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Lost my mind.

Why do I let the voices win. 

redheadPosted 03-02-2019 09:05 PM


redheadPosted 14-02-2019 04:19 PM

Apparently I'm borderline according to that Dr a not allowed crisis admissions @Eden1717 like has he even looked at my files. 

Jay-ROPosted 14-02-2019 04:16 PM
Hey there @redhead, that sounds super frustrating to be refused by the Dr, as Eden has already asked, did they give you a reason?

If you're not able to go to the psych ward tonight, do you have a safety plan to help you get through the evening?
Eden1717Posted 14-02-2019 03:37 PM

@redhead did they say why? it could be that there are no beds..... idk seems weird that one doctor is stopping something that 3 other people think is a good idea.... 

redheadPosted 14-02-2019 03:34 PM
So apparently the Dr on the ward won't admit me despite everything that happened proir to and at outpatient
redheadPosted 14-02-2019 03:07 PM
The Dr in ward refused me entry despite the work of outpatient Dr and CM
redheadPosted 14-02-2019 02:15 PM
I'm talking with my case manager. They are planning to admit me to the psych ward.
Jay-ROPosted 14-02-2019 02:08 PM
Hey @redhead, thank you for confirming your safety 🙂 Will you be able to make a plan with your CM to help you stay safe tonight?

I'm glad that writing it out was helpful for you, showing it to your CM sounds like a great idea. I hope you're meeting with them goes well.
redheadPosted 14-02-2019 01:00 PM
I'm safe until I see my CM.

It did feel good to write about it. I'm going to show my case manager
Jay-ROPosted 14-02-2019 12:57 PM
Hey there @redhead, are you safe right now?

Even though it hasn't made you feel happy, it's wonderful to hear that your dr is increasing your T dose. Although you're unable to share it, did writing about how you're feeling help at all? It's great to see how mindful you are of our community guidelines.

Do you think you'd be able to tell your CM about how you're feeling?
redheadPosted 14-02-2019 12:33 PM
I can't do this fuck life.
redheadPosted 14-02-2019 11:53 AM
@Jay-RO I'm seeing my CM at 1.
I saw my gender Dr this morning and I got my T dose increased. This isn't even making me fucking happy. I hate fucking schizoaffective. Even here blasting headphones as loud as I can I'm fucking hearing voices and shit.

I wish I could share some of my writing about how I'm feeling and about the beings but 90% is probably out of guidelines.
Jay-ROPosted 14-02-2019 11:11 AM

Hey there @redhead


I am sorry to hear about what happened, it sounds like last night was incredibly difficult. I can see that you tried to keep yourself safe by going for a walk and reading your safety plan despite how difficult things were. Is there any self-care you can do today?


Will you be seeing your CM soon? 

Eden1717Posted 14-02-2019 10:48 AM

@redhead that's horrible i am sorry that happened to you. 

redheadPosted 14-02-2019 10:20 AM
I was dragged to hospital in handcuffs last night. I'm over my life.
linkinpark13Posted 13-02-2019 09:53 PM

a walk sounds like a good idea to clear your head and keep busy 🙂

I actually did the same last night when I wasn't feeling well myself, are you listening to any music while you walk?

redheadPosted 13-02-2019 09:50 PM
I decided to go for a walk
linkinpark13Posted 13-02-2019 09:50 PM

that is totally okay @redhead, what are you up to right now? 🙂

letitgoPosted 10-02-2019 01:02 PM

Well done for going to the hospital @redhead and I'm so sorry that they sent you home 😞

How are you feeling at the moment?

dncinginthedirtPosted 10-02-2019 02:48 AM

That's such a shame they sent you home. Did they explain to you what to do at home or if things got worse for you? Is there a family member you can let know how you're feeling now? 

lennycat2017Posted 07-02-2019 01:03 AM

@redhead Thanks for letting me know, hoping you get a good nights sleep. 


It sounds like you're still having a tough time, have you had a chance to talk to anyone about how you're feeling? xx

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