't draw from imagination though, that's a really admirable talent. Smiley Very Happy



litgymPosted 01-01-2019 09:48 AM

thank you Heart not really sure what bird it is haha @nyke

BeePosted 03-01-2019 05:42 PM
Woah @nyke that drawing is amazing!

@litgym aww such an adorable little bird, kind of reminds me of an owl 🙂
annabethxchasePosted 06-01-2019 10:23 AM

Trying to get how I've been feeling out on paper:

IMG_4452.JPGSorry it's sideways, not sure how to fix it

litgymPosted 06-01-2019 10:42 AM

i love that idea ! @annabethxchase

annabethxchasePosted 06-01-2019 10:46 AM
thanks @litgym, it's taking my mind of stuff and even though i'ma terrible drawer it feels good getting stuff out
litgymPosted 06-01-2019 10:47 AM

you’re not a terrible drawer !!! when i saw it i was like oh shit she can draw ahahaha, you’re good !!! @annabethxchase

annabethxchasePosted 06-01-2019 10:51 AM
yes @litgym my sqiggles are adequately brilliant 😉 (sarcasm btw if you couldn't detect it 😉 )
annabethxchasePosted 07-01-2019 11:34 AM

heres the henna I did - i thought I posted it hear but I posted it on my main thread 😞


litgymPosted 07-01-2019 11:44 AM


some art from art class but it’s really bad and sorry how it’s been formatted eh ! 

annabethxchasePosted 07-01-2019 11:46 AM
OH MY GAWD that is the prettiest @litgym, those colours are so beautiful
nykePosted 07-01-2019 11:52 AM

That henna looks fantastic @annabethxchase! There's so much detail in such a tiny space. Smiley Surprised


That looks like a Mallard duck @litgym, except upside down!! I really like how you've made the feathers look fluorescent / shiny, that's a really clever use of colour and tone. Smiley Very Happy

nykePosted 07-01-2019 06:29 PM

BeckSketch (small).jpg

This is the sketch / self-care that I've been referring to last week haha. His name is Beck.

unwindPosted 07-01-2019 07:08 PM
That is such a great drawing 😮 @nyke, some talent you've got there!! Have you been drawing throughout your life? I've always tried it but could never do it successfully.

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