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Hey! So @j95 and I came up with a cool idea to have the longest list of coping mechanisms EVER.


Use this list when you're feeling down as a way to get through the day or night!


Help us add to it by giving us ONE SUGGESTION PER POST 🙂


My first coping mechanism suggestion is:


  • SNUGGLING YOUR DOGS FOR 5 MINUTES. (Cos dogs are the best)
lanejanePosted 13-07-2015 09:26 PM

Comments (13 pages)

Ben-ROPosted 10-02-2016 10:59 AM
@n1gthw1ing I am totally doing this on the weekend-in my bed, with ice cream for Valentines day. It's gonna be great 🙂
redheadPosted 05-11-2015 02:11 PM
157. Go to a park and watch the birds/ ducks
j95Posted 04-11-2015 11:59 PM
156. Have a technology or social media free day
j95Posted 05-11-2015 02:13 PM
158. MAKE ZINES!! (will explain what they are later)
Ben-ROPosted 05-11-2015 03:00 PM

Omg how good are Zines! @j95


159. Make a ReachOut  Zine on the forums and then print it! 

stonepixiePosted 05-11-2015 04:49 PM
That sounds like fun, @Ben-RO

160. Clean your room.
Ben-ROPosted 08-01-2016 01:56 PM

161. Read about a cool project that you want to do and design it in your head (this distracts me from literally anything). Here's what I'm reading up on making this weekend 🙂 


mimbochiPosted 08-01-2016 03:33 PM

162. Volunteer somewhere (giving back to community)

j95Posted 08-01-2016 02:50 PM
@Ben-RO vertical gardens are so cool!!
redheadPosted 02-11-2015 07:08 PM
154. Blow bubbles
stonepixiePosted 02-11-2015 10:30 PM
155. Pop said bubbles. 🙂
safari93Posted 01-11-2015 08:12 PM

@Bay52VU that's a super cute and useful idea! I also like @N1ghtW1ng's suggestion about categories relating to where you might be or what kind of self-care might be useful for you at the time. 

Craycray17Posted 01-11-2015 03:24 PM
@Bay52VU that is awesome! What a creative idea
Craycray17Posted 30-10-2015 06:47 PM
@j95 (and anyone reading this in the same position) here are some coping strategies that I have found that can help when grieving over the loss of a pet.

1. Don't let others devalue your grief. Some people won't understand that a pet is like a family member, so don't worry if they don't understand, many others do!
2. Connect with others who have lost pets. I thought that maybe, J95, when you're ready you can make a thread in memory of Friday and others can share their pet memories. I think that your value of your pets makes you the perfect person for this (only when you are ready!!!!!) and it can help with the grieving process
3. Create a legacy for your pet. When I dog passed, we buries him in the yard and planted flowers in his memory on top. I care for the flowers and it makes me feel as though I'm caring for him still. Maybe you would like to create a space, make a printout and frame for your room, even plant a tree in honour of Friday.
4. Care for living pets. Your remaining companion will be feeling grief just like you, so remember that you have eachother and you can help eachother through.

And of course these are only little tips and ideas from others, so they arw not professional 'must do's. However I think that relating them to when my dog passed away, I think they could help possibly.

Here for you
redheadPosted 30-10-2015 12:31 PM
144. Punch something (preferably not a wall or person) it's great to get the emotions out.
Craycray17Posted 29-10-2015 08:06 AM
142. Above
143. Cook easy mac and eat it one noodle at a time
Craycray17Posted 29-10-2015 08:06 AM
Go to the beach and pick up pretty shells
MyvoPosted 29-10-2015 12:35 AM

Completing mind-boggling puzzles like sudoku, jigsaw puzzles, Rubiks cubes, and building Lego sets

MyvoPosted 30-10-2015 11:02 PM

Admiring awesome printed photography. 

Bay52VUPosted 31-10-2015 09:07 PM

152. Imagine how you'd design an app for the 1000001 COPING STRATEGIES & DISTRACTIONS thread.

What I'd want to do, if I knew what I was doing, is create an app that offers up the suggestions. You could ask it for a random activity, or put in some details like outside/inside, low/med/high exertion level, low/med/high focus to narrow down the selections. If there's certain activities you know you hate you can select "do not show again" and/or swipe it to the trash bin... While if there's certain activities you find really help or you enjoy them lots you can select "this one's a winner" and/or swipe it to the pin board. And if you want to make more search categories or disagree with how they've originally been categorised you can change those too.

MyvoPosted 31-10-2015 09:37 PM

@Bay52VU Oooo, yes! Hey, have you checked out The Toolbox? It may be similar to what you're talking about. I think R.O are still working on it to iron out the glitches but worth checking out Smiley Happy

Bay52VUPosted 01-11-2015 09:47 AM

@Myvo I dunno, I'm not sure that the Toolbox actually does what I'm meaning...

I meant something more like:





moonwalkPosted 01-11-2015 09:32 PM
Such an awesome idea @Bay52VU!
Bay52VUPosted 01-11-2015 10:34 PM

Thanks guys, glad the idea seemed useful to other people too. 🙂

Ben-ROPosted 02-11-2015 12:19 PM

@Bay52VU that's a brilliant idea! 


Maybe we should do it!? 


You could just shake the phone and a new suggestion would pop up!


We could also have a bit where people can add new coping strategies! 



Help someone else make their brilliant idea work. (like maybe helping @Bay52VU get their idea off the ground 🙂 



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