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The Troubleshooter
Troubleshooting is actually a pretty complicated thing. Nerds like me absolutely love it.
Here's my troubleshooting process for anything that breaks in my house.
I didn't say i was very good at troubleshooting....
We can often do the same thing for our brains - although i strongly advise not using Tape or WD-40 on your brain :P.
This is a thread to troubleshoot tough times, to use this thread you have to do three things.
1. Post the problem - it can be anything
2. Tell us what you want to stop or get moving again - or what you would like things to be like.
3. Tell us what you'd like help with - it's okay to have nooo idea where to start.
4. While you wait for some help, go help someone else with their step 3 by asking them how you can help.
For example:
1. The problem: I don't like my current haircut.
2. What i'd like help with- Figuring out what to do with my current haircut, i just wish my hair didn't look like an angry duck.
3. I would like some help finding men's wigs, or learning to accept that my hair is going to take a while to grow.
This is a kind of experimental thread, so let me know what you think about it too 🙂
I may or may not of replied to them using some obscene language when I had my cranky pants on last night, oops....
I have extremely bad ptsd and over the years i've learnt certain techniques that helped me, what happens when they don't cut it anymore.
// fear doesn't get you, you get the fear//
Hi @NR2045,
We would really like to explore the idea of techniques for coping with you more, it sounds like you have been working on some for a while now. I have just replied to your post over here to ask about what works for you
My boyfriend has recently been getting high very frequently and I'm worried its getting serious. He won't listen to me when I tell him its worrying me or that I don't like it. He just tells me he'll be careful but I'm scared he might hurt himself. I really need help, but I'm not sure what i should say or do to let him know I'm there, and that I think this is really dangerous.
Hey @Not-me
Welcome to ReachOut! I'm really glad that you thought of coming to a community like this to get some support. It can definitely be concerning when someone you care about is getting high frequently. It's really positive that you want to be a support person
We actually have an article here on How to help a friend with drug addiction. It has some really helpful tips on how to approach the situation as well as some link to support services if that's something your boyfriend wants.
In the meantime, what can you do to look after yourself? Do you practise any form of self-care?
I think that's super cool....so here's my problem I recently came out as Bi and like my best friend, I don't know if I should just tell her or if I should not because it may ruin the friendship. Any suggestions.
Hi @OliviaBenson and welcome to ReachOut
Just letting you know I've deleted a duplicate post of yours in this thread, and moved your original post to here where it will be seen.
Hey @mist and welcome to ReachOut! Just so you know, ReachOut is specifically for people in Australia aged 14-25, and because you're from America, a lot of the info on here might not be relevant to you. However, you can find a list of local resources in the United States here.
Wishing you the best of luck with everything!
1. My family's government payments got cut, which means we can't afford the basics anymore and my mum might have to leave uni and get a job. This is making me feel extremely anxious and hopeless and I've started researching suicide methods again.
2. I want the government to stop being horrible and useless, but that's pretty unrealistic since being horrible and useless is basically it's entire job. I want our family to get enough income to support ourselves without my mum having to compromise her long term financial stability.
3. I want help figuring out what I can do to help this situation.
4. @j95, I'm sorry they were so unhelpful and dismissive, it sounds really hurtful 😞 I was wondering whether they breached their duty of care that they have on their website? (https://www.mensline.org.au/about-us/duty-of-care) Because if you could show them that they'd broken their duty of care you might have a better chance of getting an apology?
Gee that's tough! It's so stressful when you have a plan and suddenly the finances shift and everything loses stability!
Have you ever spoken to a Centrelink Social worker? Sometimes they can help with sorting out payments and often you might be eligible for different kinds of support that you and your family might not know you could apply for.
I think you also mentioned thinking about getting a job but that mental health stuff meant that this might be too much. Would this be something you want to explore though? There are some pretty good organisations out there that are set up to support people to find a job they can do in a way they can do it. So for example making sure it's okay to have extra time off if you need to, different ways to work etc etc.
With all that, yep @loves netball still has a good point, sometimes we can't fix all the things and we have to accept the things we can't change.
AND good stuff on keeping yourself safe and taking some steps to distract 🙂
Thanks for the social worker link! I'll check it out and show my mum the link as well, she might be able to use the service more than me. My plans don't need to change, luckily, mostly I just feel really bad for my mum because the whole reason she has to do her study now is because she stayed home with me and my siblings for 19 years.
Right now working part time would be too much, I'm not even sure if I'll be able to cope with full time study. Last semester I did like four hours of work a week and just that was too much. Also I'm qualified to do child care work and I really don't want to do child care work because some of my intrusive thoughts would make it hell for me. BUT if I could get a job on my uni campus, like at some food place or something, I'd consider that.
Yep. Sometimes I can't change things, I definitely can't change the past, and I'm trying to remember that I am not responsible for my parents' life and parenting decisions.
I didn't go so well with the distraction but oh well, I'm okay.
hey @DruidChild could part time study be an option as opposed to full time study?
Thanks @letitgo, unfortunately it's not an option as I need to be studying full time to qualify for youth allowance But it was a good suggestion, thank you 🙂
Also if you had a hire car you'd be able to do a bit more exploring but if you're not planning on traveling the NT in that while then maybe organising something else would be helpful.