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TW: Grief, Depression, Anxiety, Self Harm & Suicide

Hey guys,


I’m just making a new thread because my old one was getting quite long. Anyway the things I usually talk about or the things I’m struggling with are in the title Smiley Indifferent


Well my main problem right now is grief.. I’m not coping with my recent loss of my counsellor from 2 years 😞 does anyone have any tips for dealing with grief?



Bananatime04Posted 06-07-2020 03:24 PM

Comments (29 pages)

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 09-01-2021 12:08 PM
Hey @Bananatime04, I'm sorry to hear how much you're struggling 😞 If it's okay, how did he make you feel happy?

Do you have anyone supporting you right now?
Bananatime04Posted 09-01-2021 11:54 AM
That’s alright @xXLexi_Lou122Xx 🙂 same though, my supporting skills don’t exist aha I am not very helpful anymore
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 09-01-2021 10:22 AM
@Bananatime04 you're welcome Heart

I'm okay, just a bit tired and my health playing up a bit. Apart from that, I'm great, its just my supporting skills are a little rusty. I haven't been online much either lol. 😄
Bananatime04Posted 09-01-2021 10:19 AM
@xXLexi_Lou122Xx thank you so much Heart
I hope you’re okay 🙂
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 09-01-2021 09:50 AM
Aww, @Bananatime04 I'm so sorry that all of this has happened... Heart

I'm not very good at supporting at the moment, but I'm here for you. Heart We love you here, Bananatime04. Heart
Bananatime04Posted 09-01-2021 05:20 AM
@Janine-RO @WheresMySquishy thank you Heart
I have been struggling to feel okay and I think I’ve turned down a bad path. I have been drinking a lot and I also have done drugs. I just want to be happy. I want him back but everyone says it’s not worth it. He was my happiness

I’m okay though
WheresMySquishyPosted 08-01-2021 10:04 PM

It's good to hear from you again @Bananatime04. I wish it was under better circumstances though. You're right, Christmas Eve is such a bad time to break up with someone. 😞
I'm glad you're safe. How are you feeling now?
We're here for you. Heart

Janine-ROPosted 04-01-2021 10:29 AM

Hey @Bananatime04 ! Just wanted to check in, and see how you're doing - break ups are shit at the best of times, let alone on Xmas eve 😞  I hope you're doing okay Heart 

Tiny_leafPosted 25-12-2020 11:13 AM

Merry Christmas @Bananatime04!

Bananatime04Posted 25-12-2020 10:57 AM
Thanks guys

Merry Christmas
I might talk about it later but I don’t really feel like it atm
Sophia-ROPosted 24-12-2020 10:37 PM

I am sorry to hear about what has happened @Bananatime04 . I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now. Smiley Sad It sucks to hear that you are feeling like you want to die, but its good that you are safe right now. Is there anything that you can do tonight that might help you manage these feelings?

Lost_Space_Explorer5Posted 24-12-2020 10:24 PM
Hey @Bananatime04, it's nice to hear from you again! I'm sorry things have been so hard lately 😞 Christmas eve, I agree the timing is pretty icky

I'm glad you're safe but I'm sorry to hear you got broken up with and that it's brought back a lot of pain 😞 Did you want to talk about what's been going on for you?
Tiny_leafPosted 24-12-2020 09:59 PM

@Bananatime04 I had something similar like that happen a few years ago, it's horrible Smiley Sad

Bananatime04Posted 24-12-2020 09:35 PM
I’m so happy to hear from you all

About 20 minutes ago I just got broken up with from a 4 month relationship that somehow cured all my problems. I started eating, I was so happy, I was confident
And now I want to die again (I’m safe though)

But seriously
Sophia-ROPosted 24-12-2020 04:07 PM
Aw, sorry to hear that things are tough right now @Bananatime04, I am glad to hear that you are getting through it though Heart

Leo sounds so lovely @Tiny_leaf, I bet he is so big now. Puppies grow so big within the first few months, must be pretty cool to be there to see him as he grows up into a big boy!
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 24-12-2020 01:52 PM
Aww, that sucks... I'm glad you're getting through it though, its hard to do that sometimes. Heart We're always here for you though! Heart

@Tiny_leaf haha, Leo is just too funny! Smiley LOL

I've missed talking to you guys! We should catch up a bit more soon... 🙂
Tiny_leafPosted 24-12-2020 12:09 PM

@Bananatime04 my Leo-puppy is six months now! He's getting so big and so naughty.


I'm doing pretty well, all my medications are doing what they're meant to.


Oh I was in a car crash though. (Everyone's okay and I'm no longer sore, but it was very stressful at the time.)

Leo was there and he was very upset that none of the police stopped to pat him.

Bananatime04Posted 24-12-2020 09:18 AM
@Tiny_leaf TINYLEAF!!!!!!!!! How have you been? 🙂

It’s okay, I’m getting through it.
Tiny_leafPosted 23-12-2020 10:45 PM



I'm sorry the last few days have been so hard...

Bananatime04Posted 23-12-2020 10:16 PM
@xXLexi_Lou122Xx I’ve miss you too @Sophia-RO thanks

The past few days for me have been the worst emotional pain I’ve ever been in. I’m exhausted
Sophia-ROPosted 22-12-2020 02:47 PM

Hello @Bananatime04 , good to hear from you! Hope that you have been well and that you have a chance to have a nice holiday break Smiley Tongue

xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 22-12-2020 12:30 PM
Hey @Bananatime04!

We've Missed you! Heart
xXLexi_Lou122XxPosted 24-09-2020 05:28 PM
Aww Man! I just missed you! I was a bit busy this morning, my sister and I were trying to finish the painting we’ve been working on. Still not quite done, but its nearly there! 🙂

@Bananatime04 its so great to see you back again! I’m so happy that you’ve been doing better lately, and congrats on your relationship! And great job, with your progress! 🙂 Heart

I could be better, physically, but I’m doing okay mentally. 🙂
Hannah-ROPosted 24-09-2020 02:08 PM

Hey @Bananatime04 ! It's so great to hear from you!


And it's great to hear that you are great! And so lovely about your relationship Heart

Absolutely no need to apologise for not being online, we appreciate the update but more than anything it's so awesome to hear that you're doing well Smiley Very Happy

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